[Lista-Algas] Fwd: [dinophyte] Next seminar: Thursday July 1, 5pm GMT+2. Dr. Natalia Annenkova, Limnological Institute, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk - Dinoflagellates, which live or probably live in the ancient Lake Baikal: single cell and DNA metabarcoding studies.
Enrique Ascencio
eaascenc at gmail.com
Tue Jun 22 12:14:01 -03 2021
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De: Kenneth Mertens <kenneth.mertens at ifremer.fr>
Date: mar, 22 de jun. de 2021 a la(s) 11:17
Subject: [dinophyte] Next seminar: Thursday July 1, 5pm GMT+2. Dr. Natalia
Annenkova, Limnological Institute, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy
of Sciences, Irkutsk - Dinoflagellates, which live or probably live in the
ancient Lake Baikal: single cell and DNA metabarcoding studies.
To: dinophyte at listes.ifremer.fr <dinophyte at listes.ifremer.fr>
Dear all,
the next seminar is next week on thursday July 1th at 5 pm:
*Thursday July 1, 5pm CEST, GMT+2. Dr. Natalia Annenkova, Limnological
Institute, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk -
Dinoflagellates, which live or probably live in the ancient Lake Baikal:
single cell and DNA metabarcoding studies.*
*Please find the abstract attached. *
*You can find all information here to connect to the zoom meeting: *
<https://www.en.sysbot.bio.lmu.de/dinophyte-sem/index.html> *
*The passcode for next seminar the passcode is : *083288
All the best,
Kenneth, Marc & Vera
PS: others seminars coming up:
*Thursday July 15, 5pm CEST, GMT+2. Dr. Peta Mudie, NRCan Geological
Survey, Canada Atlantic, Halifax, NS, Canada - Adaptation strategies in
Arctic pack ice dinoflagellates with cysts.*
*Monday August 23, 5 pm CEST, GMT+2. Vincent Coussin, IUEM, Brest, France
- Modern dinocyst assemblages along the Algerian margin and in the Gulf of
Lion, a North-South Western Mediterranean comparison.*
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