Listas de Correo
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] 2023 Benthic Diatoms and Freshwater Phytoplankton Proficiency Tests

Pepita Nolla Querol pepita.nolla at
Wed Jan 25 13:18:26 -03 2023

Dear colleagues,

Find attached the call for the 2023 Phytolab Control Benthic Diatoms and
Phytoplankton Proficiency Tests. Proficiency tests are important exercises
to benchmark one's identification and analytical skills against other
participants working on freshwater ecological assessments.

We invite you to register before *30th April 2023* at We also encourage you to distribute this call
among other colleagues who might be interested as well.

Best regards,
Salutacions / Saludos / Regards,
*Pepita Nolla i Querol*
Phytolab Control
pepita.nolla at
Telf. 931824484 / 636990140
Santa Eulàlia 174, entresol A
08902-L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona)

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