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[Lista-Algas] Libros ofrecidos poe KOELTZ [01set2011]

Andrés Boltovskoy anboltov at
Thu Sep 1 14:40:56 ART 2011

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Biology of economic algae.1994.illustr.545 p.gr8vo. Hard cover.
Deals with Rhodophyta and Phaeophyta.
40.00 EURO  US$ 58.00

Areschoug, John Erh.
Phyceae Novae et Minus Cognitae in Maribus Extraeuropaeis Collectae quas Descriptionibus atque Observationibus adumbravit. 1854. (Actor. Reg. Societatis Scientiar. Ups. Ser III:tiae, Vol. 1). 46 p. 4to. Paper covers.
38.00 EURO - US$ 55.10

Braune, Wolfram
Meeresalgen. Ein Farbbildführer zu verbreiteten benthischen Grün-, Braun- und Rotalgen der Weltmeere. 2008. 1010 Fig. auf 266 Farbtafeln. 596 S. gr8vo. Hardcover. (ISBN 978-3-906166-69-8)
Vorwort / Vorbemerkungen zur Benutzung des Buches/ EINFÜHRUNG: Zum Begriff Meeresalgen / Grundinformationen zu Bau und Fortpflanzung / Fundorte, Standorte, Verbreitung / Hinweise zum Sammeln, Präparieren, Beobachten und Fotografieren/ Ökologie und ökonomische Bedeutung von Meeresalgen und ästhetisch-kulturelle Aspekte (Meeresalgen als Teil des Ökosystems ,Wirtschaftliche Nutzung von Meeresalgen, Meeresalgen in Kunst und Kultur; die Ästhetik von Meeresalgen) / Systematische Gliederung: BESCHREIBUNG UND ABBILDUNG DER GATTUNGEN UND ARTEN ((Grünalgen (Chlorophyta, Chlorophyceae), Braunalgen (Heterokonta, Phaeophyceae), Rotalgen (Rhodophyta, Rhodophyceae)) /ANHANG: Systematische Zuordnung der im Buch erwähnten Meeresalgen-Gattungen / Erläuterung von Fachausdrücken (Glossar) / Verwendete und weiterführende Literatur (Biologie der Algen (allgemein), Meeresalgen einzelner Verbreitungsgebiete, Meeresalgen im Internet / Register: Verzeichnis der Gattungen und Arten. - Der vorliegende Naturführer soll eine Hilfe beim Kennenlernen von Meeresalgen (Großalgen, Tange) sein, ohne dafür spezielle Fachkenntnisse und technische Hilfsmittel (Mikroskop) vorauszusetzen. Für den allgemein biologisch interessierten und vorgebildeten Naturfreund bietet sich hierfür der direkte Vergleich des vorgefundenen Materials mit farbigen Original-Abbildungen an, die die wesentlichen Gestalts-Merkmale der Gattungen bzw. der Arten wiedererkennen lassen. Der begleitende Text will dies unterstützen; er beschränkt sich im Wesentlichen auf die Beschreibung morphologischer Charakteristika, die auch ohne optische Hilfsmittel (gegebenenfalls durch eine Lupe) erkannt werden können. Dies wird ergänzt durch weitere Angaben, u.a. zum Wuchsort und zur geografischen Verbreitung. Das Buch stellt mit seinen bisher einzigartigen originalen Farb- abbildungen von Großalgen aller Weltmeere ein Novum in der Algen- literatur dar, das auch Fachleuten ein attraktives Nachschlagewerk sein kann.
39.00 EURO - US$ 56.55

