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[Lista-Algas] libros ofrecidos por Koeltz

Andres Boltovskoy anboltov at
Wed Nov 2 18:11:42 ART 2011

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Gantt, Elisabeth (ed.) Handbook of Phycological Methods. Vol. 03: Developmental and Cytological Methods. 1980. illus. figs. 425 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
Special offer, valid till Dec. 31, 2011. - Normal price: EUR 120.00 Contents(shortened):Introd./ Experimental Algal Systems and Techniques (Control of morphogenesis in Micrasterias,Control of Development in Scenedesmus,Mating induction and flagellar adhesion in Chlamydomonas reinhardi,etc.)/ Light and Electron Microscopy:Preparative Methods (Photomicrography and special microscopic techniques,Polarized light, interference,and differential interference,Preparation of algae for light microscopy,Fixation,embedding,sectioning,and staining of algae for electron microscopy,etc.). PRICE: 90.00 EURO US$ 126.00

Gantt, Elisabeth (ed.)
Handbook of Phycological Methods. Volume 3: Developmental and Cytological Methods. 2011. illus. 425 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Special offer, valid till Dec. 31, 2011. - Normal price: EUR 57.00 - Focus on cytological and developmental methods,each method already has been applied successfully to algae, and practical examples are given. - Digital reprint of the edition from 2008. PRICE:  43.00 EURO US$ 60.20

Kristiansen, Jorgen and Robert A. Andersen (eds.)
Chrysophytes. Aspects and Problems. 1986. (Reprint 2011). 352 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Special offer, valid till Dec. 31, 2011. - Normal price: EUR 33.00 - Originally published in 1986, this book presents an in-depth treatment of the biology of the chrysophytes. The papers collected here are a result of the First International Chrysophyte Symposium held at the University of North Dakota in 1953. The algae, a group of predominantly fresh water microorganisms, have distinctive features that present much information about their taxonomic classification, their place in evolution and their role in the environment. The ecological significance of the chrysophytes is evident from their abundance in acid bogs and lakes, a condition that has created a new group of investigators concerned with these unique algae and the changing environment. These are just some of the aspects of chrysophyte biology that are discussed here. This book provides a strong foundation towards understanding today's living forms of chrysophyte algae and sheds light on the probable aquatic ecosystems of the past. PRICE: 24.00 EURO US$ 33.60

Lembi, Carole A. and J. Robert Waaland (eds.)
Algae and Human Affairs. 1988. (Digital reprint 2007). VII, 590 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Special offer, valid till Dec. 31, 2011. - Normal price: EUR 68.00 - Provides the only current comprehensive survey of the major roles of algae in present and future human life. This detailed, up-to-date synthesis is divided into four sections. The first reviews the natural roles of algae as sources of oxygen, organic carbon compounds, and as bases of food- chains for higher trophic levels. The second group of chapters deals with the commercial and economic value of algae to industry, energy, waste treatment, and agriculture. The third section discusses the detrimental, sometimes disastrous, effects of algae in the form of red-tide organisms, weeds, producers of freshwater toxins, and marine biofouling. The final section considers current applications and future potential of algae to industry, in general, and, in particular, to space exploration and genetic engineering. PRICE: 52.00 EURO US$ 72.80

Algae and Human Affairs. 1988. 50 tabs. 40 figs. 50 line-diagrams. VIII,590 p. gr8vo. Cloth.
Special offer, valid till Dec. 31, 2011. - Normal price: EUR 153.00 - Provides a detailed, up-to-date synthesis on the important roles algae play in human life. The book is divided into four sections. The first reviews the natural roles of algae as sources of oxygen, organic carbon compounds, and as a bases of food-chains for higher trophic levels. The second group of chapters deals with the commercial and economic value of algae to industry, energy waste treatment, and agriculture. The third section discusses the detrimental, sometimes disastrous, effects of algae in the form of red-tide organisms, weeds, producers of freshwater toxins, and biofouling, as sources of human foods and food additives (for example the carageenan used in dairy products and other foods is an algal extract). The final section considers current applications and future potential of algae to industry in general and in particular to space exploration and genetic engineering. PRICE: 114.00 EURO US$ 159.60

