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<DIV><FONT size=2><FONT size=3>HAB researchers,<BR>The following course will be
offered this Spring (see below).<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Bob
Andersen<BR><BR>Phytoplankton Culturing Techniques Course - 22-28 April
2007<BR>Taught by Dr. Robert A. Andersen and Dr. Michael E.
Sieracki<BR><BR>Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences and the Provasoli-Guillard
<BR>National Center for Culture of Marine Phytoplankton will offer an
<BR>intensive seven-day course that describes basic and advanced <BR>techniques
for isolating, growing and cryopreserving marine <BR>phytoplankton. The
course is limited to 10 persons, and it is <BR>designed for graduate students,
faculty members and aquaculturists. <BR>Isolation methods include direct
single-cell isolation by <BR>micropipette, agar plating and flow cytometry and
indirect methods <BR>such as dilution techniques and enrichments. Preparation
and <BR>sterilization of culture media will be described. Instructors will
<BR>provide methods for culture purification, including physical (e.g.
<BR>single-cell "washing"), chemical (e.g. antibiotic treatments) and
<BR>automated (e.g., flow cytometry) approaches. Students, in groups no
<BR>larger than 5, will participate in flow cytometric laboratory <BR>exercises
for isolating and purifying culture strains. Similarly, <BR>small groups
will conduct cryopreservation laboratory exercises. <BR>Cryopreservation will
include discussion of cryoprotectants, methods <BR>for freezing (simple
techniques to computer-assisted control-rate <BR>freezers) and methods for
thawing frozen cells. Factors affecting <BR>culture health such as light,
temperature, salinity, nutrients and <BR>aeration, will be
discussed. Large scale or mass culturing will be <BR>discussed in
lecture and laboratory exercises. Numerous species from <BR>the CCMP
collection will be available for study. A copy of the book <BR>Algal
Culturing Techniques will be supplied to each student. A <BR>research
scholarship of $1000 from the Rose Provasoli Endowment Fund <BR>will be awarded
to one student; to compete for the scholarship, <BR>please send a description of
your research. The course fee is $2,300 <BR>and includes breakfast and
lunch. Housing and evening meals are not <BR>included.<BR><BR>-- <BR>Robert A.
Andersen, Ph.D., Director<BR>Provasoli-Guillard National Center for Culture of
Marine Phytoplankton (CCMP)<BR>Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences<BR>P.O. Box
475<BR>180 McKown Point Road<BR>West Boothbay Harbor, ME 04575 USA<BR><BR>Phone:
207-633-9632<BR>Fax: 207-633-9715<BR></FONT><A