Listas de Correo
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP


Andres Boltovskoy anboltov at
Wed Jan 11 20:44:28 ART 2012






British Phycological Society



Marine Biological Association, Plymouth 7th to 9th March 2012

Course Leaders: Professor Christine Maggs (Queens University of Belfast) and Francis Bunker (MarineSeen, Pembrokeshire)

1.                     This popular 3 day course comprising a mix of lab and field work is now in its 8th year.  The course has been designed to cater for those interested in seaweeds at almost any level of expertise.

Topics to be covered

1.                       •Collecting and identifying algae in the field

2.                       •Use of keys and identification guides, microscopes and identification in the lab

3.                       •Seaweed classification

4.                       •Seaweed life histories and reproduction

5.                       •Preserving seaweeds for a variety of different purposes.

6.                       •Making a herbarium with necessary notes (it is hoped to include a viewing of the MBA’s famous algal herbarium)

7.                       •Donating seaweeds voucher specimens to museums; archiving material

8.                       •Preparing specimens for DNA extraction and analysis techniques

9.                       •Culture of seaweeds for research purposes



The Plymouth area has an exceptionally diverse intertidal flora and offers habitats for marine algae ranging from open coast to sheltered rock and sediment and from fully saline to estuarine conditions.  The MBA is an ideal location at which to base this course with its excellent laboratory facilities (with ready supplies of running seawater) and proximity to field sites.


Outline Course Programme:

The course will start at 0915 on Wednesday 7th March and end at 1500 on Friday 9th March  (Sites chosen for field visits may vary depending on weather conditions etc).


Day 1 – Introductory lectures followed by a field trip to a local shore.  

Day 2 – Laboratory identification of collected specimens, instruction on pressing seaweeds and viewing of the MBA herbarium, lecture on algal reproduction, field trip to the marina pontoons of St Anne’s Battery (a short walk from the laboratory).

Day 3 – Laboratory identification, culturing algae (a practical demonstration), seaweed reproduction lecture.


It is planned to collect sublittoral specimens to supplement the shore collections.



The course fee is £200 (inc VAT) which will cover the teaching and use of laboratory facilities (excluding food and accommodation).


The MBA has an excellent canteen that can provide packed lunches and evening meals.  We have found that eating ‘in house’ is very useful to course members who want to work into the evening and the meals are very good and represent excellent value.  If meals are required, the cost of lunches (3) and evening meals (2) is £70.00 (inc. VAT) per person.


If meals are required, please indicate your dietary requirements.  


Application forms are available from the course administrator, Rachel Culyer.
Contact: rachelculyer at
 Tel: +44 (0) 1646 684423 or +44 (0) 7790184131


Fees are payable in advance (before February 20th) to MarineSeen.  


Send cheques and completed application forms to: Rachel Culyer, Waterside, Bentlass, Hundleton, Pembrokeshire SA71 5RN, Wales, UK.  Credit card payments cannot be accepted.


If order numbers are required prior to invoices being paid, pleas supply ASAP.



Information on the location of the MBA and how to reach it via road, ferry, public transport and airports can be found at the following address:



There are many small hotels and B& B’s within walking distance of the MBA.  An accommodation list can be forwarded on request.





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