Braune, Wolfram and Michael D. Guiry
Seaweeds. A colour guide to common benthic green, brown and red algae of the world's oceans. Translated and revised for the English language edition by Michael D. Guiry. 2011. 1020 figs on 263 col. plates. 601 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. (ISBN 978-3-906166-90-2)
Contents: General and introductory remarks for the use of this book/ Introduction (About the term 'marine algae'/ Basic information on structure and reproduction/ Localities, habitats, distribution/ Notes on collection, preparation, observation and photography/ Ecological and economic importance of seaweeds and aesthetic - cultural aspects)/ Systematic classification/ Description and depiction of genera and species/ Appendix (Classification of seaweed genera included in this book/ Explanation of terms/ Literature)/ Index: Genera and species. - This is a translation of the German edition (2008).15 pictures have been replaced with better ones, and seven species have been added. - The present guide will help in the identification of marine algae (macroalgae, seaweeds) without requiring special knowledge of the subject and technical aids, such as a microscope. For a person interested in nature with a general interest in and knowledge of biology, a direct comparison of seaweed material with the original colour images herein will be useful in recognising the essential morphological chararcteristics of genera and/or species. The acommpanying text is intended to support this, and is essentially reduced to a description of morphological characteristics that can be seen with the unaided eye (although a small magnifying lense is helpful in some cases). This is supplemented by additional information, particularly on habitat and geographical distribution.
59.00 EURO - US$ 85.55

Desikachary, T. V., V. Krishnamurthy and M. S. Balakrishnan
Rhodophyta, Volume 2.1998. 31 photographic plates. 89 figures. II, 359, XV p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
The second volume of a monographic treatment of the Rhodophyta of Indian shores, comprising the orders Corallinales, Gigartinales, Ahnfeltiales, Rhodymeniales and Ceramiales, occuring in the Indian region. Volume 1 was published 1990.
47.00 EURO - US$ 68.15

Einav, Rachel
Seaweeds of the Eastern Mediterranean Coast. 2007. Many col. photogr. 266 p. 4to. Hardcover. - In English. (ISBN 978-3-906166-36-0)
This book will be a welcome addition to the sparse literature on seaweeds of the Eastern Mediterranean. There are introductory chapters on bio-ecology, reproduction and life-cycles, the economic value of seaweeds, sea and sea - shore, abiotic factors and their effect on littoral algae communities A taxonomic list of species, keys to genera, divisions & species, followed by the systematic part arranged in Rhodophyta, Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta. In each section, the algae are arranged alphabetically using their scientific names. At the end of the book a glossary is given, plus illustrated guide to drying algae and bibliography, information on underwater photography of algae, collecting algae, drying algae, wet preservation, preserving in glycerine, algae collections in Israel, and species index.
110.00 EURO - US$ 159.50

Flora Algarum Marinarum Sinicarum - Volume 6: Pyrrophyta, 1: Dinophyceae, Ceratiaceae. 2009. pls. XVIII, 93 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. - In Chinese, with Latin nomenclature and Latin species index, English keys.
42.00 EURO - US$ 60.90

Fryxell, Greta A.
Survival strategies of the algae. 2011. illus. X, 144 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Contents:Preface/The role of resting spores and akinetes in chlorophyte survival (Annette W.Coleman)/Survival strategies of chrysophycean flagellates: reproduction and the formation of resistant resting cysts (Craig D.Sandgren)/Diatom resting spores:significance and strategies (Paul E.Hargraves and Fred F.French)/ Dinoflagellate resting cysts: "benthic plankton"(Barrie Dale)/Index. - Paper bd. edition of the 1983 hardcover edition.
19.00 EURO - US$ 27.55

