[Lista-Algas] Libros ofrecidos por Koeltz
Andrés Boltovskoy
anboltov at gmail.com
Fri Sep 16 16:44:58 ART 2011
P.O.Box 1360, D-61453 Koenigstein / Germany
E-mail: koeltz at t-online.de Web: www.koeltz.com
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Amsler, Charles D. (ed.)
Algal Chemical Ecology. 2008. illus. XVIII, 313 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
This book deals with the chemical ecology of algae. Algae from both marine and freshwater habitats are covered, as are macroalgae (seaweeds) and microalgae (including phytoplankton). While its main emphasis is on the ecological rather than chemical aspects of the field, the book also includes a unique introductory chapter intended as a primer on algal natural products chemistry for ecologists. It elucidates the roles of chemical defenses in various regions and habitats, of DMSP, oxidative burst responses, and herbivore offense. Topics such as algal sensory chemical ecology and defenses against ultraviolet radiation are also treated, and an introduction to the chemical ecology of phytoplankton is provided. PRICE: 195.00 EURO or US$ 273.00
Fensome, R. A., F. J. R. Taylor, W. A. S. Sarjeant, a. oth.
A Classification of Living and Fossil Dinoflagellates. 1993. (Micro- paleontology special publication number 7). illus. VII, 351 p. 4to. Paper bd. PRICE: 138.00 EURO or US$ 193.20
Hoff, Frank H. and Terry W. Snell
Plankton Culture Manual. 6th ed. 2000. 21 tabs. 84 illus. 183 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
This revised edition of the manual now includes the use of microscope, slide preparation, measuring cells, stains, key to genera, description of cells variations and contaminants in cultures. It provides updated step by step instructions for culturing phytoplankton (microalgae) and zooplankton including rotifers, adult brine shrimp, ciliates, copepods, daphnia, Oyster and clams veligers, amphipods, mysid shrimp and microworms. Easy to read but very informative. The authors have provided technical data and illustrations to support the instructions in a clear understandable format. Sections include trouble shooting and reasons for failure. PRICE: 35.00 EURO or US$ 49.00
Hori, Terumitsu (ed.)
An Illustrated Atlas of the Life History of Algae. Volumes 1-3. 1993-1994. illustr. gr8vo. Hardcover.- In Japanese with Latin nomenclature and Latin species index.
Second hand copy in good condition. Volume 1 covers Green Algae, volume 2 covers Brown and Red Algae, while volume 3 covers Unicellular and Flagellated Algae. PRICE: 200.00 EURO or US$ 280.00
Moestrup, O.(ed.)
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Harmful Algae, Copenhagen, Denmark, 4-8 September 2006. 2008. 397 p. gr8vo. Paper bd. PRICE: 200.00 EURO or US$ 280.00
Olrik, Kirsten
Dankmarks Plante Plankton. 1997. photogr. ca. 300 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
This book deals with more than 200 species of plankton and phytoplankton of Danmark. PRICE: 55.00 EURO or US$ 77.00
Rai, A. K. (ed.)
Cyanobacterial Nitrogen Metabolism and Environmental Biotechnology. 1997. 11 figs.6 tabs. XII,299 p.gr8vo.Hardcover.
This book deals with cyanobacterial nitrogen metabolism exclusively. Combines both environmental and biotechnological aspects. PRICE: 82.00 EURO or US$ 114.80
Reynolds, C.S. and A.E. Irish
The Phytoplankton of Windermere (English Lake District). 2000. illus. 73 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Windermere is the largest natural lake in England. This publication aims to provide a factual guide to almost a century's work on the microscopic plant life of Windermere, its phytoplankton. In so doing, it also provides a summarised case study of the effects of nutrient enrichment on phytoplankton populations and the results of subsequent nutrient control measures. The booklet summarises the consequences for phytoplankton production, and the subsequent changes in the phytoplankton after restoration measures were introduced in 1992. Following on from this historical account, mechanisms governing the physiological ecology of phytoplankton in Windermere are discussed and the role of phytoplankton in the broader ecosystem of Windermere. Finally, longer-term climatic cycles are considered as revealed through paleolimnological reconstructions of past plankton activity and the kinds of responses that might be anticipated of global climatic changes. PRICE: 34.00 EURO or US$ 47.60
Skottsberg, Carl
Zur Kenntnis der Subantarktischen und Antarktischen Meeresalgen. I: Phaeophyceen.1907. (Dissertation & Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Südpolar-Expedition 1901-1903,Bd.IV:6). 10 Tafeln.172 S.4to.Broschiert. PRICE: 35.00 EURO or US$ 49.00
Studies in Cryptogamic Botany
Volume 2: Vijayaraghavan, M. R. and Bela Bhatia: Red Algae. Structure, Ultrastructure and Reproduction.1997. 122 figs. XXII,306 p.gr8vo.
