[Lista-Algas] Postdoctoral research opportunity - Aquatic invasive species
Andres Boltovskoy
anboltov at gmail.com
Thu Jul 9 15:03:12 ART 2009
The Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystem Research
A Great Lakes Information Network Partner
Announcement of Postdoctoral Research Opportunity Aquatic Invasive Species
The University of Michigan Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research (CILER) is soliciting proposals for a two-year postdoctoral invasive species research opportunity in support of NOAA’s Aquatic Invasive Species Program (AISP). This is a cooperative venture of the NOAA Aquatic Invasive Species Program (AISP)/National Center for Research on Aquatic Invasive Species (NCRAIS) and CILER.
The goal of this program is to engage talented recent PhDs (see below for eligibility) in biological invasion research of interest and relevance to NOAA, introduce them to the mission and organizational culture of NOAA, and foster new biological invasion research activities within NOAA. The individual selected will serve as a Visiting Scientist at a participating NOAA research institution (“NOAA Host Institution”), but the actual employment will be with a NOAA Cooperative Institute or University Partner (”Partner Institution”). This is not a Federal position nor a permanent position.
Interested postdoctoral candidates must contact a NOAA mentor scientist at one of the potential NOAA Host Institutions identified below to discuss research ideas and, if the mentor agrees, develop and submit a proposal following the outline below. The NOAA Host Institution, its associated Partner Institution, and the associated mentor scientists must endorse the proposal in writing. The NOAA Host Institution must submit the final proposal with all endorsements attached.
NOAA’S Mission
NOAA’s Mission: To understand and predict changes in Earth’s environment and conserve and manage coastal and marine resources to meet our Nation’s economic, social, and environmental needs
More information about NOAA’s mission is in the NOAA Strategic Plan.
NOAA’s Aquatic Invasive Species Program Mission
The AISP is a program component within the NOAA Habitat Matrix Program, and operates across several NOAA Line Offices.
The mission of the NOAA AISP is to prevent new invasions and eliminate, mitigate, or control existing invasive species in U.S. coastal, Great Lakes, and ocean ecosystems. AISP directly supports two NOAA Mission Goals (see NOAA Strategic Plan):
a.. Ecosystems Goal - Protect, Restore, and Manage the Use of Coastal and Ocean Resources through an Ecosystem Approach to Management, and
b.. Commerce and Transportation Goal - Support the Nation’s Commerce with Information for Safe, Efficient and Environmentally Sound Transportation
AISP focuses on developing capabilities related to Prevention, Early Detection and Monitoring, Rapid Response, Control and Management, and Leadership and Coordination related to invasive species. Research is an essential element of these capabilities.
AISP Postdoctoral Research Program Priorities
Proposed research must be relevant to one or more of the following NOAA AISP priorities:
a.. New control methods for established nonindigenous species posing serious or potentially serious harm to U.S. coastal (including the Great Lakes), marine, and/or transboundary resources.
b.. Analytical or forecast methods and modeling approaches to identify aquatic species that present a risk to U.S. coastal ecosystems based on:
a.. projected trends in global trade patterns (shipping, organisms-in-trade, aquaculture, or other vectors);
b.. facilitation by co-evolved prior invaders; or
c.. the effects climate change.
c.. Techniques for early detection and increased speed of identification of species using genetic and molecular tools in place of or in support of classic taxonomic approaches.
Applicants must hold a Ph.D. or equivalent degree from an accredited academic institution recognized by the University of Michigan or must present certification from the conferring institution that all requirements have been met and a qualifying degree will be awarded by a specified “date certain” that is prior to the start of the appointment (see “Start date” below).
Applicants must have demonstrated research productivity, preferably through publications in the peer-reviewed literature.
Applicant's training and research experience must be appropriate for the studies outlined in the proposal.
This position is limited to persons who have held their doctorate (or equivalent degree) less than four years at the time of application.
Qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, sex, color, religion, creed, national origin or ancestry, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, or Vietnam-era veteran status.
Citizenship and Visa Requirements
This opportunity is open to all citizens of the U.S. and non-citizens. If not a U.S. citizen, applicant must be able to secure valid immigration status and work authorization before the expected start date and maintain valid immigration status and work authorization throughout the duration of employment. Applicants must be able to communicate in English both verbally and in writing.
Prior Affiliation with the Host Institutions
The AISP Postdoctoral Research Program seeks to:
1.. infuse new research talent and fresh ideas into NOAA programs; and
2.. provide new research scientists with an opportunity to experience and gain understanding of the mission and organizational culture of NOAA.
