Listas de Correo
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Fwd: [dinophyte] presentation by Shauna Murray Thursday 6 May 12:30pm (CET, GMT+2)

Enrique Ascencio eaascenc at
Thu Apr 29 16:40:04 -03 2021

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: Kenneth Mertens <kenneth.mertens at>
Date: jue., 29 abr. 2021 3:31 p. m.
Subject: [dinophyte] presentation by Shauna Murray Thursday 6 May 12:30pm
(CET, GMT+2)
To: dinophyte at <dinophyte at>

Dear colleagues,

I hope you are all getting excited for the first talk of our dinophyte
seminar series, next week's talk by* Shauna Murray next Thursday 6 May
12:30pm (CET, GMT+2)*. Please find attached the abstract.

Here is the zoom-link:


You can find all the same information about this talk here:

This website will be updated for the upcoming talks every time. So, please
bookmark this page.

All the best,

Kenneth, Vera and Marc
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