[Lista-Algas] Fwd: Hilda Canter-Lund Annual Photography Award in Phycology
Gabriela Mataloni
gmataloni at unsam.edu.ar
Fri Apr 22 09:52:34 ART 2016
Estimados colegas, una oportunidad para hacer brillar la ficoflora y el
talento fotográfico latinoamericanos!
Cordiales saludos,
Dra. Gabriela Mataloni
Grupo de Biodiversidad, Limnología y Biología de la Conservación
3iA - Instituto de Investigación e Ingeniería Ambiental
Universidad Nacional de San Martín - Campus Miguelete
25 de Mayo y Francia (1650) San Martín
Tel: 4006-1500 Int: 6027
Prov. de Buenos Aires
-----Original Message-----
From: Anne Jungblut <a.jungblut at nhm.ac.uk>
To: Tyler Mackey <tjmackey at ucdavis.edu>, Claudineia Lizieri
<clau-lizieri at hotmail.com>, Susie Wood <Susie.Wood at cawthron.org.nz>, "Mary
Thaler" <mary.thaler.1 at ulaval.ca>, "Warwick F. Vincent"
<Warwick.Vincent at bio.ulaval.ca>, Connie Lovejoy
<Connie.Lovejoy at bio.ulaval.ca>, "Rott, Eugen" <Eugen.Rott at uibk.ac.at>,
"Annick Wilmotte" <awilmotte at ULG.AC.BE>, David Velazquez
<davidvlqz at gmail.com>, Richard Castenholz <rcasten at uoregon.edu>, Nathan
Chrismas <n.a.m.chrismas at bristol.ac.uk>, Vani Mohit
<vani.mohit.1 at ulaval.ca>, "Antonio Quesada" <antonio.quesada at uam.es>, Elster
Josef <Josef.Elster at ibot.cas.cz>, Eva Jahodářová
<EvaJahodarova at seznam.cz>, tashyreva <tashyreva at butbn.cas.cz>, Lenka
Raabová <lenka.raabova at gmail.com>, Paul Broady
<paul.broady at canterbury.ac.nz>, "Ian Hawes"
<aquaticresearchsolutions at gmail.com>, Japareng Lalung <japareng at usm.my>,
Faradina Merican Mohd Sidik Merican <faradina at usm.my>, "Convey, Peter"
<pcon at bas.ac.uk>, Phil Novis <NovisP at landcareresearch.co.nz>, "Liane G.
Benning" <l.g.benning at leeds.ac.uk>, Komárek Jiří
<Jiri.Komarek at ibot.cas.cz>, "H. Dail Laughinghouse IV"
<hdail.laughinghouse at gmail.com>, Gabriela Mataloni <gmataloni at unsam.edu.ar>,
"wim.vyverman at ugent.be" <wim.vyverman at ugent.be>, Jana Voříšková
<voriskovajana at centrum.cz>, "Takahiro Segawa" <segawa at nipr.ac.jp>,
"mbartak at sci.muni.cz" <mbartak at sci.muni.cz>, Weidong Kong
<wdkong at itpcas.ac.cn>, "elie.verleyen at ugent.be" <elie.verleyen at ugent.be>
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2016 11:26:24 +0000
Subject: Hilda Canter-Lund Annual Photography Award in Phycology
We are looking for your images on cyanobacteria, diatoms, dinoflagellates
or any other microalgae or seaweeds! I am sure lot of you generate amazing
microscopy and field work images or know somebody who does microscopy
imaging ! The British Phycological Society extended the deadline for the
annual Hilda Canter-Lund Photography Competition:
[http://www.brphycsoc.org/canter-lund/index.lasso]. Shortlisted photographs
will be shown on the BPS website and the winning image will be awarded with
This award was established by the British Phycological Society in
recognition of Hilda Canter-Lund, whose stunning photographs will be known
to many members. Her photomicrographs of freshwater algae combined high
technical and aesthetic qualities whilst still capturing the quintessence of
the organisms she was studying. The BPS Council offers an annual award
(presently £250) for a photograph on a phycological theme that best
combines these informative, technical and aesthetic qualities. It can be of
a micro- or macroalga, marine, freshwater or terrestrial, taken using any
photographic medium. The competition is open to all (not just BPS members).
Shortlisted photographs will be placed on the BPS website after the closing
date, and the winner will be announced at the Annual Meeting of the BPS, on
the BPS website and on ALGAE-L.
Please forward the information to anybody who might be interested.
Best wishes,
Dr. Anne D. Jungblut
Research Scientist
Life Sciences Department
The Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road
London SW7 5BD
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7942 5285
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