Green, J.C., B.S.C.Leadbeater and W.L.Diver
The Chromophyte Algae. Problems and Perspectives. 1989. (Print on Demand; Syst, Ass. Sp. Vol. 38).illustr. XII,429 p. gr8vo. Cloth.
Contents (partly): The Chromophyta, past and present (Tyge Christensen) / Chlorophyll c pigments and their distribution in the chromophyte algae (S.W.Jeffrey)/ Distribution patterns of carotenoids in relation to chromophyte phylogeny and systematics (Terje Bjoernland and Synnoeve Liaaen-Jensen)/ The photosynthetic apparatus as a phyletic character (John A.Raven, Andrew M.Johnston, and Misni bin Surif)/ Analysis of chloroplast evolution and phylogeny: a molecular approach (Rose Ann Cattolico and Suzanne Loiseaux-de Goer)/ Molecular aspects and phylogenetic implications of plastid genomes of certain chromophytes (Klaus V.Kowallik)/ Chromophyte chloroplasts - a polyphyletic origin? (Jean M.Whatley)/ The phylogenetic significance of flagellar hairs in the Chromophyta (Barry S.C. Leadbreater)/ The flagellar base ultrastructure and phylogeny of chromophytes (Hans R. Preisig)/ Relationships between the chromophyte algae: the evidence from studies of mitosis (J.C. Green)/ Phylogenetic relationships of dinoflagellates and their plastids (John D. Dodge)/ Brown algae and chromophyte phylogeny (M.N. Clayton)/ etc.
95.00 EURO - US$ 137.75

Hardy, Gavin and Michael D. Guiry
A Check - List and Atlas of the Seaweeds of Britain and Ireland. 2nd corr. ed. 2006. approx. 630 maps. X, 435 p. 4to. Hardcover. (ISBN 978-3-906166-35-3)
A check-list,in taxonomic order, of ca. 642 seaweeds referred to the classes Rhodophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Phaeophyceae and the genus Vaucheria (Xanthophyceae) from Britain and Ireland together with maps. Members of the British Phycological Society will be billed at the reduced membership price.
92.00 EURO - US$ 133.40

Hori, Terumitsu (ed.)
An Illustrated Atlas of the Life History of Algae. Volumes 1-3. 1993-1994. illustr. gr8vo. Hardcover.- In Japanese with latin nomenclature and Latin species index.
Second hand copy in good condition. Volume 1 covers Green Algae. Volume 2 covers Brown and Red Algae. Volume 3 covers Unicellular and Flagellated Algae.
200.00 EURO - US$ 290.00

Hustedt, Friedrich
The Pennate Diatoms.A translation of Hustedt's "Die Kieselalgen,Teil 2",with supplement by Norman G.Jensen.1985.Illustrated. XVIII, 918 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. (ISBN 978-3-87429-246-7)
Contents(partly):Pennatae:1.Araphideae(Fragilarioideae(Entopyleae/ Tabellarieae/ Fragilarieae))/2. Raphidioideae(Eunotioideae)/ 3. Monoraphideae (Achnanthoideae)/ 4.Biraphideae(Naviculoideae)/- Index to Species in Part II/Publication Dates for Installments of Part II/ Supplement to Part II/Supplement to Part II,Table of Contents/Supplement to Part II, Index to Genera and Species/ Appendix A,The Life and Work of Friedrich Hustedt/Appendix B,Scientific Publications by Friedrich Hustedt/Appendix C,The Friedrich-Hustedt-Arbeitsplatz.
120.00 EURO - US$ 174.00

