[coccoliths] ID help request
Young, Jeremy
jeremy.young at ucl.ac.uk
Wed Nov 22 10:39:21 ART 2017
... Jackie's post made me realise I had sent mine to the sender rather than the list, so I'll resend it now (maybe the default behaviour should be for replies to go to the list)
Nice images and you are heading in the right direction but a lot of the literature you are using is out of date and you need to know how to map the names they use onto modern taxonomy. The nannotax website is a good place to get a guide through some of this (it may seem a bit daunting at forst but if you go to Tools/Prefs and time control you can set it to highlight which taxa occur in the Late Jurassic).
Basically though a lagoonal environment like that is going to be very low diversity and the vast majority of specimens you are seeing are Watznaueria barnesiae/fossacincta and Cyclagelosphaera margereli, with variable preservation. Ellipsagelosphaera and Calolithus are both now considered junior synonyms of Watznaueria. Your Coccolithophorida inc sed are proximal views of Cyclagelosphaera.
Denise Noel did some work on coccoliths in lithographic limestone - arguing that most of hem were originally more or less pure coccolith oozes and that the very finescale porosity form the coccospheres was crucial to the lithographic character of the limestones. Also we recently discovered a direct descendant of Cyclagelosphaera living in modern shallow shelf seas - see
Hagino, K.; Young, J.R.; Bown, P.R.; Godrijan, J.; Kulhanek, D.K.; Kogane, K. & Horiguchi, T., (2015). Re-discovery of a “living fossil” coccolithophore from the coastal waters of Japan and Croatia. Marine Micropaleontology, 116(1): 28-37.
Dr. Jeremy R. Young
Research Associate
Earth Sciences
University College London
Gower Street, WC1E 6BT
07813 114208
On 21 Nov 2017, at 10:36, Chellouche, Patrick <patrick.chellouche at ifg.uni-kiel.de<mailto:patrick.chellouche at ifg.uni-kiel.de>> wrote:
Dear colleagues,
I was pointed towards this mailing list by Dr. Sebastian Meier of Kiel University, Germany.
I am currently working on the taphonomy of lithographic limestones from Southern Germany (Late Kimmeridgian, eudoxus-ammonite zone). As it so happens, there are some rather well preserved coccoliths and coccospheres contained in my bulkrock samples.
I already did some tentative identification, but would be tremendously greateful for a review by the eyes of a Cocco-specialist! (Please se attached plates)
What would further be of interest to me is the stratigraphic and palaeoecological potential of the coccolithophores found. I would also be thankful for literature references.
If anybody is interested in a deeper cooperation towards publishing my coccoliths, be sure to let me know!
Thank you very much for your time and best wishes,
Patrick Chellouche
P.S.: The literature used for Coccolith-identification was:
Flügel, E. & Franz, H. E. (1967): Elektronenmikroskopischer Nachweis von Coccolithen im Solnhofener Plattenkalk (Ober-Jura).- Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 127(3): 245-263.
Keupp, H. (1976): Kalkiges Nannoplankton aus den Solnhofener Schichten (Unter-Tithon, Südliche Frankenalb) – Calcareous nannoplankton from the Solnhofen limestones (L. Tithonian, Bavaria).- Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte, 1976(6): 361-381.
Keupp, H. (1976 ): Neue Coccolithen aus dem Solnhofener Plattenkalk I.- Geol. Bl. NO-Bayern, 26(2): 95-104.
Keupp, H. (1977): Ultrafazies und Genese der Solnhofener Plattenkalke (Oberer Malm, Südliche Frankenalb).- Abhandlungen der Naturhistorischen Gesellschaft Nürnberg, 37: 5-128.
Bown, P. R. & Cooper, M. K. E. (1999): Jurassic.- In: Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy, Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, Boston.
Bown, P. R. (1992): 17. New calcareous nannofossil taxa from the Jurasic/Cretaceous boundary interval of sites 765 and 261, Argo Abyssal Plain.- Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, 123: 369-379.
Dr. rer. nat. Patrick Chellouche
Institut für Geowissenschaften
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Ludewig-Meyn-Straße 10
24118 Kiel
Tel.:+49 431 880-2689
Email: Patrick.chellouche at ifg.uni-kiel.de<mailto:Patrick.chellouche at ifg.uni-kiel.de>
Institute of Geosciences
Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel
Ludewig-Meyn-Straße 10
24118 Kiel
Tel.:+49 431 880-2689
Email: Patrick.chellouche at ifg.uni-kiel.de<mailto:Patrick.chellouche at ifg.uni-kiel.de>
Fachgruppe Paläoumwelt - Geozentrum Nordbayern
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Loewenichstrasse 28
91054 Erlangen
Email: Patrick.chellouche at fau.de<mailto:Patrick.chellouche at fau.de>
<Plate 1_Watznaueria.jpg><Plate 2_Ellipsagelosphaeraceae.jpg><Plate 3_Ellipsagelosphaeracaea2.jpg><Plate 4_Cyclagelosphaera Kopie.jpg><Plate 5_rare coccoliths.jpg><Plate 6_incertae sedis.jpg>_______________________________________________
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