Listas de Correo
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] CURSO - Phytoplankton Culturing Techniques

Andres Boltovskoy anboltov at
Wed Jan 3 14:39:56 ART 2007

HAB researchers,
The following course will be offered this Spring (see below).
Bob Andersen

Phytoplankton Culturing Techniques Course - 22-28 April 2007
Taught by Dr. Robert A. Andersen and Dr. Michael E. Sieracki

Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences and the Provasoli-Guillard 
National Center for Culture of Marine Phytoplankton will offer an 
intensive seven-day course that describes basic and advanced 
techniques for isolating, growing and cryopreserving marine 
phytoplankton.  The course is limited to 10 persons, and it is 
designed for graduate students, faculty members and aquaculturists. 
Isolation methods include direct single-cell isolation by 
micropipette, agar plating and flow cytometry and indirect methods 
such as dilution techniques and enrichments. Preparation and 
sterilization of culture media will be described. Instructors will 
provide methods for culture purification, including physical (e.g. 
single-cell "washing"), chemical (e.g. antibiotic treatments) and 
automated (e.g., flow cytometry) approaches.  Students, in groups no 
larger than 5, will participate in flow cytometric laboratory 
exercises for isolating and purifying culture strains.  Similarly, 
small groups will conduct cryopreservation laboratory exercises. 
Cryopreservation will include discussion of cryoprotectants, methods 
for freezing (simple techniques to computer-assisted control-rate 
freezers) and methods for thawing frozen cells. Factors affecting 
culture health such as light, temperature, salinity, nutrients and 
aeration, will be discussed.   Large scale or mass culturing will be 
discussed in lecture and laboratory exercises.  Numerous species from 
the CCMP collection will be available for study.  A copy of the book 
Algal Culturing Techniques will be supplied to each student.  A 
research scholarship of $1000 from the Rose Provasoli Endowment Fund 
will be awarded to one student; to compete for the scholarship, 
please send a description of your research.  The course fee is $2,300 
and includes breakfast and lunch. Housing and evening meals are not 

Robert A. Andersen, Ph.D., Director
Provasoli-Guillard National Center for Culture of Marine Phytoplankton (CCMP)
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
P.O. Box 475
180 McKown Point Road
West Boothbay Harbor, ME 04575 USA

Phone: 207-633-9632
Fax: 207-633-9715

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