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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Atlas of Japanese Diatoms based on fine electron micrographs

Andres Boltovskoy anboltov at
Thu Sep 13 13:17:19 ART 2007

Kobayasi, Hiromu, Masahiko Idei, Shigeki Mayama, T.Nagumo, Keigo Osada

H. Kobayasi's Atlas of Japanese Diatoms Based on Electron Microscopy. Volume 1. 2006. 180 plates. 59 & 533 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. - Bilingual
(Japanese / English).  EUR 218.00 (Approx US$ 316.00)
(EU - residents must add 7% VAT)    
A unique atlas of diatoms mainly based on fine electron micrographs by the late Professor Dr. H. Kobayasi and his students. In this volume 144 taxa including 4 new species, 1 new variety and 6 new combinations are described from Japanese freshwaters with detailed light micrographs, drawings, and many SEM and TEM
photographs.  This is the first of two volumes.

Contents: Preface/ Descriptions of new taxa/ List of taxa included/ Explanation of terminology with electron micrographs (in Japanese)/ Comparative list of terminology among English, Chinese, Japanese and Latin/ Taxonomic system/ Description of taxa in Japanese with some important information in English/ Plates and explanations/ Comparative list between generic names and Japanese names/ References/ Index.

This book is not yet listed in our homepage. Please order by normal e-mail. Thank you.

Please send your order to
Publishers and Booksellers in the Fields of Botany and Zoology

Street address: Herrnwaldstr. 6, 61462 Koenigstein / Germany
Mail address: P.O.Box 1360, 61453 Koenigstein / Germany

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