[Lista-Algas] Fwd: Diatom Diversity in the Lakes
Nora Maidana
noramaidana at gmail.com
Wed Feb 17 15:03:52 -03 2021
Para dar difusion
Dear Colleagues,
The *Diversity* Journal is about to launch a Special Issue dedicated to
Diatom Diversity in the Lakes.
As you know, diatoms are highly diverse and widespread almost in all inland
waters, whether in oligotrophic or brackish, frozen or hot having different
acidity and conductivity. Studying diatoms *in lakes *gives free rein to
researcher – it allows identifying diversity and tracing how it changes in
existent lakes in dependence of environmental conditions as well as drawing
conclusions about impact of anthropogenous and natural factors on a lake.
This also enables us to see how the diversity of diatoms was changing
during the active growth of agriculture and industry based on the upper
layer of the sediment records, and, if we go a bit more deeply, to follow
the evolution of diatoms for millions and millions years as well as to draw
conclusions about the history of formation of a waterbody, its level and
trophicity fluctuations, and even the global climate change. The diversity
of diatoms is thus a very important topic for studies. In this issue, we
would like to invite authors for discussion of the following problems:
- What is a species in diatoms, morphological, genetic, reproductive
isolation criteria in identifying a species.
- Limits of morphological variability of species depending on life cycle
stages and cultivation conditions.
- Dependence of diversity on environmental conditions, indicator species.
- Biogeography; diversity in post-glacial lakes and scenarios of species
- Diversity in ancient lakes – at the present time compared with
post-glacial lakes and from historical prospective; endemic species;
biodiversity formation centers based on ancient sediment analysis.
Dead line for submission is 1st July, 2021
Prof. Dr. Yelena Likhoshway
PS. Based on my experience, I note that the editorial team works
efficiently and professionally, peer review is carried out by highly
qualified experts and the articles are published well and quickly. The
journal has IF 1.402 and Q2
https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=6000187990&tip=sid&clean=0 in
Ecology and Nature and Landscape Conservation, and Q3 in Journal Citation
Reports (WoS), Hawever, I have got information from Ms. Thamas Suwannamas,
Assistant Editor, that the predict IF of journal in this year has over 2,
the journal will have the chance to enter Q2 after new IF release in 2021
Yelena Likhoshway
*Dr. Fernando J. Gomez*
CICTERRA-Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra
Velez Sarsfield 1611, Piso 2, Of. 4, Ciudad Universitaria
Zip Code X5016GCA - Córdoba - Argentina
Phone 54-0351-5353800 (ext. 30232)
Cell Phone 54-351-5164603
Personal teaching and research website:
CICTERRA website: *http://cicterra.conicet.unc.edu.ar/
<http://cicterra.conicet.unc.edu.ar/>* ; email: fjgomez at unc.edu.ar
Agustina I. Lencina
Lic. en Geología
Agustina I. Lencina
Lic. en Geología
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