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[Lista-Algas] PSA notice

Visitacion Conforti conforti at
Thu Oct 27 13:34:11 ART 2011

>X-Original-To: psa at
>Delivered-To: psa at
>To: "'psa at'" <psa at>
>Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2011 11:48:22 -0400
>Dear Algal Community
>The Phycological Society of America, through its Applied Phycology 
>Committee, is organizing a booth at the National Science and Engineering 
>Fair, at the Convention Center in Washington, D.C. in April, 2012. 
>Needless to say, we want to provide an exciting and informative agenda for 
>all visitors, but particularly young people thinking of careers in 
>science. While the emphasis will be on the ways in which algae provide 
>economic or conservation value, this is also an opportunity to educate 
>about the broad biodiversity and biospheric importance of algae.
>Two concepts under consideration are: 1.) A continuous video loop of one 
>half to one hour to present 6-12 commercial (or potentially commercial) 
>and conservation projects. A timetable would be present below to indicate 
>when visitors to the booth could arrive to view a particular project; 2.) 
>An overhead banner, such as the attached, to emphasize the global 
>importance of algae (note this image was the initiating slide of a power 
>point on algal biofuels; it should be expanded to indicate the great 
>polyphyletic diversity of algae). We do need some interactive concepts.
>As co-chairs of the booth, Charlie Yarish and I are soliciting ideas that 
>maximize educational content in the very limited venue of a convention 
>center booth. (note: the PSA booth will be located near a “bio-bus” with 
>microscopes and other laboratory equipment. We would also like to have 
>seaweed environments presented in the continuous loop video and the 
>Please e-mail Walter Adey (<mailto:Adeyw at>Adeyw at and/or 
>Charlie Yarish (<mailto:charles.yarish at>charles.yarish at 
>with your exciting concepts. Please note: we are working with a very 
>limited budget, and donations of any kind that support ideas will be most 
>Venus and Earth Adey
>%You are receiving this message as a subscriber to the Phycological 
>Society of America announcement list.
>PSA mailing list
>PSA at

Dra. Visitación Conforti
Dpto. de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Ciudad Universitaria, Pab. II
C1428EHA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel. 5411- 45763349, 15 5479-6380
FAX 5411- 45763384, 5411-4682-3240
e-mail: conforti at
web page:

Piense antes de imprimir. Ahorrar papel es cuidar nuestro ambiente

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