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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] The 2nd International Marine Phytoplankton Taxonomy Workshop

Andrés Boltovskoy anboltov at
Tue Sep 13 16:15:04 ART 2011


The 2nd International Marine Phytoplankton Taxonomy Workshop


The Marine Biological Association (MBA) and The Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science (SAHFOS) are delighted to announce they are jointly running the 2nd International Marine Phytoplankton Taxonomy Workshop.  The course will be held from 2nd - 13th July 2012 in the city of Plymouth, UK.


The workshop is aimed at all those working in the marine phytoplankton field and participants will be expected to have a basic knowledge of microalgae.  This will be an interactive workshop which will cover classification & taxonomy of the major marine microalgal groups.  In addition, there will be a substantial practical element which will encompass a range of Methodologies & Techniques including: Sampling, Settling & Slide Preparation, Cell Counting, Isolation, Microscopy & Culturing.


The proposed programme will consist of a series of seminars and practical sessions, with tuition from specially selected international experts including:


·       Prof. C .R Tomas - Professor of biological sciences at the University of North Carolina, USA.  Carmelo has extensive expertise in physiological ecology of marine microalgae.  He edited the book "Identifying Marine Phytoplankton", which is an authoritative guide to the identification of marine phytoplankton.

·       Dr D Sarno - Senior Researcher at the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Naples, Italy.  Her research interests are in marine phytoplankton taxonomy and ecology.

·       Dr K Steidinger - Leading expert in Harmful Algal Blooms and dinoflagellate taxonomy and biology at the Florida Marine Research Center, USA.

·       Dr I Probert - Senior Researcher at the Station Biologique de Roscoff, France.  He is an international expert in haptophyte taxonomy.

In order to keep a small and focused workshop, places are limited to 20. 


Further details to follow at


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