[Lista-Algas] libros-algas
Andres Boltovskoy
anboltov at gmail.com
Wed May 14 14:43:31 ART 2008
Phytoplankton dynamics in the North American Great Lakes. Vol. 1. Lakes Ontario, Erie, St. Clair. 1997. Munawar, M. et al. discussion on the functioning of pelagic communities; comparisons based on standard methodologies for biomass, species composition, size spectrum, picoplankton, primary production and other characteristics such as ecology & toxicity. 275 p. ISBN 90-5103-115-7 $136.50
Phytoplankton dynamics in the North American Great Lakes. Vol. 2. Lakes Huron, Superior and Michigan. 2000. Munawar, M. et al. in preparation. Covers ecosystems, microbial food-web, phytoplankton composition, etc. 253 pp. illustrated with charts and figures. hardcover. ISBN 90-5782-032-3. $154.00
Introduction to Applied Phycology. I. Akatsuka. 1990. 683 p. ISBN 90-5103-052-5 $217.00
Aquatic Microbial Ecology. A textbook for students in environmental sciences. by Yuri Sorokin. 1999. Covers Bacteria, microalgae, protozoa, and microzooplankton, such as larvaceans and rotifers. The main tasks of this book are: to develop a methodology for adequate quantification and taxonomic identification of the main groups of micro-organisms; to estimate their community structure, density, and distribution; the evaluate their functional activity in the production and decomposition of organic matter, in the turnover and dynamic of nutrients and other biologically important elements; and to establish their roles in the trophodynamics, and more specifically in their productivity and energy balance. Chapters: Aquatic microbial communities: phytoplankton; Bacterioplankton; Microzooplankton; Benthic microbial communities; Trophic importance of microbial production in aquatic food webs; Physiological groups of aquatic batceria and their biogeochemical activity; Regional microbial ecology of pristine and anthropogenically stressed waters; and Practical application of selected methods. vii, 252 pp., 133 figures, 24 tables. paperback. ISBN 90-5782-027-7. $110.25
State Of Lake Erie - Past, Present and Future. Munawar, M., T. Edsall & I.F. Munawar (Eds.). 1999, contents cover: Henry Regier biography; potential climate change impacts om Lake Erie; physical limnological characteristics of Lake Erie and implications of climate changes; sedimentary environment of western Lake Erie: geologic setting, sediment distribution and anthropogenic effects; time resolution of downcore chemical changes in Lake Erie sediments; changin phytoplankton biomass and its composition in Lake Erie; abundance, biomass and diversity of planktonic ciliates of Lake Erie; historical and recent changes in Lake Erie zooplankton community; changes in the bottom fauna; burrowing mayfiles, changing fishery regiume; recent trends in eastern Lake Erie fish stocks within a changing trophic state and food web; consumption of rainbow smelt by walleye and salmonine fishes in eastern lake Erie; invasions of exotics; contaminant; emerging approaches and techniques. 566pp., 194 figs & 80 tables (Ecovision World Monograph Series). ISBN 90-5782-018-8. $ 232.75 *** hardbound. ISBN 81-7898-299-4. $280.00
Scott Balogh
Balogh International Inc
1911 N. Duncan Rd, Champaign, Illinois 61822 USA
ph: +1 217 355 9331; fax: +1 217 355 9413
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