[Lista-Algas] Conference "The Molecular Life of Diatoms" June 5 to 10, 2011
Andrés Boltovskoy
anboltov at gmail.com
Tue Jan 18 15:10:38 ART 2011
----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Kroth" <Peter.Kroth at UNI-KONSTANZ.DE>
Dear colleagues,
in the name of Nils Kröger and the organizing team I am happy to announce
that the
1st International Conference on "The Molecular Life of Diatoms"
will take place from June 5th to 9th 2011 in Atlanta. The website is now
open for registration and abstract submission on
http://www.lifeofdiatoms.org .
Please register on the website as early as possible to take advantage of the
reduced "early birds" registration fee. The deadline for abstract submission
is February 28th.
Best regards,
Peter Kroth, Prof. Dr.
Plant Ecophysiology office: M906
Department of Biology Fax: ++49(0)7531-88-4047
Postfach M611 Phone: ++49(0)7531-88-4816/2782
University of Konstanz Phone (Sekr.)++49(0)7531-88-4027
78457 Konstanz, Germany E-Mail: Peter.Kroth at uni-konstanz.de
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