Littler, Mark M. and Diane S. Littler (eds.)
Handbook of Phycological Methods: Ecological Field methods: Macroalgae. 1985. (Digital reprint 2008). illus. XIII, 617 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Special offer, valid till Dec. 31, 2011. - Normal price: EUR 84.00 - A comprehensive treatment of recently developed methodologies in the rapidly advancing field of marine benthic algal ecology. Both traditional and modern methods are presented along with the limitations of various project-specific examples. References and discussions include how procedures may be adapted to suit different habitats, diverse algal systems, or other conditions. This book contains sufficient detail to be valuable to a wide audience, including both advanced and student researchers and educators throughout the academic and technical community. PRICE: 64.00 EURO US$ 89.60

Reynolds, Colin
Ecology of Phytoplankton. Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation. illus. 552 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Special offer, valid till Dec. 31, 2011. - Normal price: EUR 67.00 - Communities of microscopic plant life, or phytoplankton, ominate the Earth's aquatic ecosystems. This book covers the adaptations, physiology and population dynamics of phytoplankton communities in lakes and rivers and oceans. It provides basic information on composition, morphology and physiology of the main phyletic groups represented in marine and freshwater systems and in addition reviews recent advances in community ecology, developing an appreciation of assembly processes, co-existence and competition, disturbance and diversity. Although focussed on one group of organisms, the book develops many concepts relevant to ecology in the broadest sense, and as such will appeal to graduate students and researchers in ecology, limnology and oceanography. PRICE: 53.00 EURO US$ 74.20

Roy, Suzanne, Carole Llewellyn, Einar Skarstad Egeland and GEIR JOHSON (EDS.)
Phytoplankton Pigments. Characterization, Chemotaxonomy and Applications in Oceanography. 2011. (Cambridge Environmental Chemistry Series). tabs. col. illus. figs. 784 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
Special offer, valid till Dec. 31, 2011. - Normal price: EUR 99.00 - Pigments act as tracers to elucidate the fate of phytoplankton in the world's oceans and are often associated with important biogeochemical cycles related to carbon dynamics in the oceans. They are increasingly used in in situ and remote-sensing applications, detecting algal biomass and major taxa through changes in water colour. This book is a follow-up to the 1997 volume Phytoplankton Pigments in Oceanography. Since then, there have been many advances concerning phytoplankton pigments. This book includes recent discoveries on several new algal classes particularly for the picoplankton, and on new pigments. It also includes many advances in methodologies, including liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and developments and updates on the mathematical methods used to exploit pigment information and extract the composition of phytoplankton communities. PRICE: 69.00 EURO US$ 96.60

Sandgren, Craig D., J.P. Smol and J. Kristiansen (eds.)
Chrysophyte Algae. Ecology, Phylogeny and Development.1995.45 tabs. 57 figs. XIV,399 p.gr8vo.Hardcover.
Special offer, valid till Dec. 31, 2011. - Normal price: EUR 110.00 - Main headings: History of chrysophyte reasearch: origin and development of concepts and ideas/ Phylogeny, systematics and evolution/ Development , physiology and nutrition/ Ecology, paleoecology and reproduction/ Contributed original papers (=4 papers). PRICE: 85.00 EURO US$ 119.00

Smol, J. P. and E. F. Stoermer (eds.)
The Diatoms. Applications for the Environmental and Earth Sciences. 2nd rev. and enlarged ed. 2010. illus. XVIII, 667 p. 4to. Hardcover.
Special offer, valid till Dec. 31, 2011. - Normal price: EUR 150.00 - This much revised and expanded edition provides a valuable and detailed summary of the many uses of diatoms in a wide range of applications in the environmental and earth sciences. Particular emphasis is placed on the use of diatoms in analysing ecological problems related to climate change, acidification, eutrophication, and other pollution issues. The chapters are divided into sections for easy reference, with separate sections covering indicators in different aquatic environments. A final section explores diatom use in other fields of study such as forensics, oil and gas exploration, nanotechnology, and archaeology. Sixteen new chapters have been added since the first edition, including introductory chapters on diatom biology and the numerical approaches used by diatomists. The extensive glossary has also been expanded and now includes over 1,000 detailed entries, which will help non-specialists to use the book effectively. PRICE: 115.00 EURO US$ 161.00

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