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[Lista-Algas] Solicitud artículo

Fernando Pinzón-Ramírez yangdzom at
Fri Nov 2 18:56:17 ART 2018

Estimados colegas,

Cordial saludo. Acudo a Uds. con la esperanza de poder acceder de alguna
forma al artículo que aparece reseñado a continuación. Está bastante
dificil. Si desde la institución de alguno de Uds. se puede acceder a esta
base de datos de Elsevier, se podrá. He intentado con Sci-Hub y con LibGen
y ha sido imposible. Es de un trabajo presentado en un evento realizado en

Desde ya les agradezco el esfuerzo.


Fernando Pinzón-Ramírez, MSc

*Nutrient preparation and low cost basin construction for village
production of Spirulina.*

*Author(s) :* Fox, R. D.

*Author Affiliation :* Association pour Combattre la Malnutrition par
Algoculture, 34190 Saint Bauzille de Putois, France.

*Editors :* Stadler, T.
J. <>
; Verdus, M.C.
Y. <>
; Morvan, H.

*Conference paper :* Algal Biotechnology.
1987 pp.355-364 ref.11

*Conference Title :* Algal Biotechnology.

*Abstract :* A system integrating sanitation, biogas generation, *Spirulina
*production, composting and fish culture has been designed for the village
situation and several such units were tested in developing country villages
(including India and Togo). Although many problems were encountered in each
domain, the system has become standardized and the results are very
encouraging. System components are described briefly and special emphasis
is given to the solar sterilization of digester effluent used in the algal
culture medium, to the compatibility of Tadellakt as an inexpensive
impermeable thin coating for mud block basin construction, and to yield
improvement achieved by inserting deflecting panels across the culture flow
channels. Costs are presented in the perspective of locality and the
numerous benefits obtained, some of which are difficult to quantify.

*ISBN :* 1851662332

*Record Number :* 19891353186

*Publisher :* Elsevier Applied Science Publishers Ltd.

*Location of publication :* Barking, Essex

*Country of publication :* UK

*Language of text :* English

*Language of summary :* English

*Indexing terms for this abstract:*

*Organism descriptor(s) :* Cyanobacteria, Spirulina

*Descriptor(s) :* algae culture, composting, fish culture, methane
production, Sewage, wastewater treatment, aquaculture

*Identifier(s) :* Algal biotechnology, bacterium, fish farming,
pisciculture, subsaharan Africa, Third World, Underdeveloped Countries,
waste water treatment, waste-water treatment

*Geographical Location(s) :* Africa South of Sahara, Developing countries,
India, Togo

*Broader term(s) :* Bacteria, prokaryotes, Cyanobacteria, Commonwealth of
Nations, Developing Countries, South Asia, Asia, ACP Countries, Francophone
Africa, Africa, Least Developed Countries, West Africa, Africa South of
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