[Lista-Algas] Libros
Andres Boltovskoy
anboltov at gmail.com
Wed Jul 8 12:08:32 ART 2009
Publishers, Booksellers, Antiquarians in the Fields of Botany & Zoology
P.O.Box 1360, D-61462 Koenigstein / Germany
Phone (+49) (0) 6174 93720 Fax (+49) (0) 6174 937 240
E-mail: koeltz at t-online.de
Web: www.koeltz.com
Botanical Books Offered By Koeltz Scientific Books
Book ID: (096234)
Ben - Amotz, Ami, Jürgen E. W. Polle and D. V. Subba Rao (eds.)
The Alga Dunaliella. Biodiversity, Physiology, Genomics and Biotechnology. 2009. illus. XVII, 555 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
The genus Dunaliella is represented by 27 species, of which 23 are from salt water. Species of Dunaliella occur in freshwater, euryhaline habitats of all continents, oceans inclduding the Dead Sea and even the salt lakes of the Antarctic. These extremophiles thrive in habitats with a wide range of salinity, pH, light intensity and temperature. This volume presents results of research in biochemistry, molecular biology and medical application. A glossary of specialized terms is appended. All chapters were reviewed by colleagues, editors and external reviewers.
109.00 EURO
US$ 158.05
Book ID: (097094)
Diatom Monographs
Edited by Andrzej Witkowski: Volume 11: John Charles Donato Rondon: Phytoplankton of Andean Lakes in Northern Southamerica (Colombia). 2009. Approx. 100 figs. 185 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. (ISBN 978-3-906166-82-7)
On the basis of geographic and geological differences, rates of precipitation, and given the lack of basic data on the aquatic ecology, the structure and dynamics of the phytoplankton of the high mountain lakes of the Andean cordilleras, the present study develops limnological aspects of the paramo lakes of Colombia taking the following research problems into account: Are there differences in phytoplankton composition of the lakes of the humid tropical Andes? What relationships are there between the phytoplankton structure and the physical and chemical aspects of the paramo lakes of Colombia? Do the periods of precipitation confer a sufficient seasonal variation on the physical and chemical variables of the lake to lead to a seasonal change in phytoplankton? What are the main features of the relation between the biochemical processes in the lakes and the change of phytoplankton species? This study is the result of a joint effort by numerous institutions and individuals. It arose in response to the need, in principle, to know about and understand processes that take place within paramo lakes, such as productivity, biomass, trophy state, nutrient cycle, and variables integrated into climatic and biochemical change of the lacustrine system. The high mountain aquatic ecosystems that are the subject of this study lie far from the centers that generate science and technology and also represent forgotten areas that are depressed by unequal actions in the social and economic field. Consequently, comparing and contrasting the basic ecological characteristics of 20 paramo lakes of the Colombian cordilleras, although it was not an easy task, was a gratifying one. The fact of traveling throughout most of the paramos of the country motivated this study and even more keeping in mind that a high percentage of the scientific efforts are currently concentrated in the Andean zone.
74.00 EURO
US$ 107.30
Book ID: (083923)
Diatoms of Europe
Diatoms of the European Inland Waters and Comparable Habitats. Edited by H. Lange - Bertalot. Volume 5: Levkov, Zlatko Amphora sensu lato. 2009. 287 photogr. plates. 916 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. (ISBN 978-3-906166-73-5)
This volume presents the first part of a synopsis and revision of Amphora Ehrenberg ex Kützing sensu lato, and contains taxa that share dorsiventral valve asymmetry and in the past were considered as members of this genus. The synopsis includes taxa from the following genera: Amphora sensu stricto (or subgenus Amphora Cleve), Halamphora (Cleve) Levkov (or subgenus Halamphora Cleve), as well as selected species from the subgenera Amblyamphora Cleve Psammamphora Cleve and Diplamphora Cleve, and species from the recently established genera Eunophora Vyverman, Sabbe & Mann and Colliculoamphora D. M. Williams & Reid. The synopsis covers mostly species from the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere, including Europe, Asia and North America, but also many localities in Africa and South America. Special attention was paid to taxonomy and distribution of the species of Amphora sensu stricto in the ancient lakes, Baikal, Tanganyika, Ohrid, Prespa, Biwa, Aoki and Hövsgöl. It also includes species primarily known from North America and/or North Asia and several marine and brackish water species from European coasts and estuaries. The synopsis includes observations of species described by Kützing, W. Smith and Hustedt, Reichelt, Østrup, Krasske, Cholnoky, Giffen, Foged, J. Carter, Hohn & Hellerman, Patrick, & Freese, Haworth, Gasse, Krammer, Metzeltin and Lange- Bertalot based on type material. More than 240 taxa were observed and 79 new species were described as new to science. Of these, 62 belong to the genus Amphora, 16 to Halamphora and one to Eunophora. The species are illustrated with LM and SEM microphotographs arranged on 262 plates. Detailed explanations of morphology of valves and frustule as well as ultrastructure are given on more than 240 pages. After each genus or subgenus, a key for identification is provided.
235.00 EURO
US$ 340.75
Book ID: (027504)
FOTT, Bohuslav
Algenkunde. 2te völlig umgearb.Aufl. 1971. 303 Abb. 1 Titelbild. 581 S. gr8vo. Leinen.
Antiquarisches Exemplar
39.00 EURO
US$ 56.55
Book ID: (097061)
Hoppenrath, Mona, Malte Elbrächter und Gerhard Drebes
Marine Phytoplankton. Selected microphytoplankton from the North Sea around Helgoland and Sylt. 2009. (Kleine Senckenberg - Reihe, 49). 87 pls. 264 p. Paper bd.
Provides a key to determine almost 300 phytoplankton species from the North Sea around Helgoland and Sylt, documenting them with close to 1100 images and 70 line drawings on 87 plates. This book is an important contribution to our unterstanding of marine phytoplankton of North Sea ecosystems.
18.80 EURO
US$ 27.26
Book ID: (097051)
Jha, B., C. R. K. Reddy, M. C. Thakur and M. U. Rao
Seaweeds of India: The Diversity and Distribution of Seaweeds of Gujarat Coast. 2009. (Developments in Applied Phycology, 3). many col. photogr. XI, 215 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
Describes a total of 198 species of marine macroalgae representing all three major groups of Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta and Rhodophyta collected from the Gujarat coast which is well known for its algal abundance and diversity. All species described in this book are based on primary collections exclusively made for this purpose and truly reflect the current status of seaweed biodiversity of Gujarat coast. For easy identification, high resolution colour pictures of each species in its natural habitat together with well spread habit of thallus with cross sections showing characteristic features of respective specimens have been provided. Further, the taxonomical descriptions along with distribution and GPS data, abundance, ecology, economic importance etc. have also been included. The contents of this book are user friendly and provide most reliable baseline data on seaweed biodiversity for monitoring and evaluating the impact of any coastal developmental activities aimed at long term economic gains or environmental changes as a result of global warming and climate change.
100.00 EURO
US$ 145.00
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