[coccoliths] PDFs of Perch-Nielsen papers.
Roque Aguado Merlo
raguado at ujaen.es
Wed Nov 3 15:45:22 -03 2021
Hi! Jeremy,
I have scanned pdfs of Perch-Nielsen 1981a and 1981c papers. I enclose them
in this email.
Best Regards,
R. Aguado.
El mié, 3 nov 2021 a las 13:02, Young, Jeremy (<jeremy.young at ucl.ac.uk>)
> Dear all
> Katharina Perch-Nielsen (aka Katharina von Salis) published a lot
> of important work on nannofossils but much of it was in obscure journals or
> conference proceedings and is not readily available digitally. It would be
> good to rectify this and a few people have volunteered to help scan
> reprints - but before doing that I'd like to ask if people have PDF copies
> of any of these. (if an article is not on the list then we already have a
> copy).
> Jeremy
> Perch-Nielsen, K. & Bybell, L. M. (1986). Calcareous nannofossil events at
> the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. *In*, Pomerol, C. & Premoli-Silva, I. (eds)
> *Terminal Eocene events. *Elsevier Science Publ., Amsterdam 275-282.
> Perch-Nielsen, K. & Hansen, J. M. (1981). Selandian. *In*, Pomerol, C.
> (ed.) Stratotypes of Paleogene stages. *Bulletin d'Information des
> Géologiques du Bassin de Paris, Mémoires hors série*. *2*: 219-230.
> Perch-Nielsen, K. & Pavsic, J. (1979). Calcareous nannofossils from the
> Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in Slovenia. *In*, Christensen, W. K., &
> Birkelund, T. (eds) *Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary events - symposium. II.
> Proceedings. *179-184.
> Perch-Nielsen, K. & Petters, S. W. (1981). Cretaceous and Eocene
> microfossil ages from the southern Benue Trouch, Nigeria. *Archives des
> Sciences. **34*(2): 211-218.
> Perch-Nielsen, K. & Plahter, U. (1995). Analyses of fossil coccoliths in
> chalk grounds of medieval art in Norway. *In*, Stalley, R., Malmanger,
> M., Berczelly, L. & Fuglesang, S. H. (eds) Norwegian medieval altar
> frontals and related material : papers from the conference in Oslo 16th to
> 19th December 1989; Roma. *Acta ad Archaeologiarn Artium Pertinentia*.
> *11*: -.
> Perch-Nielsen, K. (1971a). Durchsicht Tertiarer Coccolithen. *In*,
> Farinacci, A. (ed.) *Proceedings of the Second Planktonic Conference Roma
> 1970. *Edizioni Tecnoscienza, Rome *2*: 939=980-.
> Perch-Nielsen, K. (1972a). Les nannofossiles calcaires de la limite
> Cretace-Tertiaire. *In*, Colloque sur les methodes et tendances de la
> stratigraphie. *Mémoires du Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières*.
> *77*(1): 181-188.
> Perch-Nielsen, K. (1973b). Fossil coccoliths as indicators of the origin
> of Late Cretaceous chalk used in Medieval Norwegian art. *Universitetet
> Oldsaksamlings, Arbok. **1970-71*: 161-169.
> Perch-Nielsen, K. (1979e). Calcareous nannofossils in Cretaceous/Tertiary
> boundary sections in Denmark. *In*, Christensen, W. K. & Birkelund, T.
> (eds) *Proceedings Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary Events Symposium,
> Copenhagen, 2. *Copenhagen 120-126.
> Perch-Nielsen, K. (1979c). Calcareous nannofossils at the
> Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary near Biarritz, France. *In*, Christensen, W.
> K. & Birkelund, T. (eds) *Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary events -
> symposium. II. Proceedings. *151-155.
> Perch-Nielsen, K. (1979b). Calcareous nannofossils at the
> Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in Tunisia. *In*, Christensen, W. K. &
> Birkelund, T. (eds) *Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary events - symposium. II.
> Proceedings. *238-243.
> Perch-Nielsen, K. (1980b). The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in El Kef and
> Hedil, Tunisia and in the Sokoto Basin, Nigeria (calcareous nannofossils).
> *Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Nice, Annales. **6*: 56-58.
