ANNOUNCEMENT: HARMFUL ALGAE NEWS No. 55 is now available at** Content Highlights of the XVII ICHA Conference......................................... 2 Benthic HABs Vulcanodinium bloom and skin lesions in SCentral Cuba............... 10 Giant clams bioaccumulate ciguatoxins......................................... 12 Mats of Gambierdiscus in the Canary Islands.................................. 14 Other HAB events Sand-lance, a PSP vector in Alaska................................................... 16 High biomass blooms of Tripos in Angola............................................. 18 Water discoloration and fish kills off SW India............................. 19 Ongoing projects Azadinium survey in Western Ireland................................................. 16 ERANET project MARBioFEED. 17 ISSHA's Corner................................. 18 Past events X International Cyanobacteria conference.......................................... 27 Robert Guillard, in memoriam... 30 Forthcoming events.................... 32 Best regards, [**]Henrik Enevoldsen Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO Head, IOC Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae University of Copenhagen Marine Biological Section Universitetsparken 4 2100 Copenhagen Ø Denmark Tel.: +45 23260246 E-mail: h.enevoldsen at<mailto:h.enevoldsen at> Skype: henrik.oksfeldt.enevoldsen Visit the IOC HAB website** Subscribe to the newsletter Harmful Algae News:** ************************************************************************************************************ !!! Replies go to the sender !!! The address of this list is Phycotoxins at Should you require any assistance, contact Don Richard at Don.Richard at or John White at John.White at To leave, send "signoff Phycotoxins" to listserv at Archives are located at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>