Iconographia Diatomologica - Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Ed. by Horst Lange - Bertalot. Volume 22: Siver, Peter A. and Paul B. Hamilton: Diatoms of North America. The Freshwater Flora of Waterbodies on the Atlantic Coastal Plain. 2011. 2331 micrographs on 273 plates. 12 col. photographs. 7 tabs. 4 appendices. 923 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. (ISBN 978-3-906166-95-7)
Contents (chapter headings): Introduction (An introduction to the Atlantic Coastal Plain from North Carolina to New Jersey/ Chemical & Physical Characteristics of the Atlantic Coastal Plain Sites & A Brief Comparison with Waterbodies on Cape Cod/ General Characteristics of the Diatom Flora, Including a Comparison with the Flora from Waterbodies on Cape Cod)/ The Diatom Flora (General Information / The Taxa) / Literature Cited/ Plates / Appendices / Index. - Quotation from the 'Overview': Approximately 150 collections from 45 waterbodies situated along the Atlantic Coastal Plain were included in this volume. Three areas of focus, the Pocosin National Wildlife Refuge (11 sites), The Croatan National Forest (9 sites) and the Bladen Lakes State Forest (7 sites), are located along the coastal portion of North Carolina. The North Carolina waterbodies included shallow wetlands, small ponds, lakes, larger lakes, and a series of canals cut through significant sections of vegetation, which ranged in size from small depressions of 0.4 ha in size to over 6,475 ha (Phelps Lake). In general, these waterbodies were shallow, less than 3 meters deep and monomictic, not freezing over winter. All sites were associated with pocosin (early settlers used this term to define a low swampy ground, like a wooded swamp) or Carolina bay vegetation characteristic of this portion of the Atlantic Coastal Plain (Richardson et al., 1981). A fourth area of study included 13 waterbodies situated within the Pinelands National Reserve in southern New Jersey at the northern limit of the Atlantic Coastal Plain. The Pinelands National Preserve consists of sandy, well drained soils and is largely dominated by xerophytic vegetation. Observations of the diatom floras in five small Carolina bays situated on the Delmarva Peninsla in Maryland were also included in this work. The majority of the New Jersey and Maryland waterbodies were shallow lakes that would also be classified as warm monomictic.' - A total of 231 diatom taxa were recorded in the Atlantic Coastal Plain sites. 242 taxa were found in Cape Cod ponds, but not encountered further south in the Atlantic Coastal Plain sites. Additionally, 102 of the species reported from the Atlantic Coastal Plain were not found in Cape Cod waterbodies underscoring the fact that the diatom floras are different between the two regions.
186.00 EURO - US$ 269.70

Iconographia Diatomologica - Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Ed. by Horst Lange-Bertalot.Volume 02: Ecology-Diversity-Taxonomy: Lange- Bertalot and Ditmar Metzeltin: Indicators of Oligotrophy. 800 taxa representative of three ecologically distinct lake types. Carbonate buffered - Oligodystrophic - Weakly buffered soft water.1996. 2428 figures on 125 plates.390 p.gr8vo.Hardcover. (ISBN 978-3-87429-386-0)
Quotation from the abstract: The diatom flora of three differing types of oligotrophic lakes was investigated. These lake-types are becoming rarer, even outside Europe. Generally, oligotraphentic species are much less known than the mostly cosmopolitan diatoms in high densities in eutrophic waters. 1. A single sample from the extremely electrolyte poor, but humid acid rich Julma Ölkky in Finland contained 502 taxa. This includes morphotypes that at the moment have no formal taxonomic rank. 2.Several samples from the electrolytic poor Weinfelder Maar in the Eifel, West Germany. 216 taxa were found in this humid acid free, clear - water lake. 3.Several samples from the CaCo3 or hydrogen carbonate well-buffered and relatively electrolyte poor Mittersee in Austria produced 318 taxa. As 213 taxa ( from total of 1036) occurred in two or all three of the lakes studied, the number of different taxa comes to 832 (and even some more when the uncertain species are included). This represents about 50% of the total number of c. 1600 taxa recorded in the "Süsswasserflora von Mitteleuropa" (1986-1991) for all of Europe. Notable is the fact that this number includes over 300 halophilic resp. mesohalobic species, that for ecological reasons connot occur in the three lakes investigated Of the c.800 taxa documented here, over 200 could not be identified, an astonishing 25% of the total. Our patchy knowledge of the diversity in oligotrophic waters of the relatively well - researched region of Europe is underlined by this. 55 of these are here described as new, and a further 31 are recognised as being new taxa but formally described elsewhere. 46 other taxa are also probably new. The remainig 80 entities cannot be identified or their identification is uncertain. From the established taxa, 66 were treated as a nov.comb., nov.stat. or nov.nom. Two new genera (ex Navicula s.l.) are described: Geissleria and Chamaepinnularia.- This volume has bilingual (English/German) introduction, summary of findings and discussion. Systematic-taxonomic part in alphabetical sequence, descriptions bilingual (Latin/German),additional explanations in German.
113.00 EURO - US$ 163.85

