Listas de Correo
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] 1º circular Paleolomnology Simposium 2009

Andres Boltovskoy anboltov at
Fri Mar 14 14:57:02 ART 2008

Microsoft Word - Firstcircular2009a.doc


We are pleased to confirm that the 11th International Paleolimnology Symposium will be held from the 23rd to the 26th of June 2009, in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. We would like to encourage the scientific community to submit presentations related with every field of paleolimnology.  We are aiming to achieve a wide representation of disciplines and an ample geographical cover.  We consider Guadalajara an ideal location for this meeting as it lies in a region of major volcanic and tectonic complexity which has given origin to several of the main lacustrine basins in Mexico. 


The city of Guadalajara is the capital of the state of Jalisco and is one of the main state capitals in Mexico. It combines all the facilities of a modern city while keeping some of the strongest Mexican traditions such as mariachis, tequila and pottery making.  The center of Guadalajara has several beautiful historic buildings and it is surrounded by traditional villages such as Tlaquepaque or Tonala.  Guadalajara also has a wide choice or restaurants, cafes, shops, museums, cinemas and theatres.  

Guadalajara's airport has local flights connecting to all major cities in Mexico (Mexico City, Puerto Vallarta, Cancun, etc.), and direct flights from several cities in the United States. Guadalajara is also connected by motorways which facilitate access by car or bus to and from any location in Mexico.  Car rental is easily available in the city. All these guarantee easy access from all over the world and make it easy to extend your stay in Mexico, traveling to other tourist locations in the country.   

The climate of Guadalajara is very comfortable all year round, during June the average temperature is around 24°C, but this month is the beginning of the rainy season, so some showers can be expected during the evenings. 


The venue for the meeting will be the Hilton Hotel in Guadalajara. The meeting will have morning and evening sessions starting with a plenary invited talk which will be followed by oral presentations running in two parallel rooms.  Tuesday 23th and Wednesday 24th will close with poster sessions; Friday 26th will close with the IPA plenary session.  Details of plenary talks will be given in the second circular. 

Tentative schedule: 

     Tues. 23th
     Thurs. 25th
      Frid. 26th
      Sat. 27th 
     Post-congress field trip* 
     congress field trip* 
     Oral sessions 
     Oral sessions 
     Oral sessions 
     Oral sessions 
     Oral sessions 
     Oral sessions 
     congress field trip 
     Oral sessions 
     Posters and 
     Posters and 


*activities at extra costs 

The ice-breaker will be held the night of Monday the 22th . Mid-congress field trip to the nearby archaeological site of Guachimontones will leave by mid-day of Thursday 25th from the Hilton Hotel in Guadalajara.  This visit will allow all participants to become familiar with the history and archaeology of Mesoamerica. Guachimontones is a relatively recently excavated area (1990) that was listed as a UNESCO world heritage site in 2006. The Teuchitlán culture which built this city, reached its maximum development between AD 200 to 400, therefore it was coeval with the great Maya and Teotihuacan cultures in eastern and central Mexico, and as happened to many sites in Mesoamerica, was abandoned around AD 900. 

      Registration Fees: 
      Early registration: 
     before 20th of March 2009. 
      Late registration: 
     between 21st of March and 20th of May 2009. 
      In site registration: 
     after 20th of May 2009. 


The registration fee includes the ice-breaker, all lunches and the mid-congress field trip to Guachimontones.  All prices are in U.S. dollars. 

Dinner party: 

Will be held in one of the historic buildings in Guadalajara on Thursday 25th, further details, including the cost of the tickets, will be announced in the second circular. 

Student Prices: 

Prices for best student contributions will be granted, more details will be given in the second circular. 

Field Trips: 

Pre-congress field trip will leave in the morning of Sunday 20th from the Hilton Hotel in Guadalajara towards the Santa María lake.  There will be a stop in the Ceboruco lava 

field with a hike to the top of the volcano (45 min. aprox.).  The views of the vegetation and recent lava flow makes worth the effort! The evening will be spent in the hotel by the shores of Santa María lake. On Monday 21st there will be some time to discuss some limnological and paleolimnological data from the lake.  By mid-day we will set 

off back to Guadalajara, stopping on the way back at the small but interesting archaeological site of Ixtlán del Río.  Return to Guadalajara will be in time to attend the ice-breaker. More details including costs will be included in the second circular. 

Post-congress field trip will be a one day trip leaving early on Saturday the 27th towards 

one of the tequila making haciendas in or near the town of Tequila, where we will share some information about the history and making process of Tequila.  In the way to Tequila we be able to appreciate the magnificent view of the Tequila volcano and some details about the geology of the area will be discussed.  The return to Guadalajara is 

planned during the evening. More details, including costs will be included in the second circular. 

Organizing Committee: 

Margarita Caballero, Instituto de Geofísica, UNAM Beatriz Ortega, Instituto de Geofísica, UNAM Socorro Lozano, Instituto de Geología, UNAM Pedro Zarate, Universidad de Guadalajara, José Rosas, Universidad de Guadalajara, Susana Sosa, Instituto de Geología, UNAM Alejandro Rodríguez, FES Iztacala, UNAM 

IPA Board: 

Rick Battarbee, University College London, UK John Smol, Queen's University, Canada Emi Ito, University of Minnesota, USA Daniel Engstrom, University of Minnesota, USA Thomas Whitmore, University of Florida, USA Jennie Fulin, University of Adelaide, Australia 
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