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[Lista-Algas] COASTAL WETLANDS: An Integrated Ecosystem Approach

Andres Boltovskoy anboltov at
Mon Feb 2 11:23:23 ART 2009

Libro que acaba de publicar Elsevier:

            An Integrated Ecosystem Approach

            Edited By 
            Gerardo Perillo, Instituto Argentino de Oceanografia, Bahia Blanca, Argentina
            Eric Wolanski, James Cook University, Queensland, Australia
            Donald Cahoon, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, US Geological Survey, Beltsville, MD, USA
            Mark Brinson, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC, USA

            Coastal wetlands are under a great deal of pressure from the dual forces of rising sea level and the intervention of human populations both along the estuary and in the river catchment. Direct impacts are direct such as the destruction or degradation of wetlands from land reclamation and infrastructures and indirect such as the impact of pollutants and changes in the river water and sediment discharge from land clearing and dams. As sea level rises, coastal wetlands in most areas of the world migrate landward to occupy former uplands. The competition of these lands from human development is intensifying, making the landward migration impossible in many cases. This book provides an understanding of the functioning of coastal ecosystems and the ecological services that they provide, and suggestions for their management. In this book a CD is included containing color figures of wetlands and estuaries in different parts of the world.

            students, engineers, scientists, researchers on coastal environments, and resource managers with special interest in coastal wetland ecosystems.

            COASTAL WETLANDS: AN INTEGRATED ECOSYSTEM APPROACH Preface Chapter 1.- Eric Wolanski, Mark M. Brinson, Donald R. Cahoon, Gerardo M. E. Perillo Coastal wetlands: A synthesis Section I. Coastal Wetlands as Ecosystems Chapter 2.- Colin D. Woodroffe, Gareth Davies The morphology and development of tropical coastal wetlands Chapter 3.- Paula Pratolongo, Jason Kirby, Andrew Plater, Mark M. Brinson Temperate coastal wetlands: morphology, sediment processes, and plant communities Chapter 4.- I. Peter Martini, Robert L. Jefferies, R. I. Guy Morrison, Kenneth F. Abraham Polar coastal wetlands: development, structure and landuse Section II. Physical Processes Chapter 5.- Andrea D'Alpaos, Stefano Lanzoni, Andrea Rinaldo, Marco Mariani Intertidal eco-geomorphological dynamics and hydrodynamic circulation Chapter 6.- Gerardo M. E. Perillo Tidal courses: classification, origin and functionality Chapter 7.- M. Cintia Piccolo Heat energy balance in coastal wetlands Chapter 8.- Yoshihiro Mazda, Eric Wolanski Hydrodynamics and modeling of water flow in mangrove areas Chapter 9.- Luigi D'Alpaos, Luca Carniello, Andrea Defina Mathematical modeling of tidal flow over saltmarshes and tidal flats with applications to the Venice Lagoon Section III. Tidal Flats Chapter 10.- Shu Gao Geomorphology and sedimentology of tidal flats Chapter 11.- David Paterson, Rebeca J. Aspden, Kevin S. Black Intertidal flats: Ecosystem functioning of soft sediment systems Chapter 12.- Samantha B. Joye, Dirk de Beer, Perran L. M. Cook Biogeochemical dynamics of coastal tidal flats Section IV. Marshes and Seagrasses Chapter 13.- Marianne Holmer Productivity and biogeochemical cycling in seagrass ecosystems Chapter 14.- John R.L. Allen Tidal salt marshes: geomorphology and sedimentology Chapter 15.- Jenneke Visser, Donald M. Baltz Ecosystem structure of tidal saline marshes Chapter 16.- Craig Tobias, Scott Neubauer Salt marsh biogeochemistry - an overview Chapter 17.- Laurence A. Boorman The role of freshwater flows on salt marsh growth and development Chapter 18.- Dennis Whigham, Andrew H. Baldwin, Aat Barendregt Tidal freshwater wetlands Chapter 19.- J. Patrick Megonigal, Scott C. Neubauer Biogeochemistry of tidal freshwater wetlands Section V. Mangroves Chapter 20.- Joanna C. Ellison Geomorphology and sedimentology of mangroves Chapter 21.- Ruben, J. Lara, Claudio F. Szlafsztein, Marcelo C.L. Cohen, Julian Oxmann, Bettina B. Schmitt, Pedro.W.M. Souza Filho Geomorphology and sedimentology of mangroves and salt marshes: the formation of geobotanical units Chapter 22.- Daniel M. Alongi Paradigm shifts in mangrove biology Chapter 23.- Robert R. Twilley, Victor Rivera-Monroy Nutrient biogeochemistry of mangrove wetlands Section VI. Coastal Wetland Restoration and Management Chapter 24.- Eric I. Paling, Mark Fonseca, Marieke van Katwijk, Mike van Keulen Seagrass restoration Chapter 25.- Stephen Broome, Christopher B. Craft Tidal marsh creation Chapter 26.- Paul Adam Salt marsh restoration Chapter 27.- Angus Garbutt, Laurence A. Boorman Managed realignment: recreating inter-tidal habitats on formerly reclaimed land Chapter 28.- Roy R. Lewis III Methods and criteria for successful mangrove forest restoration Chapter 29.- Andrew H. Baldwin, Richard S. Hammerschlag, Donald R. Cahoon Restoration of tidal freshwater wetlands: Ecosystem characteristics and environmental constraints Section VII. Coastal Wetland Sustainability and Landscape Dynamics Chapter 30.- John Rybczyk, John Callaway Surface elevation models Chapter 31.-Neil Saintilan, Kerrylee Rogers, Karen McKee Salt marsh - mangrove interactions Chapter 32.- Enrique Reyes Spatially-explicit dynamic wetland modeling Subject Index Geographic Index Taxonomic Index 
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