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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Workshop Announcement

Ricardo Echenique rechen at
Wed Jul 4 10:03:20 ART 2018

---- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Eduardo A. Morales* <edu_mora123 at 
<mailto:edu_mora123 at>>
Date: 2018-07-02 7:35 GMT-03:00
Subject: Workshop Announcement

Dear friends:
     I kindly ask you to please consider and help with the announcement 
in your own institutions of the following workshop on cyanobacteria, 
which is being organized in the city of Évora, Portugal this coming 
September 10-15, 2018 (flyer attached).

     The workshop will be led by none others than Drs. Célia Sant'Anna 
and Jeffrey Johansen, well known researchers in the fields of taxonomy, 
systematics and ecology of cyanobacteria. We will also have invited 
speakers from different parts of Portugal and who will cover various 
topics concerning current research on these organisms in Portugal and 
Europe. The workshop will include lectures as well as intensive 
laboratory sessions to study local material and material brought by 

    The workshop is open to researchers and students who want to deepen 
their studies and want to get involved in projects dealing with all 
aspects of cyanobacterial research, includying  (molecular) studies of 
toxic blooms, which are becoming more frequent at the worldwide level. 
We will be happy to make connections among participants within the 
framework of possible projects and will be also organizing a network and 
list in order to exchange information and ideas, specially on toxic blooms.

      I thank you deeply for your help and hope to see you soon in Évora!!

Eduardo A. Morales, Ph.D.

Laboratório da Água

Universidade de Évora

Rua da Barba Rala No. 1

Parque Industrial e Tecnológico de Évora


Évora, Portugal

*Dr. Ricardo Echenique
*División Ficología "Dr. Sebastián Alberto Guarrera"
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo (UNLP)

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