Listas de Correo
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Fwd: [dinophyte] REMINDER: next seminar: Tuesday June 1, 4pm GMT+2. Prof. Linda Medlin, Marine Biological Association of the UK, Plymouth, UK - Recent advances in biosensors for the detection of toxic algae.

Enrique Ascencio eaascenc at
Mon May 31 05:05:37 -03 2021

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: Kenneth Mertens <kenneth.mertens at>
Date: lun, 31 de may. de 2021 a la(s) 02:55
Subject: [dinophyte] REMINDER: next seminar: Tuesday June 1, 4pm GMT+2.
Prof. Linda Medlin, Marine Biological Association of the UK, Plymouth, UK -
Recent advances in biosensors for the detection of toxic algae.
To: dinophyte at <dinophyte at>


Dear all,

the next seminar is next week on tuesday June first at 4 pm:

*Tuesday June 1, 4pm (CEST, GMT+2). Prof. Linda Medlin,  Marine Biological
Association of the UK, Plymouth, UK - Recent advances in biosensors for the
detection of toxic algae. *

*Please find the abstract attached. *

*You can find all information here to connect to the zoom meeting: *

<> *

*The passcode for next seminar the passcode is : **418679*

Others had still difficulty with "GMT+2": this corresponds to Central
European Time - if you are confused about this, just google "Time in Paris"
and then you can calculate your time difference.

All the best,

Kenneth, Marc & Vera

PS: others seminars coming up:

Tuesday June 15, 5pm GMT+2. Francesc RubiĆ³ Garrido, Universitat de
Barcelona, Spain - Ostreopsis cf. ovata: A friendly dinoflagellate who
likes to attach to different macroalgae and Bryozoa.

Thursday July 1, 5pm GMT+2.  Dr. Natalia Annenkova,  Limnological
Institute, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk
- Dinoflagellates,
which live or probably live in the ancient Lake Baikal: single cell and DNA
metabarcoding studies.

Thursday July 15, 5pm GMT+2. Dr. Peta Mudie, NRCan Geological Survey,
Canada Atlantic, Halifax, NS, Canada - Adaptation strategies in Arctic pack
ice dinoflagellates with cysts.
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