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<DIV>Les envío el contenido del vol. 37 de LIMNOLOGICA dedicado principalmente a
lagos de Argentina y Chile, incluyendo estudios de fitoplancton</DIV>
<DIV>**************************************** <BR><STRONG>Limnologica<BR>Volume
37</STRONG><BR><BR>Abstracts and the full text will be available at:<BR><A
Limnology of temperate South America <BR>Stefan Woelfl, Horacio Zagarese and
Fernando Pedrozo<BR>1-2<BR><BR>Phytoplankton absorption spectra along the water
column in deep North Patagonian Andean lakes (Argentina) <BR>Gonzalo Pérez,
Claudia Queimaliños, Esteban Balseiro and Beatriz
Modenutti<BR>3-16<BR><BR>Chemical composition and the nitrogen-regulated trophic
state of Patagonian lakes <BR>Mónica Diaz, Fernando Pedrozo, Colin Reynolds and
Pedro Temporetti <BR>17-27<BR><BR>The distribution of large mixotrophic ciliates
(Stentor) in deep North Patagonian lakes (Chile): First results <BR>Stefan
Woelfl<BR>28-36<BR><BR>Summer phytoplankton composition and nitrogen limitation
of the deep, naturally-acidic (pH~2.2) Lake Caviahue, Patagonia, Argentina
<BR>Sara G. Beamud, Mónica M. Diaz and Fernando L.
Pedrozo<BR>37-48<BR><BR>Changes in diatom, pollen, and chironomid assemblages in
response to a recent volcanic event in Lake Galletué (Chilean Andes) <BR>Roberto
Urrutia, Alberto Araneda, Fabiola Cruces, Laura Torres, Luis Chirinos, Hans C.
Treutler, Nathalie Fagel, Sebastien Bertrand, Ingrid Alvial, Ricardo Barra and
Emmanuel Chapron<BR>49-62<BR><BR>Geographic variations in shell growth rates of
the mussel Diplodon chilensis from temperate lakes of Chile: Implications for
biodiversity conservation <BR>Claudio Valdovinos and Pablo
Pedreros<BR>63-75<BR><BR>Differential piscivory of the native Percichthys trucha
and exotic salmonids upon the native forage fish Galaxias maculatus in
Patagonian Andean lakes <BR>Patricio J. Macchi, Miguel A. Pascual and Pablo H.
Vigliano <BR>76-87<BR><BR>Experimental study of the zooplankton impact on the
trophic structure of phytoplankton and the microbial assemblages in a temperate
wetland (Argentina) <BR>Rodrigo Sinistro, María Laura Sánchez, María Cristina
Marinone and Irina Izaguirre <BR>88-99<BR><BR>Seasonal dynamics of a large,
shallow lake, laguna Chascomús: The role of light limitation and other physical
variables <BR>Ana Torremorell, José Bustigorry, Roberto Escaray and Horacio E.
Zagarese<BR>100-108<BR><BR>Community structure and phenology of chironomids
(Insecta: Chironomidae) in a Patagonian Andean stream <BR>Patricia Elizabeth
García and Diego Alejandro Añón Suárez<BR>109-117</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>