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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Fwd: POGO - Phytoplankton taxonomy training course

Fernando Pinzón-Ramírez yangdzom at
Mon Nov 7 12:35:07 ART 2011

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: COI-IEO CCCAN <vigohab at>
Date: 2011/11/7
Subject: POGO - Phytoplankton taxonomy training course

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Estimados colegas:****

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Os adjunto información que espero sea de vuestro interés.****

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Un cordial saludo,****

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        Mónica Lion****

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-----Mensaje original-----
*De:* Sophie Seeyave [mailto:ssve at]
*Enviado el:* jueves, 03 de noviembre de 2011 18:48
*Para:* POGO Secretariat
*Asunto:* Phytoplankton taxonomy training course****


Dear POGO Members,****


SAHFOS and MBA are jointly organising the 2nd International Phytoplankton
Identification Course to be held from 2 to **13 July 2012**. The workshop
is aimed at all those working in the marine phytoplankton field and
participants will be expected to have a basic knowledge of microalgae.****

This will be an interactive workshop which will cover classification &
taxonomy of the major marine microalgal groups.  In addition, there will be
a substantial practical element which will encompass a range of
Methodologies & Techniques including: Sampling, Settling & Slide
Preparation, Cell Counting, Isolation, Microscopy & Culturing. The proposed
program will consist of a series of seminars and practical sessions, with
tuition from specially selected international experts, including Carmelo
Tomas, Karen Steidinger, Diana Sarno and Ian Probert.****

The cost of participation is 1300 GBP + VAT (if applicable), inclusive of
accommodation and meals. POGO is offering a grant to one participant from a
developing country to attend the course. The grant will cover travel from
the participant’s home to ****Plymouth****, visa costs and the workshop
fee. The list of eligible countries can be found here:  ****


For further details, and to apply, go to: ****


*IMPORTANT NOTE: To apply for the POGO grant, please apply through the
normal channels and clearly state on your application that you are applying
for the POGO grant. The application deadline is 2 December 2011. Any
queries relating to the POGO grant should be addressed to Sophie Seeyave (
ssve at*****


I would be grateful if you could circulate this announcement to any
contacts you may have in developing countries.****


Best regards,****


Sophie ****

Dr. Sophie Seeyave
Scientific Coordinator
Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans (POGO)
****Plymouth**** Marine Laboratory
Prospect Place
****Plymouth**** PL1 3DH
****United Kingdom****

Tel. +44 (0)1752 633 424
Fax. +44 (0)1752 633 101****



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*Monica Lion ***

COI-IEO Centro Científico y de Comunicación sobre Algas Nocivas****

IOC-IEO Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae****

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Centro Oceanografico de Vigo****

IEO (Instituto Español de Oceanografia)
Apdo. 1552
36200 Vigo, Pontevedra

Phone: + 34 986 492111
Fax: + 34 986 492003
e-mail: vigohab at <monica.lion at> ****

Visit the IOC HAB Website at ****

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