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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Libros ofrecidos por Koeltz

Andrés Boltovskoy anboltov at
Fri Sep 9 14:04:30 ART 2011

P.O.Box 1360, D-61453 Koenigstein / Germany
E-mail: koeltz at Web: 
Phone (+49) (0) 6174 93720 Fax (+49)(0) 6174 937 240 


Desikachary, T. V., V. Krishnamurthy and M. S. Balakrishnan

Rhodophyta, Volume 2.1998. 31 photographic plates. 89 figures. II, 359, XV p. gr8vo. Paper bd.

The second volume of a monographic treatment of the Rhodophyta of Indian shores, comprising the orders Corallinales, Gigartinales, Ahnfeltiales, Rhodymeniales and Ceramiales, occuring in the Indian region. Volume 1 was published 1990. 

47.00 EURO   US$ 68.15


Flora Algarum Marinarum Sinicarum

Volume 02: Rhodophyta, 5:Xia Bangmei: Ahnfeltiales, Gigartinales, Rhodymeniales. 1999. 11 pls. 104 figs. 201 p.- In Chinese, with Latin nomenclature and Latin species index. 

35.00 EURO   US$ 50.75


Hansgirg, Anton

Physiologische und Phycophytologische Untersuchungen. 1893. 3 Tafeln. 280 S. 4to. Ungebunden. 

35.00 EURO   US$ 50.75


Hoffmann, A. and B. Santelices

Flora Marina de Chile Central. 1997. illustrated. 434 p.gr8vo. Hardcover.

Keys and descriptions with black & white illustrations of the benthic algae. Life cycle, reproduction ecology, geographic distribution. 

109.00 EURO   US$ 158.05


Karpov, S. A.

System of Protista. 2nd ed. Omsk 1990. 50 figs. 20 pls. (TEM-photographs). 261 p.-In Russian, with English summary.

Presents the original system of protists ( protozoans, algae and zoosporous fungi) down to the class level. The ultrastructure of flagellated cell is analyzed in detail.- Chapters: Brief Review of Modern Systems of Eukaryotes/ Structure of Flagellated Cell of Protists/ Symbionts and Problems of Symbiogenesis/ Primary Stages of Eukaryotes Evolution/ System of Protista. 

37.00 EURO   US$ 53.65


Miyata, Masahiko and Masahiro Notoya (eds.)

Present and future on biology of Porphyra. 1997. (Natural history research, special issue,3). ill. XVIII, 134 p. Paper bd.

Results of a symposium held in 1996 in Chiba. 13 papers grouped in the following main chapters: Taxonomy and Life History/ Molecular Biology/ Genetics/ Breeding and Strain Conservation/ Pathology and Aquaculture/ Biotechnology/ Panel Discussion. 

44.00 EURO   US$ 63.80


Novichkova - Ivanova, L. N.

The soil algae of the phytocoenoses of Sahara - Gobi desert region. 1980. 52 tabs. 33 figs. 254 p. Paper bd. - In Russian with Latin nomenclature and Latin species index.

Second hand copy in good condition. 

20.00 EURO   US$ 29.00


Perestenko, L. P.

The red algae of the Far - Eastern seas of Russia. 1994.illustr. 330 p. Hardcover.- In Russian, with Latin nomenclature and English summary and annotations.

Full descriptions, catalogue, keys, etc. Nine genera and 27 species have been described as new to science. 

45.00 EURO   US$ 65.25


Trono, G. C.

Field guide and atlas of the seaweed resources of the Philippines. 1997. 168 figs. (col. & bl./wh.). XX, 306 p. 

58.00 EURO   US$ 84.10

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