Andres Boltovskoy
anboltov at fcnym.unlp.edu.ar
Wed Feb 7 13:10:53 ART 2007
First Announcement and Call for Abstracts - Please join us in Italy this May!
May 27-29, 2007
University of Trieste, Aula Magna, Edificio H3, Trieste, Italy
Symposium Chair
Aurelia Tubaro, DMNR, University of Trieste.
Organizing Secretariat
Società Italiana di Tossicologia - SITOX
Viale Abruzzi, 32 - 20131 Milano
Tel: +39.02.29520311
Fax: +39.02.29520179
E-mail: sitox at segr.it
Web Site: www.sitox.org
Scope of the Symposium
Phycotoxin problems in Europe present a changing landscape and, especially in recent years, there are special concerns with new toxin problems emerging. This Symposium will emphasize toxins of both emerging and continuing concern to Europe. However the benefits of both international scientific efforts and multidisciplinary research will be evident and the sessions will show that many challenges in management are now being effectively addressed in this global way. We are pleased to have as our Plenary Speaker Dr. Takeshi Yasumoto and the program also includes many other distinguished speakers in the areas shown below.
Marine Harmful Algae, Mechanism and Toxicity of Marine Toxins, Ostreopsis Distribution in the Mediterranean, Health Problems after Ostreopsis Aerosol Exposure, Palytoxin and Related Toxins, Mechanism of Action and Toxicity of Palytoxin, Methods to Detect Palytoxin, Natural Toxins as Potential Weapons of Biowarfare and Bioterror, Food Toxicology, The European Legislation on Marine Biotoxins and Future Developments, AOAC Validated Methods for Algal Toxins in Seafood. Algal Toxins and Risk characterization.
There will also be a subgroup meeting of a new AOAC Task Force Subgroup on Palytoxin and Ostreocins and other Task Force discussions, and finally, a roundtable discussion, Algal Toxins in Seafood: Challenges Related to Monitoring Programs.
Call for Papers
The Scientific Committee invites delegates who intend to present a poster to submit their abstracts (before April 1, 2007 to sitox at segr.it). Details such as poster dimensions to follow in subsequent announcements.
Chair Contact Information
Prof. A. Tubaro
Dept. Materials and Natural Resources
University of Trieste - Via Valerio, 6
34124 Trieste, Italy
Tel: +39.040.5587910
Fax: +39.040.5583215
E-mail: algaltoxins at units.it
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