Jha, B., C. R. K. Reddy, M. C. Thakur and M. U. Rao
Seaweeds of India: The Diversity and Distribution of Seaweeds of Gujarat Coast. 2009. (Developments in Applied Phycology, 3). many col. photogr. XI, 215 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
Describes a total of 198 species of marine macroalgae representing all three major groups of Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta and Rhodophyta collected from the Gujarat coast which is well known for its algal abundance and diversity. All species described in this book are based on primary collections exclusively made for this purpose and truly reflect the current status of seaweed biodiversity of Gujarat coast. For easy identification, high resolution colour pictures of each species in its natural habitat together with well spread habit of thallus with cross sections showing characteristic features of respective specimens have been provided. Further, the taxonomical descriptions along with distribution and GPS data, abundance, ecology, economic importance etc. have also been included. The contents of this book are user friendly and provide most reliable baseline data on seaweed biodiversity for monitoring and evaluating the impact of any coastal developmental activities aimed at long term economic gains or environmental changes as a result of global warming and climate change.
100.00 EURO - US$ 145.00

John, David M. and David B. Williamson
A practical guide to the Desmids of the West of Ireland. 2009. 49 pls. 12 col. photogr. 8 line- figs. 1 map. 3 tabs. VIII, 196 p. 4to. Hardcover. (ISBN 978-3-906166-71-1)
The present guide covers the somewhat imprecisely defined district of Galway known as Connemara (Iar - Chonnacht) and south Mayo where yearly rainfall is exceptionally high (c. 1500mm) and winters are comparatively mild...Lying 5 km off County Mayo in Clew Bay is Clare Island, an island included because of its special significance as the focus of the earliest major biological survey of any specific area of the world. The present guide focuses on those desmids in standing water, ranging from small boggy pools through to large loughs as well those associated with areas of freshwater seepage... (Quoted from the introduction). - Detailed descriptions and keys.
86.00 EURO - US$ 124.70

Kristiansen, Jorgen
Golden Algae. A Biology of Chrysophytes. 2005. illustrated. 167 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. (ISBN 978-3-906166-23-0)
Contents: Preface/ 1: Introducing Chrysophytes (Morphological diversity - Ultrastructure - Extracellular structures - Reproduction and life histories)/ 2: Chrysophyte taxonomy ( Early history and light microscopy - Electron microscopy - Molecular investigations: gene sequencing - The present taxonomic system)/ 3: Nutrition in chrysophytes (Phototrophic nutrition -Auxotrophy and mixotrophy - Phagotrophy and phagotrophic mechanisms)/ 4: Chrysophyte evolution and relationships (Origin and evolutionary trends - Evolution of chrysophyte diversity - Evolutionary lines related to the chrysophytes) 5: Silica - scaled chrysophytes (Examination of the silica structures - Investigation history - Silica structures in the Chrysophyceae - Silica structures in the Synurophyceae)/ 6: Occurrence and biogeography of chrysophytes (Introductory remarks - Local distribution patterns - Global biogeography - Distribution types - Endemicity - Dispersal mechanisms)/ 7: Chrysophyte ecology (Methods - Marine chrysophytes - Chrysophytes in freshwater - Environmental factors - Seasonality - pH as environmental factor - Other factors governing regional distributions)/ 8: Chrysophytes as ecological indicators ( Chrysophytes in ecological monitoring - Chrysophytes in paleoecology - Chrysophyte cysts - Chrysophyte scales)/ Epilogue/ References/ Some important books on chrysophytes/ Sources of illustrations/ Species index. - This book gives an overview of the state of the art in chrysophyte research, how our knowledge has expanded and what problems are in focus now.It shows the importance of the available techniques and the shift in interest from light microscopy to electron microscopy, and from morphology to biochemistry and gene technology... The knowledge of the species and their nutritional strategies has made it possible to include them rationally in ecological investigations, e.g. in food web studies and in environmental monitoring. This has also enhanced their use as ecological indicators, especially based on the silica scales and stomatocysts in paleoecology, also as markers for future climatic changes...(Quote from the epilogue).
78.00 EURO - US$ 113.10

