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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Post doctoral position, Roscoff, France - Diversity and distribution of small photosynthetic eukaryotes in Arctic waters

Andres Boltovskoy anboltov at
Sun Feb 1 14:13:02 ART 2009

Post doctoral position, Roscoff, France - Diversity and distribution
of small photosynthetic eukaryotes in Arctic waters

Duration: Two years post doctoral position

Location : Team Diversity of Plankton
( at the Biological Station of
Roscoff. The successful may have to participate to a cruise in the
Canadian arctic in the summer of 2009.

Objectives: Study the diversity of photosynthetic eukaryotes in the
Beaufort Sea during summer 2009. This area will be sampled during the
MALINA cruise on board the Amundsen that will take place in July and
August 2009 (see Focus will be on two
groups, Prasinophyceae and picobiliphytes, suspected to be important
in these waters. Methods used will include 18S rRNA analysis from
sorted samples and quantitative PCR.

Profile: Experience and publications in the area of molecular methods
used in microbial ecology (environmental clone libraries, quantitative
PCR). Knowledge of eukaryotic taxonomy and phylogeny will be a plus.
Although working knowledge of French is not mandatory, it will help
integration in the Roscoff laboratory.

Please send a motivation letter, a complete CV and the name of 2
scientists that can act as references to Daniel Vaulot
(vaulot at

Directeur de Recherche CNRS
Groupe Plancton Océanique
Station Biologique, CNRS-INSU-UPMC, UMR 7144
BP 74 Place G. Tessier
29682 Roscoff Cx FRANCE
email: vaulot at Skype : danielguip
Ph: +33 2 98 29 23 34 Fax: +33 2 98 29 23 24 Mobile : +33 6 75 54 20 41
Plankton group :
Roscoff Culture Collection :

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