[Lista-Algas] IFAA 9th Symposium 1st Circular
Andres Boltovskoy
anboltov at fcnym.unlp.edu.ar
Tue Jun 6 12:31:04 ART 2006
Zagreb, Croatia, 19-20 September 2007
International Fossil Algae Association
Organized by:
Croatian Geological Survey
In collaboration with:
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Geology
Croatian Geological Society
Following the 8th International Symposium on Fossil Algae held in Granada, Spain, 2003, the 9th Symposium will be held in Zagreb, Croatia, from Wednesday 19 to Thursday 20 September 2007.
Two field-trips are planed: pre-symposium field trip to Dinarides and the Adriatic Coast, and post-symposium field trip to NW Croatia and Zagreb surroundings.
The Symposium will be organized by the Croatian Geological Survey (former Institute of Geology), in collaboration with the Department of Geology, Faculty of Science and the Croatian Geological Society.
Croatia is a country of great natural heritage with a wide variety of landscapes, from wild uninhabited craggy gorges to steep river valleys and a beautiful indented Adriatic coastline, dotted with hundreds of islands. The life in a clear-blue sea is extraordinarily varied with a wide range of species, including the type-species of Dasycladales - Dasycladus vermicularis, and the most famous one - Acetabularia acetabulum (= mediterranea). The investigations on fossil algae in Croatia began in 1907 with the very first description of a Permian dasyclad by Franz Schubert from the Velebit Mountain. These were followed by Julius Pia's (1920) studies on Triassic algae from the same region. Subsequently, in more then 50 years of research by the "Zagreb Algological Group", hundreds of algal taxa have been described in Croatia, many of them for the first time.
During the Symposium we will have an opportunity to show you both the great natural heritage of Croatia, as well as selected scientific discoveries in the field of fossil algae.
15-18 September. Pre-Symposium field trip: Dinarides Mts. and the Adriatic Coast
19-20 September. Scientific sessions: Zagreb
21-22 September. Post-Symposium field trip: North-West Croatia
Scientific sessions will be held at the University of Zagreb.
a.. Attending members: 100 euros
b.. Students: 50 euros
c.. Accompanying persons: 50 euros
Presentations on any aspect of calcareous algae and microbes are welcome, including:
. Biomineralization and algal- or microbe-induced sedimentation
. Stromatolites
. Taxonomy and Systematics
. Evolutionary history
. Living vs. fossil
. Biogeography and palaeoclimatology
. Ecology and palaeoecology
. Biostratigraphy
. Taphonomy and diagenesis
. Significance of algae in hydrocarbon and mineral resources formation
Proposals for additional themes or special sessions are welcome.
Zagreb offers a wide range of hotel accommodation from luxury Sheraton and Regent hotels to cheap apartments. Details of accommodation will be provided in the Second Circular. However, we encourage you to book hotel accommodation well in advance because the Symposium coincides with Autumn International Fair in Zagreb
Zagreb is well connected with other parts of Europe by plane, train and international roads. Many major European airlines fly to and from Zagreb: Aeroflot, Air France, Alitalia, Austrian Airlines, Croatia Airlines, Česke Aerolinie, Germanwings, Lot, Lufthansa, Malev-Hungarian Airlines, TAP Portugal, Turkish Airlines and Wizz Air.
Zagreb Tourist Board
Croatian National Tourist Board
Croatian Railways
Croatian Automobile Club
Zagreb Airport
The official language of the Symposium is English. Participants are invited to give oral and/or poster presentations. The maximum size of a poster is 200 cm high by 100 cm wide. All kinds of presentation equipment will be provided including PC computer, LCD projector, slide-projector, overhead projector, etc., as well as old-fashioned chalk, board, and a long wooden stick.
Abstracts will be peer-reviewed before their final acceptance. The abstract body should be kept at two A4 pages (illustrations included). Detailed instructions for authors will be provided in the Second Circular and posted on the web-page. Selected papers arising from oral and poster presentations will be published in Geologia Croatica, the scientific journal of the Croatian Geological Survey and the Croatian Geological Society. Geologia Croatica (former Geološki vjesnik) is being publishing continuously since 1947, and has a long record of papers on fossil algae. It is published twice a year, and has a very good printing quality.