Kylin, H. und C. Skottsberg
Zur Kenntnis der Subantarktischen und Arktischen Meeresalgen. II: Rhodophyceen. 1919. (Wiss. Ergebn. der Schwed. Südpolarexped. 1901 - 1903, IV:15). 1 Tafel. 88 S. 4to. Broschiert.
32.00 EURO - US$ 46.40

Kylin, Harald
- A collection of 24 papers on Rhodophyceae. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Contains: Die Florideenordnung Rhodymeniales. 1931/ Die Florideen - ordnung Gigartinales. 1932/ Die Phaeophyceenordnung Chordariales. 1940. / Über die Entwicklunsgeschichte der Phaeophyceen. 1933./ Bemerkungen über die Entwicklungsgeschichte einiger Phaeophyceen. 1937./ Die Phaeophyceen der schwedischen Westküste. 1947./ etc.
76.00 EURO - US$ 110.20

Kylin, Harald
- Collection of 5 papers on Rhodophyceae, Chlorophyceae. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Californische Rhodophyceen. 1941./ Die Phaeophyceenordnung Chordariales / Die Chlorophyceen der schwedischen Westküste. 1949/ Studien über die Delesseriaceen.1924.
56.00 EURO - US$ 81.20

Kylin, Harald
Studien über die Algenflora der schwedischen Westküste. 1907.(Dissertation).7 Tafeln. 286 S.gr8vo.Broschiert.
Originalbroschur, mit Stempel des Vorbesitzers.
49.00 EURO - US$ 71.05

Kylin, Harald
Californische Rhodophyceen. 1941. (Lunds Univ. Arsskrift, NF, Avd. 2, Bd. 37
2). 13 Tafeln. 7 Fig. 51 S. gr8vo. Broschiert.
Second hand copy.
21.00 EURO - US$ 30.45

Lange - Bertalot, Horst (ed.)
Diatomeen im Süßwasser - Benthos von Mitteleuropa. Bestimmungsflora Kieselalgen für die ökologische Praxis. Über 700 der häufigsten Arten und ihre Ökologie. Von Gabriele Hofmann, Marcus Werum und Horst Lange-Bertalot. 2011. 3522 Fig. auf 133 Tafeln. 908 S. gr8vo. Hardcover. - In German, with Latin nomenclature and Latin species index. (978-3-906166-92-6)
The main aim of this book is to provide assistance for identification of taxa in applied hydrobiology, in particular water monitoring according to the implementation of EU Water Framework Directive. This book represents a somewhat reduced but condensed and updated freshwater diatom flora of Central Europe. Planctonic - halobious and most of the rare taxa are generally excluded. This special flora is restricted to diatoms that are frequent and/or abundant in the area of concern, to comply with the request of water monitoring in applied hydrobiology. This concerns most of the locally occurring diatoms relevant for biological analysis of inland waters for continuous quality control, and acts as a background for protection of aquatic habitats. 793 photographically documented taxa encompass more then 50 percent of the recent benthic freshwater diatom flora. Lacking are taxa which are either rare (in Europe) or of dubious identity, or difficult to discriminate from more common taxa by lightmicroscopical observation. Short diagnoses are given for 707 taxa, followed by ecological features as well as by comparable taxa, with references of literature where they can be found. Two general identification keys are given for the approximately 100 genera; additionally, 18 species - level keys for the most species - rich genera are given. Special attention is paid to biogeography, hydrogeology and typology of aquatic habitats, expressed in particular tables. Based on approximately 11.000 evaluated samples from various running and stagnant waters, preferences are indicated for over 500 taxa - in which specific type of water do they occur, where are they regularly missing? The classification of the 'red list' of diatom taxa for Germany (recently prepared for publication) is added. New or resurrected old generic entities which were (re-)introduced to the actual nomenclature are critically discussed. Thus, also in cases when the authors hesitate to follow proposals published during the last 20 years. A continuity between tgaxonomy before and after 1990 should be maint
ained. Practioners may be less interested in diverging taxonomical opinions. Knowledge of the specific identity is neccessary rather than the assessed generic relationship. Stability, as far as possible, is desirable. Although halobious taxa are principally not considered in this book, most recorded taxa are described and illustrated independent of the alphabetic range of freshwater taxa at the end of that chapter, because they occur quite often among assemblages of freshwater taxa in the 'hinterland' of the North Sea. A glossary is placed in front of the diagnoses. The index of names contains 1589 taxa, names and synonyms.
120.00 EURO - US$ 174.00

