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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Harmful Agal Blooms

Andrés Boltovskoy anboltov at
Wed Nov 8 16:13:27 ART 2006

Last call for registrations.

HABTech '07 is a workshop dedicated to new technologies for the
detection of Harmful Agal Blooms and toxins. The third HABTech is a
training workshop being hosted by Cawthron Institute in Nelson, New
Zealand, and is being held immediately prior to the International
Conference on Molluscan Shellfish Safety (Blenheim, 18-23 March 2007) to
enable delegates to attend both. For more information please visit <outbind://39/> .

Those who have attended previous HABTech workshops will be
pleased to know that the emphasis on practical demonstrations of new HAB
technologies has been strengthened. Those who have not yet attended a
HABTech workshop, and who may consider it for 2007, should be working in
a practical area of HAB monitoring or research, with a strong interest
in applying new techniques. 

HABTech '07 will not involve plenary lectures but rather
laboratory instruction that will benefit scientists new to the area.
Delegates will be given the opportunity to have "hands on" access to
many new algae and toxin detection methods, through practical sessions
to be attended by small groups of approximately six. Instructors and
demonstrators at the workshop will be world experts in algal and toxin
detection, and this workshop is the perfect opportunity to have personal
training at a focused learning forum.

The Workshop will focus on training delegates in new technology
and a detailed booklet of protocols will be supplied. Please select two
topics from Phytoplankton, Chemical Detection and ELISA and functional
assay. Your choice will determine how many places are available for each
topic. At registration we will ask you to select two preferred topics.
At the Workshop you will spend one day on each preferred topic and will
have the opportunity on the final day to attend an overview session on
any topic.

Phytoplankton topics include:

*                    Light microscopy identification, isolation
and culturing

*                    DNA technologies

*                    Monitoring systems.

Chemical detection topics include:

*                    LCMS

*                    HPLC

*                    Reference material and calibration.

ELISA and functional assay topics (to be confirmed):

*                    ELISA for PSP

*                    YTX

*                    Domoic Acid and PTX-2 and PP2A

*                    Receptor binding assays

*                    Cell activity assays.

The registration fee is NZ$5000 per delegate.  

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