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<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3>Last call for
registrations.<BR><BR><STRONG>HABTech '07</STRONG> is a workshop dedicated to
new technologies for the<BR>detection of Harmful Agal Blooms and toxins. The
third HABTech is a<BR>training workshop being hosted by Cawthron Institute in
Nelson, New<BR>Zealand, and is being held immediately prior to the
International<BR>Conference on Molluscan Shellfish Safety (Blenheim, 18-23 March
2007) to<BR>enable delegates to attend both. For more information please
visit<BR></FONT><A href=""><FONT face="Times New Roman"
size=3>www.nzfsa.govt.nz/icmss07</FONT></A><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3>
<outbind://39/www.nzfsa.govt.nz/icmss07> .<BR><BR><BR><BR>Those who have
attended previous HABTech workshops will be<BR>pleased to know that the emphasis
on practical demonstrations of new HAB<BR>technologies has been strengthened.
Those who have not yet attended a<BR>HABTech workshop, and who may consider it
for 2007, should be working in<BR>a practical area of HAB monitoring or
research, with a strong interest<BR>in applying new techniques.
<BR><BR><BR><BR>HABTech '07 will not involve plenary lectures but
rather<BR>laboratory instruction that will benefit scientists new to the
area.<BR>Delegates will be given the opportunity to have "hands on" access
to<BR>many new algae and toxin detection methods, through practical
sessions<BR>to be attended by small groups of approximately six. Instructors
and<BR>demonstrators at the workshop will be world experts in algal and
toxin<BR>detection, and this workshop is the perfect opportunity to have
personal<BR>training at a focused learning forum.<BR><BR><BR><BR>The Workshop
will focus on training delegates in new technology<BR>and a detailed booklet of
protocols will be supplied. Please select two<BR>topics from Phytoplankton,
Chemical Detection and ELISA and functional<BR>assay. Your choice will determine
how many places are available for each<BR>topic. At registration we will ask you
to select two preferred topics.<BR>At the Workshop you will spend one day on
each preferred topic and will<BR>have the opportunity on the final day to attend
an overview session on<BR>any topic.<BR><BR>Phytoplankton topics
Light microscopy identification, isolation<BR>and
Monitoring systems.<BR><BR>Chemical detection topics
Reference material and calibration.<BR><BR>ELISA and functional assay topics (to
Domoic Acid and PTX-2 and
Receptor binding
Cell activity assays.<BR><BR>The registration fee is NZ$5000 per delegate.