Listas de Correo
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] DIATOMOLOGICA: Acaba de publicarse

Andres Boltovskoy anboltov at
Mon Mar 10 16:39:02 ART 2008

Iconographia Diatomologica: Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Ed. by Horst Lange - Bertalot. Volume 17: Antoniades, Dermot, Paul B. Hamilton, Marianne S. V. Douglas and John P. Smol: Diatoms of North America: The freshwater floras of Prince Patrick, Ellef Ringnes and northern Ellesmere Islands from the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. 2007. 1500 figs. on 133 plates. 649 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.                                                                                                                                                     EUR 149.00  (Approx. 230 US$)
(ISBN 978-3-906166-50-6)


Pre - ordered copies have been mailed.


Also available is a list of over 200 algae monographs from the private library of a retired phycologist. The main focus of these books is on Central Europe, but also a number of general monographs are contained in this list. The list will be e-mailed on demand to those interested.


Best regards from

Sven Koeltz




Booksellers, Publishers and Distributors in the Fields of Botany & Zoology


Mail address: P.O.Box 1360,  D-61462 Koenigstein / Germany

Street address / Parcel mail: Herrnwaldstr. 6, 61453 Koenigstein / Germany



National: 06174 93720

International: +49 6174 93720



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International: +49 6174 937 240


E-mail: koeltz at t-online




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