> Perch-Nielsen, K. (1981c). Nouvelles observations sur les nannofossiles
> calcaires a la limite Crétacé-Tertiaire près de El Kef (Tunisie). *Cahiers
> de Micropaléontologie. **3*: 25-37.
> Perch-Nielsen, K. (1981a). Les coccolithes du Paléocène près de El Kef,
> Tunisie, et leurs ancêtres. *Cahiers de Micropaléontologie. **3*: 7-23.
> Perch-Nielsen, K. (1982a). Maastrichtian coccoliths in the Danian:
> survivors or reworked "dead bodies"? *I,A,S, 3rd Eur, Mtg,, Copenhagen
> 1982. *122-122.
> Perch-Nielsen, K. (1982b). The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. *In*, Odin,
> G. S. (ed.) *Numerical dating in stratigraphy, Part II. *John Wiley &
> Sons 650-652.
> Perch-Nielsen, K. (1983). Recognition of Cretaceous stage boundaries by
> means of calcareous nannofossils. *In*, Birkelund, T., Bromley, R.,
> Christensen, W. K., Håkansson, E. & Surlyk, F. (eds) *Symposium on
> Cretaceous Stage Boundaries, Copenhagen, October 18-21, 1983, Abstracts. *Copenhagen
> 152-156.
> Perch-Nielsen, K. (1986a). Geological events and the distribution of
> calcareous nannofossils - some speculations. *Bulletin des Centres de
> Recherches Exploration-Production Elf-Aquitaine. **10*(2): 421-432.
> Perch-Nielsen, K., Sadek, A., Barakat, M. G. & Teleb, F. (1978). Late
> Cretaceous and Early Tertiary Calcareous nannofossil and Planktonic
> foraminifera zones from Egypt. Actes du VI Colloque Africain de
> Micropaléontologie - Tunis 1974. *Annales des Mines et de la Géologie
> Tunis. **28*: 337-403.
> Perch-Nielsen, K., Ulleberg, K. & Evensen, J. E. (1979). Comments on 'The
> terminal Cretaceous event: a geologic problem with an oceanographic
> solution' (Gartner & Keany, 1978). *In*, Christensen, W. K.,, amp &
> Birkelund, T. (eds) *Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary events - symposium. II.
> Proceedings. *106-111.
> Perch-Nielsen, K., McKenzie, J. & He, Q. (1982). Biostratigraphy and
> isotope stratigraphy and the 'catastrophic'extinction of calcareous
> nannoplankton at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. *Geological Society of
> America, Special Papers. **190*: 353-371.
> Farinacci, A. (1971). Round Table on calcareous Nannoplankton.Roma,
> September 23-28, 1970. *In*, Farinacci, A. (ed.) *Proceedings of the
> Second Planktonic Conference Roma 1970. *Ed. Tecnoscienza, Roma
> 1343-1369. [Katharina wrote most of this]
> Schrank, E. & Perch-Nielsen, K. (1985). Late Cretaceous palynostratigraphy
> in Egypt with comments on Maastrichtian and Early Tertiary calcareous
> nannofossils. *Newsletters on Stratigraphy. **15*(2): 81-99.
> Mikkelsen, N. & Perch-Nielsen, K. (1982). Calcareous nannofossils. *In*,
> Olausson, E. (ed.) The Pleistocene/Holocene boundary in south-western
> Sweden. *Sveriges Geologiska Undersokning, Arsbok*. *76*(7): 178-186.
> Noël, D. & Perch-Nielsen, K. (1975). Report on the consultant group on
> calcareous nannoplankton, Kiel, September 5-7, 1974. *Archives des
> Sciences. **28*(2): 237-262.
> Oberhansli, H. & von Salis Perch-Nielsen, K. (1990). The Paleocene
> 13C-event: Was it due to changes in the storage rate of terrestrial biomass?
> *Veroffentlichungen Uberseemuseum (Bremen). **10*: 99-112.
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[image: Universidad de Jaén] <https://www.ujaen.es/> Roque Aguado Merlo
Universidad de Jaén
Departamento de Geología
Edif. Laboratorios Oeste, D-107 | Campus
Científico Tecnológico de Linares
Avda. de la Universidad s/n | 23700 - Linares
e-mail: raguado at ujaen.es | Tlf: +34 953 64
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