Larkum, Anthony W. D., Susan E. Douglas and John A. Raven (eds.)
Photosynthesis in Algae. 2003. (Adv. in Photosynthesis and Respiration, 14). 550 p. Hardcover.
Nineteen contributions on a broad spectrum of aspects of this field of research, e.g. developments in molecular biology (e.g. transformation mutants in Clamydomonas), areas important to global climate change, carbon dioxide exchange, light harvesting, energy transduction, biotechnology, etc.
359.00 EURO - US$ 520.55

Likhoshway, Yelena (ed.)
Proceedings of the 19th International Diatom Symposium held at Listvyanka, Irkutsk, Russia, from 28 August to 3 September 2008. 180 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
Contents (partly): Spatial patterns of planktonic and benthic diatom distribution and assemblage similarity in Lake Matano (Sulawesi Island, Indonesia)/ A diatom record of glacial to interglacial transition beneath the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica/ Valve morphogenesis in the centric diatom Cyclotella baicalensis/ Four new Cyclotella species from Pliocene lacustrine deposits in the U.S.A./ Paralia longispina sp. nov., an extant species from Palau and Haha-jima, western North Pacific/ The Gyrosigma taxa (Bacillariophyceae) in Lake Baikal, Siberia, Russia/ The type, taxonomy, and distribution of Anomoeoneis fogedii Reimer/ A history of diatom research in Russia/ Morphological and taxonomical study of Cocconeis baikalensis/ Aulacoseira hachiyaensis sp. nov., a new Early Miocene freshwater fossil diatom from the Hachiya Formation, Japan/ Examination of types in the Fragilaria pectinalis-capitellata species complex/ Type material of Peronia fibula: morphology, systematics and relationships/ The diatom flora of some hot springs in Kamchatka, Russia.
98.00 EURO - US$ 142.10

Textbook of Phycology. 2010. 183 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
Contents: Introduction / The Study of Algae / Types of Algae / Algaculture / Algae Fuel / Algae in Aquarium / Phytoplankton / Lentic Ecosystems / Alginate or Alginic Acid / Filamentous Alge / Algae and Microorganisms / Marine Algae / Algal Blooms in Fresh Water.
24.00 EURO - US$ 34.80

Ruiz, Hippolytus
De Vera Fuci Natantis Fructificatione Commentarius. 1798. 1 foldg. copper plate. 38 p. gr8vo. - In Latin.
Paper covers lacking. Good and clean copy.
68.00 EURO - US$ 98.60

Suesswasserflora von Mitteleuropa /Freshwater Flora of Central Europe
Band 07: Eloranta, Pertti, Janina Kwandrans and Elsalore Kusel - Fetzmann: Rhodophyta and Phaeophyceae. 2011. 343 figs. 155 p. Hardcover. - In English.
Volume 7 of the series "Süßwasserflora/Freshwater Flora of Central Europe" covers the freshwater red algae and brown algae of this region. Freshwater red algae can be found in running waters, in lakes and ponds, on wet soils and sometimes also in hot sulphuric springs. The small group of freshwater brown algae occurs in rivers and lakes. Several freshwater red and brown algae are included into the red lists of threatened species. Freshwater Rhodophyta is a rather small and systematically heterogeneous group. From a total number of about 200 freshwater red algal species, which were described, only one third is found in Europe representing nine orders and various life forms. Phaeophyceae, mainly found in the sea, cover a wide range of size from tiny thalli to huge marine kelps. In freshwaters, only seven species were described worldwide. All freshwater phaeophytes are small-sized, and appear as dark brown crusts or as tiny cushions on hard substrata. Some taxa can be found in clear and clean waters, others prefer brackish habitats. Previous floras of Central European freshwater red and brown algae were published in this series by Pascher and Schiller in 1925, and by Starmach (1977) in the Flora Sodkowodna Polski [Fresh Water Flora of Poland]. Since since then, no further identification keys were issued covering these groups of Central Europe. This book is intended to fill that gap and to aid both the algologists as well as applied researchers to efficiently and correctly identify European freshwater red and brown algae using updated nomenclature. Detailed descriptions of all taxa are given and high-quality drawings and photographs of the species facilitate their identification.
62.00 EURO - US$ 89.90

