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Andres Boltovskoy anboltov at
Fri Jan 12 14:53:37 ART 2007


Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Seaweed Symposium Series: Developments in Applied Phycology , Vol. 1
Anderson, R.J.; Brodie, J.A.; Onsøyen, E.; Critchley, A.T. (Eds.) 
Reprinted from Journal of Applied Phycology volume 18, issues 3,4,5 - 2007, XXVI, 474 p., Hardcover - ISBN: 978-1-4020-5669-7 (~ U$S159)
The Proceedings of the 18th International Seaweed Symposium provides an invaluable reference to a wide range of fields in applied phycology. Papers cover topics as diverse as systematics, ecology, commercial applications, carbohydrate chemistry and applications, harvesting biology, cultivation and more. Contributions from all parts of the world give the volume exceptional relevance in an increasingly global scientific and commercial climate. Like its predecessors, this volume provides a benchmark of progress in all fields of applied seaweed science and management, and will be referred to for many years to come.

Monitoring of Harmful Algae Blooms 
Lasse Pettersson , Dominique Durand , Ola Johannessen , Dmitry Pozdnyakov 
 300 pages -  Springer -  1º edition (December 2006 - due February 2007) - ISBN-13: 978-3540228929 (~ U$S159) 
Sometimes known as 'Red Tides', some of the wide variety of phytoplankton species in the World's oceans produce toxins which can harm marine life. In certain circumstances, these harmful algae blooms can even cause illness or death in humans. Shellfish filter feed on phytoplankton and concentrate their toxins in their bodies and people who eat them can contract life threatening food poisoning. A number of countries have monitoring programmes to measure the presence of toxins in algae blooms. Monitoring of Harmful Algae Blooms is all about the research techniques to monitor visible algae blooms and through remote sensing, including infrared techniques, predict them through mathematical modelling. 

Portraits of Marine Algae: an historical perspective
Michael J. Wynne (2006)
180 pages (59 color plates, 25 black-and-white plates), hard cover, dust jacket.
University of Michigan Herbarium - ISBN 0-9620733-7-7 (~US$54).
The author pays homage to students of marine algae from the 1760's to the early 1900's. For each author of a work on seaweeds a biographical sketch, sample illustrations (most in color), and references are provided.
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