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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Graduate Student position at the University of Victoria

Diana Varela dvarela at
Thu Jan 25 20:29:15 ART 2007

Could you please post the following ad?  I pasted it on the body of 
this message and as a pdf)
Thank you!

Diana Varela

Graduate Student Position in
Biological Oceanography

University of Victoria

A graduate student position is available to work on ecological 
physiology of Arctic and sub-Arctic phytoplankton.  Trainees will have 
a variety of projects to choose from related to primary productivity 
and nutrient physiology of marine phytoplankton in field and laboratory 
settings.  Research may require participation in research cruises to 
the Gulf of Alaska and/or the Canadian Arctic.

The student will be working under the supervision of Dr. Diana E. 
Varela in the Department of Biology and the School of Earth and Ocean 
Sciences at the University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada.

Preference will be give to a student with an excellent academic 
standing (GPA > 7/9 or 3.3/4) interested in pursuing a Ph.D. degree.

Submit C.V. indicating previous research experience, unofficial copies 
of your university transcripts (undergraduate and graduate as 
appropriate) and a brief statement of scientific interests to: Dr. 
Diana Varela at dvarela at

To be eligible for UVic entrance fellowships applications must be 
received at Graduate Studies by February 15.  Interested individuals 
are encouraged to contact Dr. Varela as soon as possible.

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Dr. Diana E. Varela
Assistant Professor
University of Victoria
Dept. of Biology & School of Earth and Ocean Sciences
P.O. Box 3020 - Stn CSC
Victoria, B.C. V8W 3N5  Canada

Tel: 250-472-5425
Fax: 250-721-7120 or 250-721-6200
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