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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[coccoliths] INA website update

Young, Jeremy jeremy.young at
Tue Oct 24 19:03:58 ART 2017

Dear all

After the fabulous conference in Athens (sorry if you missed it) I felt motivated to do a bit of work on the INA website, and this turned into a fairly large project as I went through the whole site tidying up and re-orgaising content and adding sets of  photos from past conferences that had been sitting waiting for ages.

I also added a new menu system which hopefully makes the site much easier to explore

Anyway do take a look - not least at the latest news update from the conference.


Dr. Jeremy R. Young
INA Website editor
Dept of Earth Sciences
University College London
Gower St
London SW7 5BD

INAwebeditor at<mailto:INAwebeditor at><><>

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