[Lista-Algas] Limnología y fitoplancton
Andres Boltovskoy
anboltov at fcnym.unlp.edu.ar
Wed Feb 7 16:10:22 ART 2007
Les envío el contenido del vol. 37 de LIMNOLOGICA dedicado principalmente a lagos de Argentina y Chile, incluyendo estudios de fitoplancton
Volume 37
Abstracts and the full text will be available at:
Preface: Limnology of temperate South America
Stefan Woelfl, Horacio Zagarese and Fernando Pedrozo
Phytoplankton absorption spectra along the water column in deep North Patagonian Andean lakes (Argentina)
Gonzalo Pérez, Claudia Queimaliños, Esteban Balseiro and Beatriz Modenutti
Chemical composition and the nitrogen-regulated trophic state of Patagonian lakes
Mónica Diaz, Fernando Pedrozo, Colin Reynolds and Pedro Temporetti
The distribution of large mixotrophic ciliates (Stentor) in deep North Patagonian lakes (Chile): First results
Stefan Woelfl
Summer phytoplankton composition and nitrogen limitation of the deep, naturally-acidic (pH~2.2) Lake Caviahue, Patagonia, Argentina
Sara G. Beamud, Mónica M. Diaz and Fernando L. Pedrozo
Changes in diatom, pollen, and chironomid assemblages in response to a recent volcanic event in Lake Galletué (Chilean Andes)
Roberto Urrutia, Alberto Araneda, Fabiola Cruces, Laura Torres, Luis Chirinos, Hans C. Treutler, Nathalie Fagel, Sebastien Bertrand, Ingrid Alvial, Ricardo Barra and Emmanuel Chapron
Geographic variations in shell growth rates of the mussel Diplodon chilensis from temperate lakes of Chile: Implications for biodiversity conservation
Claudio Valdovinos and Pablo Pedreros
Differential piscivory of the native Percichthys trucha and exotic salmonids upon the native forage fish Galaxias maculatus in Patagonian Andean lakes
Patricio J. Macchi, Miguel A. Pascual and Pablo H. Vigliano
Experimental study of the zooplankton impact on the trophic structure of phytoplankton and the microbial assemblages in a temperate wetland (Argentina)
Rodrigo Sinistro, María Laura Sánchez, María Cristina Marinone and Irina Izaguirre
Seasonal dynamics of a large, shallow lake, laguna Chascomús: The role of light limitation and other physical variables
Ana Torremorell, José Bustigorry, Roberto Escaray and Horacio E. Zagarese
Community structure and phenology of chironomids (Insecta: Chironomidae) in a Patagonian Andean stream
Patricia Elizabeth García and Diego Alejandro Añón Suárez
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