[Lista-Algas] Libros ofrecidos por Koeltz (10/10/2011)
Andrés Boltovskoy
anboltov at gmail.com
Thu Oct 13 16:44:18 ART 2011
P.O.Box 1360, D-61453 Koenigstein / Germany
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Fensome, R. A., F. J. R. Taylor, W. A. S. Sarjeant, a. oth.
A CLASSIFICATION OF LIVING AND FOSSIL DINOFLAGELLATES. 1993. (Micro- paleontology special publication number 7). illus. VII, 351 p. 4to. Paper bd.
PRICE: 138.00 EURO US$ 193.20
Lfg. 15: Nelson Navarro, J. y David U. Hernandez-Becerril: Checklist of Marine Diatoms from the Caribbean Sea. 1997. 48 p. Paper bd.
A check -list of 1083 taxa. Most common synonyms are given. For the purpose of this paper, the Caribbean Sea includes the coasts of the Greater and Lesser Antilles, and the coasts of the countries bordering the Caribbean, including Central America. The Gulf of Mexico, the Bahamas and the Sargassum Sea are excluded.
PRICE: 32.00 EURO US$ 44.80
Rai, A. K. (ed.)
This book deals with cyanobacterial nitrogen metabolism exclusively. Combines both environmental and biotechnological aspects.
PRICE: 82.00 EURO US$ 114.80
Skottsberg, Carl
ZUR KENNTNIS DER SUBANTARKTISCHEN UND ANTARKTISCHEN MEERESALGEN. I: PHAEOPHYCEEN. 1907. (Dissertation & Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Südpolar-Expedition 1901-1903,Bd.IV:6). 10 Tafeln.172 S.4to.Broschiert.
PRICE: 35.00 EURO US$ 49.00
Volume 2: Vijayaraghavan, M. R. and Bela Bhatia: Red Algae. Structure, Ultrastructure and Reproduction.1997. 122 figs. XXII,306 p.gr8vo.
Covers the basics as well as currently available information on the structure, ultrastructure, and reproduction of red algae.
PRICE: 39.00 EURO US$ 54.60
Ed. by J. Wägele and J. Sieg: Vol.9: Wiencke, C. and M. N. Clayton: Antarctic Seaweeds. 2002. 40 photogr. plates. 11 figs. 3 tabs. 239 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. (ISBN 978-3-904144-82-7 )
>From the preface: Our main aim in writing this book was to make up-to-date information on the seaweeds of Antarctica more accessible to the general scientific reader. We wanted to make the task of recognising seaweeds simpler and faster, and we sought to present current knowledge of species in the form of a comprehensive account of their biology that helps to explain how Antarctic seaweeds are adapted to life in this extreme environment. We have added photographs of as many species as possible, including many of the commoner Antarctic seaweeds. - Contents (main headings): Introduction (Previous research on Antarctic seaweeds, Antarctica as a habitat for seaweeds)/ Biological diversity of Antarctic seaweeds (Status of taxonomic records, Species richness, Endemisms and biogeographical relationships, Composition and distribution of seaweed assemblages)/ Ecophysiology of Antarctic seaweeds (Physiological thallus anatomy, Phenology, Light and depth zonation, Temperature and geographic distribution, Effects of desiccation, salinity and temperature in supra- and eulittoral seaweeds)/ Collection, cultivation and preservation/ Systematic list of seaweeds recorded from Antarctica / Key to common species of Antarctic seaweeds (Rhodophyta, Chrysophyceae and Phaeophyceae, Chlorophyceae)/ Species descriptions/ Glossary/ References/ Acknowledgements/ Subject Index / Taxonomic Index.
PRICE: 76.00 EURO US$ 106.40
Taft, Clarence E. and Celeste W. Taft
THE ALGAE OF WESTERN LAKE ERIE. 1971.( Bull. Ohio Biol.Survey, 4(1)). Reprint 1990. 645 figs.189 p. Paper bd.
This is not an exact facsimile, but a reprinted edition with additional introductory matter, mainly biographical.
PRICE: 24.00 EURO US$ 33.60
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