Synopses of the Antarctic Benthos
Ed. by J. Wägele and J. Sieg: Vol.9: Wiencke, C. and M. N. Clayton: Antarctic Seaweeds. 2002. 40 photogr. plates. 11 figs. 3 tabs. 239 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. (ISBN 978-3-904144-82-7 )
>From the preface: Our main aim in writing this book was to make up-to-date information on the seaweeds of Antarctica more accessible to the general scientific reader. We wanted to make the task of recognising seaweeds simpler and faster, and we sought to present current knowledge of species in the form of a comprehensive account of their biology that helps to explain how Antarctic seaweeds are adapted to life in this extreme environment. We have added photographs of as many species as possible, including many of the commoner Antarctic seaweeds. - Contents (main headings): Introduction (Previous research on Antarctic seaweeds, Antarctica as a habitat for seaweeds)/ Biological diversity of Antarctic seaweeds (Status of taxonomic records, Species richness, Endemisms and biogeographical relationships, Composition and distribution of seaweed assemblages)/ Ecophysiology of Antarctic seaweeds (Physiological thallus anatomy, Phenology, Light and depth zonation, Temperature and geographic distribution, Effects of desiccation, salinity and temperature in supra- and eulittoral seaweeds)/ Collection, cultivation and preservation/ Systematic list of seaweeds recorded from Antarctica / Key to common species of Antarctic seaweeds (Rhodophyta, Chrysophyceae and Phaeophyceae, Chlorophyceae)/ Species descriptions/ Glossary/ References/ Acknowledgements/ Subject Index / Taxonomic Index.
76.00 EURO - US$ 110.20

Tseng,D.K. (ed.)
Common Seaweeds of China.1983.149 col.pls.X,316 p. 4to. Hardcover. - In English.
Contents:Preface/Systematic list of species/Ecological photographs/ Cyanophyta/ Rhodophyta/ Xanthophyta/ Phaeophyta/ Prochlorophyta/ Chlorophyta/ Selected Bibliography/Index. - Second hand copy.
89.00 EURO - US$ 129.05

ZANEVELD, Jacques S.
The Cyanophyta of the Ross Sea Islands and Coastal Victoria Land, Antarctica. 1988. 6 colour photos.12 figs.5 tabs.4 maps. 85 p. gr8vo. Paper bd. (ISBN 978-3-87429-271-9)
In the present paper the author applied Drouet and Daily's classification of the Cyanophyta (published between 1952 and 1981) to all blue-green algae ever collected and reported on and around the Ross Sea islands and coastal Victoria Land, Antarctica. As a consequence, the total number of 353 cyanophytan taxa reported by Prescott in 1979 had to be reduced to 30. Ten of these taxa consist of coccoid blue-green algae and 20 taxa comprise oscillatorioid blue-greens. Our own collections resulting from taxonomical and ecological studies carried out in this part of Antarctica between 1963 and 1967 showed the presence of 12 taxa sensu Drouet and Daily. This number was composed of 3 coccoid, 3 heterocystous oscillatorioid, and 6 non-heterocystous oscillatorioid blue-green algal taxa. (From the Summary).
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