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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Libros ofrecidos por Koeltz

Andrés Boltovskoy anboltov at
Mon May 9 16:44:01 ART 2011

P.O.Box 1360, D-61453 Koenigstein / Germany
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Algae of Australia - Introduction. 2007. (Algae of Australia Series). 28 col. photogr. XVI, 727 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
At least 12 000 marine, freshwater and terrestrial algae species are thought to occur in Australia. This introductory volume includes essays on the history of research on Australian algae, their classification, fossil record, systematic relationships, ecology, biogeography and economic significance. Keys to the identification of the orders of algae are accompnaied by an extensive bibliography, and 29 synoptic chapters provide an overview of the biology of the algal classes. The volume concludes with a glossary of more than 1500 technical terms. PRICE:  120.00 EURO  US$ 180.00

Algae of Australia - Nemaliales, by John M. Huisman. 2006. 23 col. photographs on plates. 51 line drawings. VII, 152 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
The Nemaliales is one of the most diverse and significant orders of red algae in Australian waters. This volume documents 3 families, 20 genera and 55 species of Australian Nemaliales. Introductory chapters to the history, structure, reproduction and relationships of the orders is followed by advice on the microscopical examination of specimens, identification keys to families, genera and species, and comprehensive description of each taxon. Appendices include the description of the new genus Titanophycus and DNA sequence analyes of the evolutionary relationships of the order. PRICE:  60.00 EURO  US$ 90.00

Barsanti, Laura and Paolo Gualtieri
Algae: Anatomy, Biochemistry, and Biotechnology. 2005. illus. 316 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
This book concentrates on the especially interesting and illuminating topics. Covers freshwater, marine, and terrestrial forms. Overview over classification of algae, life cycles, reproductions, phylogeny, physiology, biochemistry, culture methods, role of algae in human society. PRICE:  77.00 EURO  US$ 115.50

Belyakova, R. M. a. oth.
Bloom - forming algae in water bodies of Northwestern Russia. 2006. 26 plates (SEM, LM, etc.). 79 line - figs. 367 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. - In Russian, Latin nomenclature and Latin species index. PRICE:  42.00 EURO  US$ 63.00

Carmo Calijuri, Maria do, Michela Suely Adriani Alves, A.Cordeiro Alves DOS SANTOS
Cianobacterias e Cianotoxinas em Aguas Continentais. 2006. illus. 118 p. gr8vo. Paper bd. - In Portuguese, with Latin nomenclature.
Deals with Cyanobacteria and relating toxins in the continental waters of Brazil. Biology, toxins, methods of analysis, legislation. PRICE:  38.00 EURO  US$ 57.00

Flora Algarum Sinicarum Aquae Dulcis - Vol.10: Bacillariophyta: Pennatae. 2004. 41 plates. 161 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. - Chinese, with Latin nomenclature and Latin species index.
Covers: ARAPHIDIALES: Fragillariaceae/ Tetracyclus Ralfs/ Tabellaria Ehrenberg/ Diatoma De Candolle/ Meridion Agardh/ Opephora Petit/ Ceratoneis Ehrenberg/ Asterionella Hassall/ Fragilaria Lyngbye/ Synedra Ehrenberg/ RAPHIDIONALES: Eunotiaceae (Eunotia Ehrenberg/ Actinella Lewis) PRICE:  48.00 EURO  US$ 72.00

Gabrielson, P. W., T . B. Widdowson and S. C. Lindstrom
Keys to the Seaweeds and Seagrasses of Southeast Alaska, British Columbia, Washington and Oregon. 2006. (Phycological Contribution,7). IV, 209 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Significant revision of many of the species keys, especially in the green and red algae, update of names of all taxa as of May 2006. PRICE:  44.00 EURO  US$ 66.00

Green, Edmund P. (ed.)
World Atlas of Seagrasses. 2003. 128 col. photogr. 64 col. maps. XII, 298 p. 4to. Cloth.
The first authoritative and comprehensive global synthesis of the distribution and status of seagrass habitats, incl. ecology, status of scientific study, threats, changing distributions, conservation, etc. - Copies at reduced price. PRICE:  25.00 EURO  US$ 37.50

Haroun, Ricardo Trabaue, Maria Candelaria Gil - Rodriguez and Wolfredo WILDPRET DE LA TORRE
Plantas marinas de las Islas Canarias. 2003. Many col. photographs. 319 p. Hardcover. - In Spanish.
>From the table of contents: Biodiversidad marina de las Islas Canarias/ El medio marino canario/ Vegetacion marina/ Uso y aplicaciones de las plantas marinas/ Recoleccion y conservacion/ FLORA MARINA: Nociones nomenclaturales y sistematica adoptada/ Cyanophycota/ Rhodophycota/ Chromophycota/ Phaeophyeae/ Chlorophycota/ Magnoliophyta/ etc. PRICE:  55.00 EURO  US$ 82.50

Jaiswal, K.K. and G. L. Tiwari
Chlorococcales (Green Algae). 2003. 14 plates (line drawings). 14 pages of micrographs. 116 p. gr8vo.
Focus on districts of Uttar Pradesh, India. The photomicrographs show poor quality. PRICE:  19.00 EURO  US$ 28.50

Ognjanova - Rumenova, Nadja and K. Manoylov (eds.)
Advances in Phycological Studies. Festschrift in Honour of Prof. Dobrina Temniskova - Topalova. 2006. illus. 383 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. - In English.
Twentyfive contributions from an international authorship to celebrate the 70th birthday of Dobrina Temniskova - Topalova. Topics covered include taxonomy, paleoecology, physiology, and ecology of different algal groups. Some descriptions of new taxa, a new genus, fourteen new diatom species, etc. PRICE:  76.00 EURO  US$ 114.00

