[Lista-Algas] Fw: PhD position in phytoplankton ecology
Andrés Boltovskoy
anboltov at gmail.com
Tue Jan 18 15:11:44 ART 2011
----- Original Message -----
From: "Karin Rengefors" <Karin.Rengefors at LIMNOL.LU.SE>
PhD Scholarship in Phytoplankton Ecology - Dispersal barriers in an invasive
bloom-forming alga
see: http://admin.lu.se/o.o.i.s?id=22598&Dnr=375341&Type=E
Type of employment: Limit of tenure, 18 months, after that doctoral
Extent: 100 %
Location: Department of Biology (Ecology), Lund
First day of employment: 2011-03-01 or as soon as possible
Official Records Number: NPA 2011/9
Job description
The aim of the research project is to identify the barriers to dispersal in
a microalgal species that forms blooms in freshwater lakes. This research
has implications for the understanding of the dispersal of microalgae and
microorganisms in general, as well as for predicting the occurrence of new
algal blooms. The approach is to determine the importance of physical versus
biological dispersal barriers by analyzing the genetic diversity patterns.
The current hypothesis is that physical dispersal barriers are important for
generating genetic differentiation. Instead, differentiation among
microalgal populations might be explained by so called founder effects.
Founder effects refer to the dominance of strains or species that arrive
first to a new habitat. In laboratory and mesocosm experiments, priority
effects and invasion sequence will be investigated in the algal species
Gonyostomum semen. The position will be based at the unit of Aquatic
Ecology, Department of Biology, Lund University, in southern Sweden. The PhD
project is a part of a larger project financed by Formas (The Swedish
Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences, and Spatial
Planning), and will involve collaboration with other PhD students and a
group at Gothenburg University (Ass. Prof. Anna Godhe). The project is
suitable for applicants who would like to combine ecology and population
genetics with molecular biological tools. The practical work will include
PCR-based techniques, analyses of population genetic data, algal culturing,
and microscopy. Experimental work will be performed both in the laboratory
and in the field. In addition, the PhD student will be able to join the
Research School in Genomic Ecology (GENECO) in Lund. This program will give
access to a network of other PhD students and researchers in genomic
ecology, annual meetings, workshops, travel grants to visit other
institutions, as well as a career mentor.
Eligibility/Entry Requirements
Requirements for this position are an MSc or comparable degree in ecology
preferably with an aquatic and/or molecular ecological specialization. The
successful candidate will have very good experience in molecular techniques.
A driver's license is required, as is very good knowledge of written and
spoken English.
Basis of Assessment
Regulations for employment as a postgraduate student can be found in the
Swedish Statute Book (SFS 1998:80). Only those admitted to postgraduate
studies can be appointed to such a position. When appointing applicants to
such a position, first and foremost their ability to benefit from
postgraduate studies must be taken into consideration. In addition to
pursuing postgraduate studies, the doctoral student may also perform other
duties, including research, teaching and administration, according to the
specific regulations.
For further information please contact:
Karin Rengefors, Professor
+46 46 2228427
karin.rengefors at limnol.lu.se
Application procedure: go to http://www.naturvetenskap.lu.se/o.o.i.s/11729
Last Day of Applying
Appointment Procedure
Complete information about the application process can be found
here:http://www.naturvetenskap.lu.se/o.o.i.s/11729 Applications for
advertised positions must be received by the date specified in the
Lund University promotes an equal opportunities code. We encourage both men
and women to apply for this position.
Applications will be destroyed or returned (upon request) six months after
the decision of employment has become final. Applications from the employed
and from those who appeal the decision will not be returned.
Karin Rengefors, PhD
Aquatic Ecology, Dept. of Biology
Ecology Building, Lund University
SE-22362 Lund, Sweden
Phone: +46 46 222 8427
web: http:/www.limnol.lu.se
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