[Lista-Algas] IOC-UNESCO HARMFUL ALGAE NEWS No. 52 is now available
Ricardo Echenique
rechen at fcnym.unlp.edu.ar
Wed Dec 23 10:06:53 ART 2015
*HARMFUL ALGAE NEWS No. **52* is now available
Medicinal use of PSP toxins........ 1
HAB genera identified on
archival samples from CPR
surveys................................................. 2
*Harmful seaweeds*
Golden tides 2014-2015 in the
Sea................................... 4
*Fish kills*
Harmful /Karlodinium australe/
along the Johor Strait, Malaysia 5
*Regional events*
/Gonyaulax spinifera /bloom
in Thermaikos Gulf ........................ 6
/Pyrodinium bahamense /blooms
and cyst accumulation in
Indonesian bays .............................. 8
Cyst dynamics of tropical
(Malaysia) strains of
/Alexandrium minutum /.................. 10
Extensive outbreaks of
/Noctiluca /at the South Eastern
Arabian Sea ....................................... 11
Predicting the unknown from
the unknown: Can we model
our way out of ecological
ignorance?.......................................... 13
*HAB Networking*
IOC-IAEA-ANCA workshop in
Santo Domingo................................. 15
Harms and benefits of HABs in
the South China Sea (HABSCS
& ICBUAB).......................................... 16
First National workshop on
HABs in Colombia........................... 17
BEQUALM marine phyto-
plankton intercomparison
exercise ............................................... 19
*Obituary *Ives Collos..................... 23
Best regards,
http://ioc3.unesco.org/ioc-unesco-36px.gif/Henrik Enevoldsen///
/Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO///
/Head, IOC Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae/
/University of Copenhagen/
/Marine Biological Section///
/Universitetsparken 4///
/2100 Copenhagen Ø///
/Tel.: +45 23260246///
/E-mail: h.enevoldsen at unesco.org <mailto:h.enevoldsen at unesco.org>///
/Skype: henrik.oksfeldt.enevoldsen ///
/Visit the IOC HAB website //http://www.ioc-unesco.org/hab///
/Subscribe to the newsletter Harmful Algae News//:
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