Therefore, applicants with present or recent prior affiliation with the proposed NOAA Host Institution, its programs, projects or mentors must clearly identify and describe their prior activities in detail.
Award Information
CILER administers this Program under a cooperative agreement with NOAA. Funding, including the postdoctoral salary, will be via a sub-award to the Partner Institution (see below) associated with and identified in the selected proposal. Funding will be for up to 2 years of postdoctoral salary and benefits, a modest research stipend including project-related travel, and overhead as determined by the policies and cost structure of the Partner Institution.
Application packages will be reviewed by an Advisory Panel consisting of representatives from NOAA (Aquatic Invasive Species Program, Sea Grant, Cooperative Institute Program) and the University of Michigan-CILER. The Director of NCRAIS will Chair the Advisory Panel but will not vote on the proposals.
If CILER is the designated Partner Institution on any proposals, the CILER representative on the Advisory Panel will recuse himself from the discussions and review of those specific proposals. If NOAA-GLERL is the designated host institution associated with any submitted proposals, the Director of NCRAIS will recuse himself from the discussions and review of those specific proposals.
The University of Michigan-CILER will make the award via a subcontract after consultation with the Director of NCRAIS and in consideration of the recommendation of the Advisory Panel, and will notify the successful Host Institution.
Review Factors and Weight
a.. Technical and scientific merit (35%)
b.. Qualifications of applicant and the mentors (20%)
c.. Relevance to AISP priorities and the NOAA mission (20%)
d.. Potential for management applications and/or outcomes relevant to NOAA trust resources (15%)
e.. Uniqueness (10%)
Other Criteria (Required)
a.. Facilities and equipment necessary to perform the research must be available at the Host institution(s) or included in the proposed budget.
b.. Cost cannot exceed the available funds.
Notification of Selection
The Host Institution will be responsible for notifying and making the offer to the Applicant after receiving notice of selection from CILER.
Both the Host Institution and the Applicant must respond directly to the University of Michigan CILER before the subcontract will be issued.
IMPORTANT: Postdoctoral research candidates will be subject to security review and must receive authorization from the appropriate NOAA Servicing Security Office for access to the NOAA facilities associated with their proposed research. Special requirements apply to foreign nationals (NAO 207-12). Security authorization must be obtained before the selection/offer is finalized. The NOAA Host Institution is responsible for obtaining the required authorization. Failure to obtain security authorization for NOAA facility access will result in the offer being withdrawn and presented to another applicant based on Advisory Panel advice.
Start Date
The date on which the position will start will be negotiated between the NOAA Host and Partner Institutions, the Applicant, and CILER, but must be within 6 months of notification of selection.
If the selectee (Applicant) fails to start by the negotiated start date or withdraws after acceptance of the offer, the award and the subcontract will be withdrawn and offered to another applicant based on Advisory Panel advice.
Length of Appointment
Appointment is for up to two years (based on the proposal and the budget).
Application Procedure
Developing a Research Proposal
Each applicant must submit a research proposal that relates to a specific opportunity for research at a NOAA Host Institution identified under this announcement. The proposal must reflect the original conceptual work of the applicant but must be developed in collaboration with the NOAA and Partner Mentor(s) scientists identified with the proposed NOAA Host Institution (see below).
Before writing a proposal, a potential applicant must communicate initially with an appropriate NOAA Mentor scientist to discuss his/her research ideas. Research proposed by the potential Postdoctoral Scientist must mesh with the research interests of the Host and Partner Mentor scientists and can complement existing or on-going Host/Partner Institution research projects; however, the proposed research must be based on original ideas of the applicant.
Host Institution Review, Endorsement, and Submission of Proposals
To avoid submission of proposals that do not address one or more priorities specified in this announcement and/or that are not of interest to a NOAA Host Institution, only those proposals endorsed and forwarded by a NOAA Host Institution identified in this announcement will be considered.
The complete proposal package (see below) must be endorsed by a NOAA Host Mentor listed under this announcement, endorsed by both the corresponding NOAA Host and Partner Institutions, forwarded by the NOAA Host Institution to the designated CILER address and received at CILER by the specified deadline (5 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) on August 10, 2009). Only complete proposals submitted via a Host Institution and bearing the required endorsements will be accepted.
Host Institutions are limited to submitting no more than three endorsed proposal packages. If a Host Institution receives more than three proposals, only the top three, as selected by the Host Institution, should be submitted.
