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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Postdocs in algal evolution and ecology

Andres Boltovskoy anboltov at
Thu May 19 21:57:06 ART 2011

Community Phylogenetics and Green Algal Biodiversity

We seek highly motivated postdoctoral researchers to participate in two NSF-funded, collaborative research projects studying biodiversity and systematics in green algae, working in the laboratory of Dr. Charles Delwiche at the University of Maryland - College Park. We are using high-throughput sequencing of expressed sequences to study phylogenetics, ecology, and evolution in green algae. These studies will collect very large sequence datasets that will entail substantial challenges in informatics and analysis. The successful candidates will work at the cutting edge of research in biological diversity, and will have the opportunity to explore the interconnections between evolutionary history, cellular metabolism, and community function. Willingness to work in a highly collaborative environment including postdocs, graduate students, and undergraduates will be essential. There will also be opportunities for the candidate to pursue his or her own research program within the broad context of the grant proposal, and in collaboration with the PI, lab, and outside collaborators. Two positions are open, one to be filled immediately, and one to be filled in Fall/Winter, 2011. Both positions require a Ph.D. in the biological sciences, bioinformatics, or a related field, and preference will be given to candidates having experience with algal/plant biodiversity, RNA biology, high-throughput sequencing, and/or sequence analysis. An initial commitment of one year will be expected, and can be extended upon mutual agreement to at least three years. Benefits include vacation, health insurance, and retirement contributions. Opportunities for career development will be available as a part of the project and through the broader University environment. The University of Maryland is located in College Park, a suburb of the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area, and provides a vibrant cultural and academic environment with easy access to a vast array of Federal research facilities.The starting date is flexible and will remain open until filled. For primary consideration, applicants should apply by May 27, 2011. Informal inquiries are encouraged, prior to formal application. To apply formally, please send the following:1. A curriculum vitae2. Names of 3 referees willing to provide a letter of recommendation upon request3. A brief statement of how your research goals fit with research on algal biodiversity, systematics, and evolutionary biology.Email applications are preferred, and should be sent to: aaalgeee at

Biosciences Research Building
College Park, Maryland 20742-4407
301.405.1084 TEL 301.314.1248 FAX
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