[Lista-Algas] Libros ofrecidos poe KOELTZ [18oct2011]
Andrés Boltovskoy
anboltov at gmail.com
Tue Oct 18 15:43:09 ART 2011
P.O.Box 1360, D-61453 Koenigstein / Germany
E-mail: koeltz at t-online.de Web: www.koeltz.com
Phone (+49) (0) 6174 93720 Fax (+49)(0) 6174 937 240
Algae of Ukraine. Diversity, Nomenclature, Taxonomy, Ecology and Geography. Ed. by Petro M. Tsarenko, Solomon P. Wasser and Eviatar Nevo: Volume 3: Chlorophyta. 2011. 51 plates (mainly line - drawings). 511 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
This volume contains data on 1381 species of green algae, belonging to 7 classes and 26 orders. The text and plates are arranged in alphabetical and according to taxonomic order (with one exception: the type taxon of the infraspecific rank immediately follows the name of the species). Information about nomenclature for each species or infraspecific taxa, i.e., basionym, main synonyms (usually used when referring to the algal flora of Ukraine and still used in reference books), occurrence, and distribution in Ukraine with reference to world distribution. The distribution is shown using the local administrative place, type of water bodies, and non - aquatic biotopes specifically for the Ukraine and other countries on different continents, such as those that are 'widespread' or 'cosmopolitan' or reasonably comon. The distribution maps show the distribution of the described taxa for the Ukraine. Some new nomenclatural combinations and taxa are validated. Original drawings and micrographs of new and of some rare species from Ukraine. PRICE: 92.00 EURO US$ 128.80
Diatom Monographs
Edited by Andrzej Witkowski: Volume 14: Reid, Geraldine: A revision of the family Pleurosigmataceae (Bacillariophyta). 2011. 24 plates (LM & SEM). 163 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. (ISBN 978-3-905997-00-2)
The morphology of the family Pleurosigmataceae Mereschkowsky is documented using light and scanning electron mircroscopy. A historical overview of the treatment of the family is given and their interrelationships explored using cladistic analysis. Four new genera are described; Arcuatasigma gen. nov., Carinasigma gen. nov., Cochlearisigma gen.nov. and Costasigma gen. nov.; fourteen new combinations are proposed; and five new species described: Arcuatasigma addu sp. nov., Arcuatasigma castracanensis sp. nov., Donkinia lipscombensis sp. nov., Cochlearisigma ohsinsina sp. nov. and Costasigma simsii sp. nov. Plagiotropis is shown to be most closely related to the keeled members of the Pleurosigmataceae and is thus included in the Pleurosigmataceae, a new tribe is proposed to reflect this relationship, Carinasigmodeae tribe nov., which contains the new sub - tribe Rhocosigmodeae sub - tribe nov. within it to reflect the relationships of Rhoicosigma and Cochlearisigma. A further two tribes are described, Toxonideae tribe nov. and Pleurosigmodeae tribe. nov. Pleurosigma transilvanicum is formally transferred here to Gyrosigma transilvanicum (Pantocsek) Reid comb. nov. as it contains all the characters of Gyrosigma not Pleurosigma i.e. striae arranged in longitudinal and transverse rows. Hyalosigma is shown to be a member of the Pleurosigmataceae and is formally transferred to the family. (Quoted from the abstract). PRICE: 79.00 EURO US$ 110.60
Kristiansen, Jorgen and Robert A. Andersen (eds.)
Chrysophytes. Aspects and Problems. 1986. (Reprint 2011). 352 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Also available as a hardcover.- Originally published in 1986, this book presents an in-depth treatment of the biology of the chrysophytes. The papers collected here are a result of the First International Chrysophyte Symposium held at the University of North Dakota in 1953. The algae, a group of predominantly fresh water microorganisms, have distinctive features that present much information about their taxonomic classification, their place in evolution and their role in the environment. The ecological significance of the chrysophytes is evident from their abundance in acid bogs and lakes, a condition that has created a new group of investigators concerned with these unique algae and the changing environment. These are just some of the aspects of chrysophyte biology that are discussed here. This book provides a strong foundation towards understanding today's living forms of chrysophyte algae and sheds light on the probable aquatic ecosystems of the past. PRICE: 43.00 EURO US$ 60.20
Rowan, Kingsley S.
Photosynthetic Pigments of Algae. 1989. (Reprint 2011). illus. 350 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Also available as a hardcover.- This 1989 book deals with the physical and chemical properties found in algae of different types (blue-green, red, golden-brown, yellow-green, brown and green). Methods used for extracting and purifying the pigments and their value in classifying the various types of algae are discussed in detail. This book contains detailed tables of the physical properties of the pigments (absorption and fluorescence-emission spectra and extinction coefficients), and brings together data on the distribution of algal pigments in relation to hypotheses of the evaluation of algae. It will be of value to anyone with an interest in phycology. PRICE: 51.00 EURO US$ 71.40
Xuechegn, Zhang, Qin Song, Ma Jiahai and Xu Pu
The Genetics of Marine Algae. 2005. pls. tabs. 334 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.- In Chinese, with Latin nomenclature. PRICE: 60.00 EURO US$ 84.00
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