Palamar - Mordvintseva, G. M.
Flora Vodoroslej Kontinentalnych Vodoemov Ukrainy: Desmidievye Vodorosli (Flora Algarum Aquatorium Continentalium Ukrainicae: Desmidiales). Fasc. 1, Part 1. 2003. 351 p. gr8vo. Paper bd. - In Ucrainian, with Latin nomenclature and Latin species index. PRICE:  69.00 EURO  US$ 103.50

Podkorytova, A. V.
Marine macrophytic algae and grasses. 2005. Many figs.(some col.). 174 p. 4to. Paper bd. - In Russian, with brief English abstract.
A review of distribution, raw material base of brown, red, green seaweeds and sea grasses, cultivation in Russia and other countries is given in the book. Methods of harvesting their natural and cultivated populations, processing and conservation are shown. The chemical composition of seaweeds and sea grasses, directions of their use and general principles of complex processing are given. PRICE:  52.00 EURO  US$ 78.00

Subba Rao, D. V. (ed.)
Algal Cultures, Analogues of Blooms and Applications. 2 volumes. 2006. illus. XLI, 971 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
Deals with recent developments in micro algal research, specifically with how to use best algal cultures as analogues of natural blooms, their utility in understanding the ecological principles and their applications in biotechnology.- Contents: VOLUME 1: Why Study Algae in Culture?: D.V. Subba Rao / Photosynthetic Pigments in Marine Microalgae: Insights from Cultures and the Sea: S.W. Jeffrey and S.W. Wright/ Phases, Stages, and Shifts in the Life Cycles of Marine Phytoplankton: Marina Montresor and Jane Lewis/ Allelopathic Interactions Among Marine Microalgae: Geneviève Arzul and Patrick Gentien /Algal Blooms and Bacterial Interactions: Bopaiah Biddanda et al./ Viral Infection in Marine Eucaryotic Microalgae: Keizo Nagasaki/ Autecology of Bloom-forming Microalgae: Extrapolation of Laboratory Results to Field Populations and the Redfield-Braarud Debate Revisited: Theodore J. Smayda / The Trace Metal Composition of Marine Microalgae in Cultures and Natural Assemblages: Tung-Yuan Ho/ Algal Cultures as a Tool to Study the Cycling of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen: Deborah A. Bronk and Kevin J. Flynn/ Osmotrophy in Marine Microalgae: Alan J. Lewitus/ Role of the Cell Cycle in the Metabolism of Marine Microalgae: Jacco C. Kromkamp and Pascal Claquin /Nutritional Value of Microalgae and Applications: John K. Volkman and Malcolm R. Brown// VOLUME 2: Effects of Small-scale Turbulence on the Physiological Functioning of Marine Microalgae: Elisa Berdalet and Marta Estrada/ Mechanistic Models of Algal Physiology: Kevin J. Flynn/ Competition of Aquatic Microalgae in Variable Environments: The Disturbance Effect: Sabine Flöder and Ulrich Sommer/ Effects of Temperature and Irradiance on Marine Microalgal Growth and Physiology: Peter Thompson/ Photosynthesis- Irradiance Relationships in Marine Microalgae: Pedro Duarte/ Photosynthetic Response and Acclimation of Microalgae to Light Fluctuations: Johan U. Grobbelaar/ Absorption, Fluorescence Excitation and Photoacclimation: Egil Sakshaug and Geir Johnsen/ Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation on Microalgal Growth, Survival and Production: Andrew T. Davidson / Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering in Microalgae: Oliver Kilian and Peter G. Kroth/ Biotechnology of Immobilized Micro Algae: A Culture Technique for the Future?: Thierry Lebeau and Jean-Michel Robert/ From Microscope to Magnet Probing Phytoplankton Population Structure and Physiology Using Mammalian Antibodies: Louis Peperzak and Sonya T. Dyhrman/ Prospects for Paratransgenic Applications to Commercial Mariculture using Genetically Engineered Algae: Ravi V. Durvasula et al./ Development of Statistical Models for Prediction of the Neurotoxin Domoic Acid Levels in the Pennate Diatom: Pseudonitzschia Pungens f. Multiseries Utilizing Data from Cultures and Natural Blooms: Ilya Blum et al./ Appendix 1 Algal cultures: D.V. Subba Rao . Appendix 2 Algal culture centers: D.V. Subba Rao PRICE:  91.00 EURO  US$ 136.50

Tolstoy, Ana and Katrin Österlund
Alger vid Sveriges Östersjökust.- En Fotoflora. 2003. illus. 288 p. gr8vo. - Swedish, with Latin nomenclature and English summary.
A presentation of the algae of the Swedish coast of the Baltic Sea, with underwater photographs showing the algae in their natural habitat and also close-up photographs supplementing the text. PRICE:  48.00 EURO  US$ 72.00

Vidyavati and A. K. Mahato
Recent Trends in Algal Taxonomy. Volume 2: Taxonomical and Cultural Studies. 2006. illustr. VIII, 642 p. gr8vo.
Contents (partly): A systematic account of the algal flora of the seasonal swamps in the southern part of Irian Jaya (Indonesia)/ A contribution to algae of dam Malpas Armidale: self-purification and potability of water/ Taxonomy of fresh water algae in Karnataka: A review/ Interested taxa of algae from cultivated fields and related environs of the Karnataka state, India: A review/ An ecological and taxonomic survey of the algal flora of certain cultivated and uncultivated soils of Andhra Pradesh/ etc. PRICE:  43.00 EURO  US$ 64.50

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