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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Fwd: Invitation to be signatory on "World Scientists' Warning to Humanity"

Gabriela Mataloni gmataloni at
Thu Sep 28 14:03:13 ART 2017

Estimados colegas,

Comparto con ustedes la invitación a unirse a este llamamiento de la 
comunidad científica internacional. El link lleva al artículo, que es muy 
Un cordial saludo,

Dra. Gabriela Mataloni
Grupo de Biodiversidad, Limnología y Biología de la Conservación
3iA - Instituto de Investigación e Ingeniería Ambiental
Universidad Nacional de San Martín - Campus Miguelete
25 de Mayo y Francia  (1650) San Martín
Tel: 4006-1500 Int: 6027
Prov. de Buenos Aires

-----Original Message-----
From: scientistswarning <scientistswarning at>
To: "scientists-warning at" 
<scientists-warning at>
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2017 16:52:15 +0000
Subject: [Scientists-warning] Invitation to be signatory on "World 
Scientists' Warning to Humanity", A bit more help is needed after signing

Dear Colleague, I thank you for signing our “World Scientists’ Warning 
to Humanity: A Second Notice”, and I am very pleased with the 
overwhelmingly positive response from scientists around the world. To date 
we have more than 13,000 scientists from 180 countries that have signed the 
paper. We need your additional help in achieving our goal of 15,000-20,000 
signatories. Therefore, please forward the letter shown below to your 
scientist contacts, professional Listserv, or tweet with the hashtag shown 
below. In doing so, you will help the list of scientists grow, aiding us in 
getting the attention of world leaders, the mass media, and the public.  We 
are making history in that we will likely have the most co-signators ever to 
sign a journal article. Our efforts may also develop into a new grass-roots 
movement and organization as the “Alliance of World Scientists” (AWS) to 
helppreserve life on the earth. Considering the urgency of this global 
predicament, it is important that world scientists collectively have a 
strong voice. I will likely be back in touch with you in the future to give 
you a PDF copy of the article including a list of all signatories, ask you 
to send the article and list of signatories to the leaders and mass media of 
your country, and maybe ask for your ideas via a web form on what we can do 
next as an Alliance of World Scientists.
William (Bill) Ripple, lead author

Dear Scientist,
Twenty five years ago, in 1992, the Union of Concerned Scientists and more 
than 1500 scientists published the famous declaration entitled “World 
Scientists’ Warning to Humanity”. They called on humanity to curb 
environmental destruction, warning “all humanity that a great change in 
our stewardship of the earth and the life on it is required, if vast human 
misery is to be avoided.” Now, on the 25th anniversary of their famous 
call, we looked back at their warning and evaluated the human response over 
the last quarter century. This 25-year update will soon be published by 
To see the in press article “World scientists’ warning to humanity: a 
second notice” and add your name as a signatory, click: 
This short article is only 1,000 words long and can be read in 6 minutes. If 
you are a scientist, we invite you to endorse this article by adding your 
name to the co-signatory list. In doing so, when the article is published by 
BioScience, you will be included in the full list of signatories in the 
article’s online supplemental material. We invite all types of scientists 
to sign (e.g. ecologists, economists, social scientists, medicine, etc.) 
including graduate students in the sciences.
Please forward this email to any other scientists in your contact list that 
may also be interested in signing. For example, you could simply forward 
this email to your working group or Listserv.  If you use Twitter, consider 
inviting your colleagues to add their signatures by including 
#ScientistsWarningToHumanity in a tweet.
With your help, by forwarding this email to your scientist contacts, we will 
have many more scientists as co-signatories to present to world leaders. 
Thanks for helping get this important message to world leaders and to 
humanity. As of today, the article has been signed by more than 13,000 
scientists from 180 countries.

Thank you, Bill
William J. Ripple
Distinguished Professor of Ecology
Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society
Richardson Hall #321
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331
Email: scientistswarning at 
[mailto:scientistswarning at] []
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