Proposals must be submitted by the NOAA Host Institution to the CILER Office:
Christine A. McAllen
University of Michigan-CILER
440 Church Street
G110 Dana Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1041
Phone: 734-763-3010
Fax: 734-763-3603
Proposals must be received by 5 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) on August 10, 2009.
Content and Format of Proposal
The complete proposal package must be submitted as Adobe portable document file (pdf) or Microsoft Word 2003-compatible document (*.doc or *.docx) format. All documents and attachments must meet the format requirements and page limits specified below when printed out.
Email may be used to submit proposal packages totaling up to 2Mb. Proposal packages that are larger than 2Mb should be copied to a CD and mailed to arrive by the specified deadline.
The CILER Office must also receive an original signed Endorsement Page. This can be mailed separately and can arrive after the deadline as long as the proposal package is received on time.
All printed pages must be on 8.5“ x 11” or metric A4 (210mm x 297mm) paper with 0.9-1 inch margins.
All text must be in English using a font size of at least 11 points, and single, 1.5, or double line spacing.
Capitalize major section headings and separate sections with a blank line. Paragraphs may be indented (0.25-0.5”) or separated by blank lines equal to at least 6 pt.
Full proposals must include the following elements:
1. Cover Page (First page in package)
Project Title - Use the exact title as it appears in the Project Title (see Element 4 below)
Postdoctoral Applicant Name, Address, Phone #, Email
Date Qualifying Degree Received or Expected; if Expected, include certification from Conferring Institution (see “Eligibility”, above).
Abstract - 500 words or less
NOAA Host Institution
Lead NOAA Mentor - Name and Institution
Lead Partner Mentor - Name and Institution
Co-mentors – Names and Institutions
Total Funding required ($)
2. Endorsement Page (Second/third page in package)
Project Title
Postdoctoral Applicant Name
Required Endorsement Statements
“The [NOAA Host Institution] and [Partner Institution] have reviewed this proposal and endorse it for consideration under the NOAA Aquatic Invasive Species Program 2009 Postdoctoral Research Opportunity. If the attached proposal is selected for funding, we agree to host the applicant as an official Visiting Research Scientist [or other designation appropriate to institutional policies].
Between us (NOAA Host and Partner Institutions) we agree to provide the following:
a.. Facility and lab space necessary to conduct the research;
b.. Use of existing equipment identified in the proposal as necessary to conduct the research;
c.. Office space, and routine administrative office support as typically provided to staff or visiting scientists, e.g., use of a telephone, a computer (if normally provided to staff scientists);
d.. Internet and email service and an email account;
e.. Technical library resources, use of copier and other office equipment, and
f.. Use of vehicles, boats, and other watercraft necessary to conduct the research.
We acknowledge that the Postdoctoral applicant must be approved for NOAA facility access by the [specify the appropriate NOAA Servicing Security Office], as a condition of the Award. We understand that if the Postdoctoral applicant fails to obtain security authorization for NOAA facility access, the offer will be withdrawn and issued to another applicant based on Advisory Panel advice.”
Endorsement Page Signatures (Name, Signature, Date)
Lead NOAA Mentor
Lead Partner Mentor
[NOAA Host Institution] Director
[Partner Institution] Administrative Representative
3. Statement of Applicant’s Present or Past Affiliation with NOAA Host or Partner Institution (if applicable; 1 page maximum)
4. Project Title and Description (11-page limit): The Project Description may not exceed 11 pages. Tables and visual materials, including charts, graphs, maps, photographs, and other pictorial presentations, are included in the page count. References, budget pages, cv’s and NEPA Questionnaire are not included in the 11-page limit.
The project description must include:
1.. Background: This section should provide an overview of the specific issue the research addresses, including the current state of knowledge related to that issue, the need for this specific research, its relevance to NOAA’s mission, and its relevance to AISP priorities (see above).
2.. Objectives: summarize the specific goals of this research, hypotheses to be tested and new knowledge or understandings sought.
3.. Research Plan: Approach and plan of work (how do you propose to achieve the stated project objectives?) including time-specific milestones that reflect and track progress of research. Identify equipment and field capabilities needed for this research and how you will obtain them.
4.. Expected Products and Outcome(s): Describe the products and outcomes expected if this research is successful. Outcomes are not the same as Products. Products are results of research, such as new or improved models, theories, datasets, and publications. Outcomes are the improvements or changes we can expect if the research is successful, such as new knowledge that changes our understanding of a system, or changes the way managers reach decisions, or improvements to a model that increases accuracy; outcomes answer the question “How will your results improve the ability of NOAA to achieve it’s mission”?
