Listas de Correo
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Fwd: RV: Registration for 24th International Diatom Symposium (IDS 2016) now open !

Andrés Boltovskoy anboltov at
Fri Dec 4 17:00:26 ART 2015

*De:*Reinhard Pienitz [mailto:Reinhard.Pienitz at]
*Enviado el:* viernes, 04 de diciembre de 2015 14:00
*Asunto:* Registration for 24th International Diatom Symposium (IDS 
2016) now open !

Dear ISDR Council members,

I just sent this message (see below) out to DIATOM-L- finally!   Please 
circulate this information among your colleagues, students and friends, 
and maybe also via your personal website pages.

I am looking forward to seeing you at IDS2016 in Québec City next year,


Dear members and friends of the International Society for Diatom Research,

You can now register for the *24th International Diatom Symposium (IDS 
2016)* which will be held from *21-26 August 2016* on the campus of 
Université Laval, Québec City (Canada)!

On the symposium website (, you will 
find all information necessary for registration at the meeting, abstract 
submission, room reservation, as well as other relevant information on 
the program schedule/timetable.

I am happy to announce that the registration fees have been kept below 
EURO 350,00 for standard (full) delegates and at significantly reduced 
rates for students that are below those of previous symposia. Rooms and 
suites in the local student residences right on the university campus 
have been made available at reduced fees for symposium attendees. 
Reservation works on a first come-first serve basis, so please make your 
reservations soon.

Special sessions and workshops are planned (both on diatom taxonomy and 
on other topics) and will be organized over the course of the winter 
2015-16 and spring 2016, and announced via the symposium website. If you 
have ideas and suggestions for potential workshop / special session 
themes, please feel free to forward them to IDS2016 at 
<mailto:IDS2016 at>. The 
names of all 7 invited plenary speakers and the topics of their 
presentations will also be revealed as soon as possible. Please check 
our website regularly for updates on the symposium program and the 
post-symposium excursion, etc.  For updates you may also want to consult 
the facebook page 

Please register at your earliest convenience for the symposium which 
will bring together experts from all fields of research on modern and 
fossil diatoms (both from marine and freshwater systems), including 
molecular, physiological, evolutionary, ecological, biogeographic, 
paleoecological, biomonitoring, systematic/taxonomic, forensic and other 
aspects of research on diatoms.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to Québec City in August 2016 !

*Best regards,
Reinhard Pienitz and the IDS2016 Local Organizing Committee *

IDS 2016 logo_ssj4

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