15 July 2006 Return of Pre-registration Form
30 September 2006 Distribution of Second Circular (with field-trip and accommodation fees included) to those who returned the Pre-registration Form:
31 May 2007 Symposium and field trip registration
31 May 2007 Submission of abstracts
1 July 2007 Final payment of all fees
a.. The Plitvice Lakes National Park is located in the heart of Croatia and is one of the most beautiful places in the region. There 16 cascading lakes in the Park, separated by natural barriers made of tufa. Tufa forming algae and microbes have been and still are playing an important role in creation of the barriers, thus making a very sensitive biodynamic system.
b.. Velebit is the longest mountain range in Croatia arching nearly 150 km of the coast. Its karst phenomena, and fascinating living world are protected by the establishment two national parks. A relatively simple folded structure of Velebit Mt. will enable us to visit a fairly long Upper Permian to the Upper Jurassic stratigraphic succession rich in fossil algae.
c.. Biokovo Mountain raises from the sea as a wall over the beautiful Mediterranean city of Makarska. Well-exposed outcrops will enable us to study the Middle Jurassic to the Mid Cretaceous carbonate succession abundant in microfossils (e.g. Salpingoporella biokoviensis, Biokoviella robusta, foraminiferal family Biokovinidae) and characterized by interesting sedimentary features.
. Mljet island is the type locality of the Barremian species Salpingoporella melitae. The western part of the island is a National Park with two sea-lakes that are places of a peculiar aragonite precipitation. In the centre of the larger lake is a small island with a 12th century Benedictine monastery. The exposures of the Upper Jurassic to Upper Cretaceous platform interior succession are characterized by a rich association of dasyclads and benthic foraminifera.
Leaders: Branko Sokač, Ivo Velić, Tonći Grgasović, Jasenka Sremac, Igor Vlahović, Antun Husinec.
The trip begins (early morning, September 15) and ends (evening, September 18) in Zagreb. Important note: maximum number of participants is limited due to transportation limitations.
. Upper Triassic dolomites with microbial carbonates, stromatolites, gymnocodiaceans and dasyclads from the Žumberak Mt.
. Middle Triassic carbonate platform-to-basin succession from the Ivanščica Mt.
. Badenian (Middle Miocene) corallinacean (red algae) bioclastic facies exposed in Medvednica Mt.
Leaders: Tonći Grgasović & Davor Vrsaljko.
The trip begins (early morning, September 21) and ends (afternoon, September 22) in Zagreb.
We cordially invite all participants to complete the Pre-Registration Form
More on-line information on the Symposium will soon be posted on web (link will be available from the Croatian Geological Society web-page).
Organizing Committee:
Dr. Tonći Grgasović (president) - Croatian Geological Survey
M.sc. Alisa Martek (secretary) - Croatian Geological Survey
M.sc. Niko Dalić - INA & Croatian Geological Society
Dr. Josip Halamić - Croatian Geological Survey
Dr. Antun Husinec - Croatian Geological Survey
M.sc. Haris Ibrahimpašić - INA
Dr. Branko Sokač - Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences
Prof. Jasenka Sremac - Faculty of Science
Dr. Ivo Velić - Croatian Geological Survey
Dr. Igor Vlahović - Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering
Dr. Davor Vrsaljko - Croatian Geological Survey
Honorable members:
Prof. Emeritus Milan Herak - Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences
Prof. Ivan Gušić - Faculty of Science & Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences
Tonći Grgasović
Hrvatski geološki institut
(Croatian Geological Survey)
Sachsova 2, POB.
HR-10000 Zagreb
Email: tonci.grgasovic at hgi-cgs.hr
Skype: tgrgasovic
Telefon: 385-1-6160-707
Fax: 385-1-6144-718
Alisa Martek
Hrvatski geološki institut
(Croatian Geological Survey)
Sachsova 2, POB.
HR-10000 Zagreb
Email: alisa.martek at hgi-cgs.hr
Telefon: 385-1-6160-786
Fax: 385-1-6144-718
Zagreb, Croatia, 19-20 September 2007
First name:
Family name:
Zip/Postal code; City:
Attending member: Yes No
Student: Yes No
Accompanying member: Yes No
Please specify your option for the hotel: Single room Double room
I will attend 4 days Pre-Symposium field trip: Yes No
I will attend 2 days Post-Symposium field trip: Yes No
My contribution(s) will be presented as: Oral communication(s) Poster(s)
Please, fill in this Registration Form and return it to Alisa Martek (alisa.martek at hgi-cgs.hr), or to Tonći Grgasović (tonci.grgasovic at hgi-cgs.hr).
If there are any problems please do not hesitate to contact the organizers.
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