5.. Mentor Interactions: include a plan for Mentor involvement, communications, and progress oversight.
5. References: as appropriate, up to 2 pages.
6. Proposed Budget and Budget Justification Pages: The proposal must include budget information and justifications for salaries (including student support, if any), supplies, equipment, field, and limited professional travel, and overhead as applied by the employing Partner Institution. Funds provided under this opportunity are only for salary and research needs of the Postdoctoral Scientist (including student support to work with the applicant, if appropriate), and may not be used to for salaries of Mentor Scientists or other non-student staff.
The Partner Institution must also indicate if relocation assistance will be available. If relocation costs are to be a direct charge to this project (not from institutional overhead), the cost must be included as a line in the proposal budget.
Budget Pages
Provide a cumulative total budget, by category, for the entire two-years of the proposed project, followed by separate annual budget pages. Each page must include the following budget categories, adjusted as needed to reflect the financial categories/structure of the Partner Institution:
Salary, Principal Investigator (i.e., the postdoctoral applicant)
Benefits/Direct Overhead (indicate percentage of salary if salary-based)
Salary, students to be supported under this project
Benefits/Direct Overhead (indicate percentage of salary if salary-based)
Equipment to be purchased
Expendable Supplies and minor equipment (specify)
Administrative (e.g., meeting with mentors)
Meetings/Conferences (indicate domestic or international)
Publication and other Documentation Costs
Other costs (list) – include relocation allowance here, if appropriate.
Institutional Overhead (specify rate).
Total Cost
Provide a separate Budget Justification page that itemizes all budget items in sufficient detail to enable reviewers to evaluate the appropriateness of the funding requested. Please provide details and justifications for travel allowances and equipment items in the proposed budget.
7. Applicant and Lead Mentors Vitae (3-page maximum for each)
8. Research Protocol: The Application must include a completed Risk Assessment from the ANS Task Force Research Protocol (Protocol for Evaluating Research Proposals Concerning Nonindigenous Species, Part I-Risk Assessment).
ANSTF Protocol
The Risk Assessment (Part I) should be included as an Appendix to the proposal package and does not count towards the Project Description page limit.
A condition of the Award will be the establishment and use of appropriate Preventive Containment/Confinement Plan(s) if required by the outcome of the Risk Assessment. See Part II of the ANS Task Force Research Protocol for more information. In addition, the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) approach may also be suitable for developing appropriate Containment/Confinement Plans. See: Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Planning for Natural Resource Management (This site includes a Windows XP-based HACCP Wizard to simplify the process of creating HACCP documents). and Minnesota Sea Grant AIS HACCP (This site contains extensive training material).
A Field Equipment Management Plan that identifies “best management practices” to reduce the risk of introducing or spreading nonindigenous species by movement of field equipment may also be requested as a condition of the Award, if appropriate.
9. NOAA NEPA Questionnaire
The “Environmental Compliance Questionnaire for NOAA Federal Financial Assistance Applicants (OMB Approval Number 0648-0538)” must be completed and attached as an Appendix. This form is located at http://www.nepa.noaa.gov/grants.html.
All applicants must fill in sections A,C,D,E and F. If the proposed activities are related to Damage Assessment and Restoration, fill out section G. If the proposed activities are related to Fisheries Sampling and Research, fill out section H. Failure to complete all of the indicated questions will result in the an incomplete application.
NOAA Host Institutions and Topics of Interest
The successful Postdoctoral Research scientist will work closely with one or more Research Mentors. Initial contact must be with a NOAA Mentor at one of the NOAA Host Institutions identified below.
NOAA Host Institution
Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary
735 State Street, Suite 617
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Partner Institution
Center for Marine Biodiversity and Conservation (CMBC)
Scripps Institution of Oceanography-0202
University of California-San Diego
La Jolla, CA. 92083-0202
Research Topic(s) of Interest to the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary
New/novel control methods for Undaria pinnatifida
Undaria pinnatifida invaded the west coast of the United States in 2000 and is primarily found in harbors ranging from Monterey to San Diego. It has recently been observed in the Channel Islands, and other recently established populations have been documented in open coastal areas of southern California and Baja California. Our interest is in research that will elucidate the current impacts of Undaria on native communities in the Channel Islands and mainland harbors, the factors that influence growth and survival, and its potential for spread elsewhere. In particular, we want to support research that leverages our maturing knowledge of its spreading behavior and role within this ecosystem to develop novel mechanisms for control and managing nascent populations of this invasive alga.
