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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Iconographia Diatomologica recién publicada

Andres Boltovskoy anboltov at
Mon Jan 29 13:59:21 ART 2007

Just published (January 19th, 2007)

Iconographia Diatomologica: Annotated Diatom Micrographs
Ed. by Horst Lange - Bertalot: Volume 16: Levkov, Zlatko, Svetislav Krstic, Ditmar Metzeltin and T. Nakov: Diatoms of Lakes Prespa and Ohrid (Macedonia). 2007. 2650 figs (LM & SEM) on 242 plates. 649 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. EUR 170.00 (approx. US$ 220.00)
(ISBN 978-3-906166-42-1)
EU - residents must add 7% VAT to the list price, please.

Chapter headings: Abstract/ Quickfinder for the plates/ Introduction/ Material, methods and investigated area/ Observations/ New Combinations/ Characteristics of diatoms from Lake Prespa and Ohrid/ Acknowledgements/ References / Plates (p. 155 - 596)/ Index of Taxa. 

Lakes Preska and Ohrid belong to the old tectonic oligomictic deep isolated lakes, which have a high percentage of endemic biota and which are also considered as centers of speciation. This volume offers the results of a three year basic taxonomical research in the area. A total of 500 taxa is presented, 70 being described as new taxa (1 new genus, 66 species and 3 varieties) and 8 taxa gained new combinations or status. Presence of relict species has been confirmed.

Available from stock for prompt supply. Pre - ordered copies have been mailed.

Published by Gantner Verlag, Ruggell

Distributed by
Publishers and Booksellers in the Fields of Botany and Zoology

Street address: Herrnwaldstr. 6, 61462 Koenigstein / Germany
Mail address: P.O.Box 1360, 61453 Koenigstein / Germany

National 06174 937240
International 49 6174 937240

National 06174 93720
International 49 6174 93720

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