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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] ___SPAM___ First circular: NADS MT 2011

Andres Boltovskoy anboltov at
Mon Sep 27 18:50:03 ART 2010




21st North American Diatom Symposium


You are cordially invited to attend the 21st North American Diatom Symposium being held on 14-18 September 2011 at the Flathead Lake Biological Station on Yellow Bay. Flathead Lake is the largest natural freshwater lake in the United States west of the Mississippi River. The North American Diatom Symposium is held every two years at field stations throughout North America and is the premier venue for all aspects of diatom research. We welcome you to access our new permanent NADS website:

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to find the latest meeting information and links to program details, registration information, and abstract submission.  A special thanks to Sarah Hamsher for web design!



21st NADS will be held at Flathead Lake Biological Station (FLBS), the first time for this symposium to be held in Montana.  To accommodate a group the size of NADS we will also use nearby campgrounds and other accommodations where needed.  FLBS is one of the oldest active biological field research stations in the Unites States. It was established near Bigfork, MT in 1899 by its first director, Dr. Morton J. Elrod, UM Distinguished Professor of Biology and it moved to Yellow Bay in 1908. Since its inception students from around the country and the world have been coming to the station to learn about biology firsthand. By 1977 year-round research was being conducted at the Morton J. Elrod Laboratory and with construction of the state-of-the-art Schoonover Freshwater Research Laboratory FLBS became one of the finest freshwater research facilities in the country. 

The Flathead Lake Biological Station itself is located on a peninsula that shelters Yellow Bay from the main body of Flathead Lake.  The grounds include a spring-brook and an old growth stand of Douglas fir, ponderosa pine and larch.  The station also has land on Bull Island and Polson Bay, and co-manages the Bird Islands.

FLBS is located near the towns of Polson and Bigfork in northwest Montana: Flathead Lake Biological Station, The University of Montana, 32125 Bio Station Lane, Polson, MT 59860-6815, Phone: (406) 982-3301, Fax: (406) 982-3201, Web: Air travelers to FLBS should use the Missoula, MT airport (1.5 hours away), the Kalispell, MT airport (0.5 hours away), Bozeman, MT airport (3.5 hours away), or the Spokane, WA airport (3.5 hours away) which are served by various carriers. Please see the NADS website for additional information and other travel options, such as Amtrak.  


Three days of meetings will be highlighted by morning and afternoon oral sessions (never concurrent), poster sessions, plenary speakers, the scum run, and a special natural history presentation about the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem by "Mr. Montana", Rick Graetz. Evening events will include mixers and the NADS banquet and auction. Dr. Loren Bahls will lead a field trip to nearby Glacier National Park on Sunday, September 18.  


Special Sessions

Proposals for special poster or paper sessions, panel or roundtable discussions, and workshops should be directed to Dennis Vander Meer (dvandermeer at, Diane Winter (dwinter at or Loren Bahls (eemahtuskie at


About NADS

The North American Diatom Symposium (NADS) is a biennial meeting normally held at field stations throughout the United States and Canada.  This meeting was first held in 1970 at Cedar Creek (Minnesota) and has been hosted at field stations in Florida, Colorado, Manitoba, Kentucky, Alabama, Ohio, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin and Michigan.  NADS usually attracts between 100-120 diatomists from North America and international diatomists as well who come for the student-friendly atmosphere, diverse diatom topics, ample opportunities to network and socialize, the scum run, collecting opportunities, and an evening auction to support student travel.  NADS is an informal society of diatomists, that is, there are no formal officers or structure.


21st NADS Contacts

Dennis Vander Meer (dvandermeer at, Diane Winter (dwinter at, or Loren Bahls (eemahtuskie at



Dennis Vander Meer



Rhithron Associates, Inc.

29 Fort Missoula Road

Missoula, MT  59804


Quality-assured aquatic invertebrate and periphyton taxonomy, data analysis, aquatic ecology consulting and unrivaled client service


ph  406.721.1977

fax 406.721.2028

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