NOAA Mentor Scientist(s)
Dr. Stephen L. Katz, Research and Monitoring Coordinator
805-963-3238 ext. 12
Partner Mentor Scientist(s)
Dr. Jennifer E. Smith, CMBC; Assistant Professor
NOAA Host Institution
Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL)
4840 S. State Rd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48108-9719
NOAA (GLERL) Lake Michigan Field Station
1431 Beach St.
Partner Institution
University of Michigan
School of Natural Resources and Environment
Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystem Research (CILER)
G110 Dana Building
440 Church Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1041
Research Topic(s) of Interest to the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory
Assessing the Affects of Climate Change and Land Use Change on the Establishment, Spread and Impact of Invasive Species in the Great Lakes
During the 20th century, Great Lakes ecosystems have reeled under a series of massive anthropogenic disturbances, including agricultural development, industrialization, urban sprawl and changing regional economics. The impacts of past and present land use patterns and water quality crises have been exacerbated by a long series of successful invading species that are reshaping the trophic dynamics, energy flow and species composition of the Great Lakes and its tributary systems. In the Great Lakes region, changing climate, changing land cover, and changing species pools threaten to reshape the ecology of this globally unique water resource.
We invite investigations that will improve forecasting capabilities of the invasions, spread, and potential impact of future invasive species on Great Lakes ecosystems under scenarios of climate change and land use change.
NOAA Mentor Scientist(s)
Dr. Doran Mason, Ecologist
GLERL-Ann Arbor
Dr. Edward Rutherford, Fisheries Biologist
GLERL-Ann Arbor
Steven Pothoven, Fisheries Biologist
GLERL-Lake Michigan Field Station
Partner Mentor Scientist(s)
Dr. William Taylor, CILER
Michigan State University Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
Dr. Michael Wiley
University of Michigan School of Natural Resources and Environment
NOAA Host Institution
Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary (GFNMS)
991 Marine Dr.
The Presidio
San Francisco, CA 94129
Partner Institution
San Francisco State University
Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies (SFSU-RTC)
3152 Paradise Drive
Tiburon, CA 94920
Research Topics of Interest to the Gulf of Farallones National Marine Sanctuary
Analytical or forecast methods and model approaches to identify aquatic species that present a risk to GFNMS estuaries.
GFNMS is interested in research to forecast the most likely invaders to sanctuary estuaries (Estero Americano, Estero de San Antonio, Tomales Bay, Bolinas Lagoon and Pescadero Marsh) from established invaders in San Francisco Bay and from new sources such as shipping.
NOAA Mentor Scientist(s)
Jan Roletto, Research Coordinator
415-561-6622 ext. 207
Partner Mentor Scientist(s)
Dr. Wim Kimmerer, Research Professor
NOAA Host Institution
Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC)
Narragansett Laboratory
28 Tarzwell Drive
Narragansett, RI 02882
Partner Instituion
Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ
Research Topic(s) of Interest to the Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Development of forecast models to examine the potential spread of invasive fish species into the marine waters of the northeast U.S. continental shelf with an emphasis on the effects of climate change.
Focus of the proposed work should take advantage of Rutgers bio-physical modeling and observing expertise and the Northeast Fisheries Science Center experience is oceanography, fisheries, and invasive species. Rutgers University has an extant Northeast North America shelf model and extensive ocean observing activities. NEFSC has long-term series biological data and ongoing sampling activities. The research group Hare, Werner and Haidvogel has expertise modeling circulation on the northeast U.S. shelf, studying larval transport and ecology along the east coast, and assessing the effects of the lionfish invasion off the southeast U.S.. The applicants also have extensive experience examining the effects of climate change on marine ecosystems with particular emphasis on the northeast U.S. shelf. Applicants are encouraged to examine the spread and ecological ramifications of invasive marine species in the northeast U.S. continental shelf ecosystem and to consider the interactions between invasive species, ecosystem-based management and climate change.