Covers the basics as well as currently available information on the structure, ultrastructure, and reproduction of red algae. PRICE: 39.00 EURO or US$ 54.60
Taft, Clarence E. and Celeste W. Taft
The Algae of Western Lake Erie. 1971.( Bull. Ohio Biol.Survey, 4(1)). Reprint 1990. 645 figs.189 p. Paper bd.
This is not an exact facsimile, but a reprinted edition with additional introductory matter, mainly biographical. PRICE: 24.00 EURO or US$ 33.60
Yamagishi, Takaaki and Masaru Akiyama (eds.)
Photomicrographs of the freshwater algae. Volumes 1 - 20. 1984 -1998. Approx. 2000 plates, with explanations.-Bilingual (Japanese / English).
All species included are illustrated with several photographs consisting of the whole view and the distinctive morphological features, mostly by optical microscopy. In addition line drawings are given to demonstrate more detailed morphological characteristics. Descriptions are bilingual (Japanese/English). 100 species per volume are dealt with. The plates are in folders for easy use. PRICE: 1,610.00 EURO or US$ 2254.00
Bibliotheca Diatomologica
Volume 026: Krammer, Kurt: Pinnularia. Eine Monographie der europäischne Taxa.1992. 76 Tafeln. IV,353 S.gr8vo. Kartonniert.
Vergriffen. Antiquarisches Exemplar. - Inhalt: Vorwort/ Foreword/ Konzepte der Diatomeen-Systematik/ Der Einfluss der Teilungszyklen/ Allgemeines zur Gattung Pinnularia/ Abgrenzung, Umgrenzung und Umfang/ Diskussion der Schalenmerkmale/ Oekologische Angaben in den Beschreibungen/ Schalenmerkmale und Terminologie/ Gruppierung/ Spezieller Teil (Bemerkungen zum Bestimmungsschluessel der Arten, Varietaeten und Morphotypen/ Bestimmungsschluessel der Arten, Varietaeten und Morphotypen/ Key to the species, varieties and morphotypes of Pinnularia/ Bemerkungen zu den folgenden Beschreibungen/ Beschreibungen der Taxa/ Lateinische Beschreibungen)/ Literatur/ Bildbeschriftungen der Tafeln/ Tafeln/ Index der Taxa und ihrer Synonyme. PRICE: 86.00 EURO or US$ 120.40
Volume 015: Lange-Bertalot,H. und Kurt Krammer: Bacillariaceae, Epithemiaceae, Surirellaceae. Neue und wenig bekannte Taxa, neue Kombinationen und Synonyme sowie Bemerkungen und Er- gaenzungen zu den Naviculaceae. 1987. 62 Tafeln. II,289 S. gr8vo. Ge- bunden.
Good second hand copy. New copies available at EUR 72.00 PRICE: 50.00 EURO or US$ 70.00
Bibliotheca Phycologica
Volume 041: Foged,N.: Diatoms in Eastern Australia. 1978. 48 plates.IV,244 p.gr8vo.Paper bd. (ISBN 3-7682-1203-3)
Second hand copy. New copies available at EUR 41.00 PRICE: 29.00 EURO or US$ 40.60
Bibliotheca Phycologica
Volume 047: Foged, Niels: Diatoms in New Zealand, the North Island. 1979. (Reprint 2005). 48 plates. 225 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
>From 100 localities in the North Island of New Zealand 174 samples are analysed for content of diatoms.684 taxa from 70 genera are recorded,and 413 of these taxa are illustrated in 48 plates,where 702 photos are reproduced.- Good second hand copy. PRICE: 34.00 EURO or US$ 47.60
Bibliotheca Phycologica
Volume 064:John, Jacob: Diatom flora of the Swan River,Estuary Western Australia.1983.77 plates.360 p.Bound. (ISBN 3-7682-1360-9)
Out of print. Good second hand copy. PRICE: 86.00 EURO or US$ 120.40
Diatom Research
The Journal of the International Society for Diatom Research. Volumes 1 - 24. 1986 - 2009. gr8vo. Paper bd.
A good and complete second hand set of this basic journal on diatom research. PRICE: 1,100.00 EURO or US$ 1540.00
Krammer, Kurt und H.Lange-Bertalot
Naviculaceae.Neue und wenig bekannte Taxa,neue Kombinationen und Synonyme sowie Bemerkungen zu einigen Gattungen.1985.(Bibliotheca Diatomologica,9).631 Figuren auf 43 Tafeln. 232 S. gr8vo. Hardcover.
Good second hand copy.- New copies available at EUR 62.00 PRICE: 40.00 EURO or US$ 56.00
Lfg. 15: Nelson Navarro, J. y David U. Hernandez-Becerril: Checklist of Marine Diatoms from the Caribbean Sea. 1997. 48 p. Paper bd.
A check -list of 1083 taxa. Most common synonyms are given. For the purpose of this paper, the Caribbean Sea includes the coasts of the Greater and Lesser Antilles, and the coasts of the countries bordering the Caribbean, including Central America. The Gulf of Mexico, the Bahamas and the Sargassum Sea are excluded. PRICE: 32.00 EURO or US$ 44.80
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