Listas de Correo
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Congreso en Sud Africa

Andres Boltovskoy anboltov at
Thu Nov 24 09:11:00 ART 2011

27th Congress of Phycological Society of Southern Africa will be held from 17-22 June 201227th Congress of Phycological Society of Southern Africa will be held from 17-22 June 2012

The 27th Congress of PSSA will be held from 17-22 June 2012, at Qologha on the "Wild Coast" of the Eastern Cape, South Africa.
The meeting will comprise 3-4 days of oral and poster presentations interspersed with field excursions and collecting opportunities on the shore and in nearby estuaries. Qologha is about 70 km east of the nearest airport, which is in the city of East London. 

The venue will be at Seagulls Hotel, which lies on the shore of this beautiful and almost undeveloped coast, in the warm temperate Agulhas Marine Province.

For further details see the attached pdf of the First Announcement. For enquiries contact Rob Anderson (Robert.Anderson at <mailto:Robert.Anderson at> ) or Mark Rothman (Mark.Rothman at   

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