NOAA Mentor Scientist(s)
Dr. Jonathan A. Hare, Ecosystem Processes Division
401-782 3295
Partner Mentor Scientist(s)
Dr. Francisco Werner, Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences (IMCS)
732-932-6555, x509
Dr. Dale Haidvogel, Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences (IMCS)
732-932-6555 ext 256
NOAA Host Institution
Northwest Fisheries Science Center (NWFSC)
2725 Montlake Blvd E
Seattle, WA 98112
Partner Institution
University of Washington
Seattle, WA
Research Topics(s) of Interest to the Northwest Fisheries Science Center
I. Assessing the Effects of Climate Change on the Spread and Impact of European Green Crab in British Columbia and Southeast Alaska
Assessing the effects of climate change and facilitation on spread and potential impact of European green crab (Carcinus maenas) in British Columbia and southeast Alaska by coupling a habitat suitability model for green crab with a spatially explicit bioenergetics model to quantitatively assess the predatory impact of the species on recipient biological communities.
NOAA Mentor Scientist(s)
Dr. Blake Feist, Environmental Conservation Division
Partner Mentor Scientist(s)
Dr. David Armstrong, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
Dr. Julian Olden, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
Dr. Jennifer Ruesink, Department of Biology
II. Development of DNA Markers for Characterization of Vectors and Propagule Pressure in Various Invasive Tunicate Species
Development of DNA markers (microsatellites and singlenucleotide-polymorphisms) for characterization of introduction pathways and propagule pressure in multiple invasive tunicate phyla (Didemnum, Ciona, and Styla).
NOAA Mentor Scientist(s)
Dr. Paul Moran, Conservation Biology Division
Partner Mentor Scientist(s)
Dr. Billie Swalla, Department of Biology
III. Population Dynamics of the Non-indigenous American shad Alosa sapidissima along the West Coast of the U.S. and anticipated effects of climate change on range expansion.
Research to determine the abundance and life history variation within the current West Coast distribution to identify opportunities for controlling this species and to identify potential range expansion under various climate change predictions.
NOAA Mentor Scientist(s)
Dr. Phil Roni, Environmental Conservation Division
Dr. Blake Feist, Environmental Conservation Division
Partner Mentor Scientist(s)
Dr. Thomas Quinn, School of Aquatic and Fisheries Sciences
IV. Characterization of watercraft movements in Georgia Basin/Puget Sound (waterborne and overland vectors): The potential risk of trans-boundary transport of AIS.
Research to better understand how various recreational and commercial craft utilize the trans-boundary area between the U.S. and Canada, including home and destination marinas, vessel type, movement type, frequency of cleaning, to characterize the potential risk of of trans-boundary movement of AIS by recreational and commercial watercraft.
NOAA Mentor Scientist(s)
Dr. Blake Feist, Environmental Conservation Division
Partner Mentor Scientist(s)
Dr. Julian Olden, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
Dr. Thomas Therriault, Pacific Biological Station
Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Nanaimo, BC
V. Consequences of Non-indigenous Species on Ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest
Invasive species have been implicated in the decline of many of the 110 federally listed (threatened and endangered) species in the Pacific Northwest, yet little research has been done to identify whether the control or eradication of existing invasive species might benefit species of conservation concern. NOAA is interested in research targeting one or more of the following: (1) identification of AIS with substantial impacts on species of conservation concern, (2) identification of novel yet realistic management strategies to control key AIS and their impacts on threatened and endangered species, (3) development of quantitative risk assessments and field monitoring tools to identify which AIS are likely to arrive as a result of shifts in regional climate and other vectors of AIS introduction; and/or (4) prediction of which land and seascapes are likely to be most vulnerable to invasion and thus in greatest need for targeting prevention of AIS arrivals.
NOAA Mentor Scientist(s)
Dr. Beth Sanderson, Environmental Conservation Division
Tim Tynan, NOAA Fisheries Northwest Regional Office, Seattle, WA
Partner Mentor Scientist(s)
Dr. Julian Olden, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
NOAA Host Institution
Southwest Fisheries Science Center
Fisheries Ecology Division
110 Shaffer Rd.
Santa Cruz CA 95060
Partner Institution
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz CA
Research Topic(s) of Interest to the Southwest Fisheries Science Center
Techniques for early detection and increased speed of identification of species using genetic and molecular tools in place of classical taxonomic approaches with specific application to a) effects of cultured rainbow trout on ESA-listed steelhead populations, and b) changes in population and community composition of microbes, invertebrates and fishes due to invasive species.
NOAA Host Mentor Scientist(s)
Dr. John Carlos Garza, Supervisory Research Geneticist
Fisheries Ecology Division, Molecular Ecology and Genetic Analysis Team
Dr. Devon Pearse, Research Geneticist
Fisheries Ecology Division, Molecular Ecology and Genetic Analysis Team
Partner Mentor Scientist(s)
Dr. Jonathan Moore, Department of Ecology/Evolutionary Biology
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